
SEP-2023-QSM Disappearance and Appearance


Speech by Mr. Azeemi on the occasion on Adam Day 2023, addressing the participants in Pakistan, Britain, Canada, United States of America, United Arab Emirates, and other countries.

In the name of God, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful.

Fortune favours the respectful, misfortune befalls the disrespectful

Peace Be Upon You,

May God’s blessings shower upon us. In this world and in the countless other worlds that coexist with this world, may God grant us the ability to fulfil the actions that God has decreed through the Prophets (PBUT). It is said that 124,000 Prophets (PBUT) came into this world, and they proclaimed that God is the Lord of all creation in the universe. God wanted to be cognised, and for this, it was essential for other beings to exist other than the Lord of the universe.

We are all offspring of one mother and father. Even when the descendant (mankind) of Adam and Eve (PBUT) are among thousands of other creations, one can identify them by their distinct features, colour, looks, and natural form, and every individual in mankind can recognise them as their fellow beings. The heat and chill in the weather bring in variations in the features of individuals, however, these changes bring our focus to the fact that despite these differences, other individuals are our siblings and all offspring of Adam and Eve (PBUT).

The Divine laws shared by the Prophets (PBUT) for mankind on the ways of societal living are inscribed in clear words on the screens of our minds. God stated to the last Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in the Heavenly Scripture, the Quran,

Say (O Muhammad): We believe in God and that which is revealed unto us and that which was revealed unto Abraham and Ishmael and Isaac and Jacob and the tribes, and that which was vouchsafed unto Moses and Jesus and the prophets from their Lord. We make no distinction between any of them, and unto Him we have surrendered.”  (Quran, 3:84)


The process of identifying an individual from mankind amongst the millions of other species is instantaneous, and therefore, when one sees a descendant of Adam and Eve (PBUT), one automatically declares them as a member of mankind. Due to the attraction that is present in their relationship with Adam (PBUH), the sons, and daughters of Adam (PBUH) feel the same attraction in their connection with each other that is established through the common lineage. When one comes from the unseen realm into the visible or apparent realm, that is, this world, every individual in mankind proclaims, “These are my sons and daughters, my brothers and sisters.”

When one contemplates the system of the universe mentioned in the Heavenly Scriptures, one observes that there are two sides to every species, including mankind. While one side is male, the other is female. And this formula of male and female is subjected to the collective programme (process of creation) of the male and female in every species.

It is very thought-provoking to think about where Adam and Eve (PBUT) were before their birth. Along with this, hidden under the veils inside the heart, is another question – on the one hand, the days in the life of the descendants of Adam (PBUH) are disappearing, and on the other, they are appearing on the belt where things hide, disappear, and appear. The series of appearing and disappearing commenced with Adam and Eve (PBUT) and has been established since. When a day-old infant appears on the screen of Earth, the second day is not mentioned until the first day is hidden, and in this very same way, the 11th day is not mentioned until the 10 preceding              days disappear.

What I intend to say is that all the offspring of Adam and Eve (PBUT) are established on the belt of unseen and seen, and vice versa. The veil of the unseen conceals an individual inside it and brings forth and displays that which is visible inside the unseen. To understand this, the sons and daughters of Adam and Eve (PBUT) must be aware that they are operating on a belt where they are hidden, become unseen, then become visible again, only to become unseen after a while of being visible. 

What is the equation when we say that one is unseen after being visible?

When we look for a day-old infant in someone despite them being 20* years of age, we see nothing but their external existence – the physical body. In the end, the individual who is visible on earth, interchanges between being unseen and seen, seen and unseen, and finally disappears from this world. Disappearing behind the veil and appearing from behind the veil, the growth of something small and the shrinking and disappearance of something large. The features becoming prominent and the states of life show that, when an infant appeared on earth, it appeared from the unseen and when the infant is two days old, the first day disappears. When childhood disappears, adulthood appears, and when adulthood appears in the form of old age, then?

Respected ladies and gentlemen, when we consider our relationship through Adam and Eve (PBUT), I am your brother, your son, your grandson, or whatever relationship you wish to refer to me with. Like the prayer beads, every relationship is a bead, the second relationship is the second prayer bead, the third relationship is the third prayer bead, and the fourth relationship is the fourth prayer bead. One bead is the father, the second bead is the mother, the third bead is the son or daughter, and the fourth bead is the grandchild.

The decrease and increase in age are due to the process of the unseen and the seen. When an infant appears, we refer to it as birth, however, what of when two days disappear and a third day appears? Allow this subject to create movement in the veils of your mind and a secret will be revealed to you, a secret which even when we see, we do not see.


Before being manifested on the earth, where did Adam and Eve (PBUT) exist? And despite being present here, the belt of time where the first day disappears and the second day appears, the second day disappears and the third day appears, the third day disappears and the fourth day appears, is still operational. This is why we say that a person is 50 years old, 100 years old, or an infant that is 10 days old. And in the end, the infant returns to the very same realm that it appeared from on earth. The present-day is hidden in the veil of yesterday. This game of hide and seek is life. And life is a sequence of the seen and the unseen. Which zone were we in before we were born, and after we appeared on earth, where does each day, month, and year get hidden? Be it the age of infancy, childhood, adolescence, adulthood, or old age, the game of life is operative on the screen of seen and unseen.

Dear elders, friends, brothers, and sisters, this secret that has been revealed, is in fact not a secret, rather, it has been made a secret. This is because, no one is unaware that the world from where all the offspring and descendants of Adam and Eve (PBUH) arrived on earth and is unseen for us, is not really unseen. Is mankind themselves not an unending daily series of appearance and disappearance?

When ten days are hidden, we are happy that an infant is ten days old. Are the ten days that we celebrate not a thick veil? When infancy goes into hiding, childhood appears, and then when old age goes into hiding, tell me, where did mankind come from and after spending months and years, where do they disappear to?

Every city and community have a hidden population, and everyone knows what it is called. Whoever enters this place, does not come back, however, their memories remain intact. Before birth, every creation is covered by a veil of the unseen. When the veil is lifted, a film is displayed on the screen. Pay attention, is this life, not a film? Is the earth, not a screen?


Respected attendees and distinguished guests,

A spiritual person is aware of where mankind existed before arriving in this world, where a day goes, and the fact that in the end, this game of hide and seek disappears from the screen of this world and after transferring into a different world, appears on the screen of that world. It returns to the place it has come from.

“Every creature has come from God and is returning to God.”

Respected ladies and gentlemen! By virtue of being descendants of Adam and Eve (PBUH), we are all brothers and sisters. There are different branches of knowledge; one among them is the knowledge of internal observations. However, every knowledge is founded upon the seen and the unseen. Until one feels thirsty, the requirement of thirst is the knowledge of the unseen. Drinking water to quench one’s thirst is the knowledge of the seen. However, this knowledge of the seen is such that the requirements of the creations are consistently active in the form of blood within their veins and arteries. When this whole process stops, then an individual or creature is a dead body. A dead body is a state or is analogous to a toy, in which the activity is entirely dependent on the system of the unseen and seen. Life manifests and hides behind the veils of the unseen because every human being uses the knowledge of arrival and departure at all times.

There is a practice in spirituality that assists in getting acquainted with the inner observations of the physical body. Everyone can observe this; not just observe but rather their entire lives become an observation.

Practise: Sit in a comfortable position. Close your eyes and visualise that there is blue light all around you. That is, you are sitting in the blue light.

The duration of this visualisation should be 15 minutes. Apart from practicing now, continue the practice at home too for 15 days.

You attended the “Adam Day” ceremony, and honoured us all.
 May God shower you with worldly and spiritual blessings. Thank you very much.

Do practice the exercise that was shared. About the outcome – we can say that the outcome will reveal itself upon you. Note down the observations and send them to Qalandar Shaoor Monthly.

May God protect you.




Articles of 'MESSAGE OF THE DAY' from Qalandar Shaoor Monthly