


Kaaba constantly receives the blessings of Allah. Angels perform Tawaf of Kaaba all the time. It is considered Beit Allah or the House of Allah. The pilgrims also perform Tawaf and their souls observe Allah's blessings. Similarly, when Allah's servants visit the Prophet's mosque, they feel a connection with the Prophet (PBUH). A humble attempt has been made by this scribe to collect the observations of those who were lucky to have seen Allah's Prophet (PBUH) and several characteristics of Allah. Out of thousands, following are some of the observations which were collected.

Tawaf is performed around Kaaba. Allah has the knowledge of everything. In fact, He is the source of all knowledge, the All Knowing. His Noor, manifests in his creature.

Tawaf is both Saoodi and Nazooli movement. Saoodi movement means that man concentrates on Allah and Nazooli means man moves in circles on sacred ground. Tawaf fills one's conscious and sub conscious with lights. The concentration of light makes one observe his or her God. The All Knowing and All Seeing Allah wants human beings to recognize their Creator and observe His qualities. Beit Allah is Allah's house and a center where pilgrims connect themselves with the oneness of Allah.

When pilgrims recite Talbeeh and perform Tawaf, he feels himself surrounded by invisible and spiritual lights. While crying profusely, one of the pilgrims informed that he observed Allah and his body went out of material world and he felt Allah addressing him saying that He accepted his pilgrimage.

While reciting durood, one of the lady pilgrims saw Sayyedna Abu Bakr, SayyednaUmer and Sayyedna Ali inside the Rowda of the Prophet (PBUH).

One of the pilgrims saw himself a seven or eight years old boy in his dream in Bibi Fatema's house. She is sitting in her court yard. The pilgrim paid respect and Sayyeda places her hand on his head with affection.

One of the pilgrims informed that while meditating he saw Imam Hussain sitting on a throne. There is a beautiful crown on his head. Sayyedna Hussain is addressing a huge crowd of pious souls.

A Muslim brother saw the Prophet (PBUH). He pays his respects and requests for prayers.

One of the pilgrims informed that he recited durood the whole day at the Prophet's Rowdah. At the time of Iftar he saw the Prophet (PBUH) and his family breaking fast under one of the huge umbrellas in the courtyard. He also had the good luck to see Sayyeda Ayesha and Sayedda Fatema. SayeddaFatema offered him a date.

One of the pilgrims who happened to be a spiritual personality informed that after Tahajjud he witnessed a fall of light descending from sky near Bab Jibreel. Also, saw Sayyedna Umar Farooq respectfully sitting near the Prophet (PBUH). At Safa, observed light of the Prophethood in meditation. Also saw, homes of the Prophet (PBUH) and those of the Mothers of Momineen as well as the Prophet's mosque as it stood 1400 years ago.

A pious pilgrim performed Salat behind the Prophet (PBUH) who recited Surah Aalaa.

The Prophet (PBUH) prayed for forgiveness of Muslims. Allah accepted his prayers and forgave sins of His servants except violation of each other's rights. The Prophet (PBUH) once again requested, “O Allah You are Omnipotent. You have the power to compensate those whose rights were violated and forgive those who violated the rights. Allah accepted this dua at Muzdalfah and the Prophet (PBUH) smiled. When his companions asked, he said that Allah accepted his prayers and Satan mourned.

One of the pilgrims says that he was in Makkah Mukarraman when a pious man from Yemen came to visit and said that he had brought a gift. Then he asked a young man accompanying him to tell his story. The young man informed that when he started off for Hajj, a huge crowd came to see him off. One of the companions requested him that while entering the Prophet's mosque convey his regards to him and that to his companions. However, the pilgrim forgot to deliver Salam at the Rowda. When he left Madinah and reached Dul-Halifa, he remembered that he had to deliver Salam. He asked his companions to take care of his camel and returned to the Prophet's mosque. His companions advised him against going back as the caravan was about to leave for Makkah. The man requested his companions to take his camel along. He returned to the Rowda and paid regards. The caravan after a while left for Makkah. He thought that he would return with another caravan. That night he saw the Prophet (PBUH) along with Hazrat Abu Bakar Siddique. Hazrat Abu Bakar Siddique pointed to him and submitted to the Prophet (PBUH) that he was the one. The Prophet (PBUH) called him Abul Wafa (the one who keeps his promise). The man said that “O Prophet (PBUH), I am called Abul Abbas. The Prophet (PBUH) insisted that he was Abul Wafa. He held his hand and took him to Makkah Mukarramah. He stayed in Makkah for 8 days and on 8th day his caravan reached Makkah.

A group of traders went for Hajj. The ship developed technical faults during voyage. One of the travelers who had goods worth 50,000 gold coins decided to leave them behind and walk with a caravan for Hajj. His companions asked him to wait and sell his goods first and then leave for Hajj. The traders swore upon Allah that he would leave everything behind and perform Hajj as Hajj was much better than worldly trade and he had seen something that would not allow him to change his decision. When people asked as to what did he see? He informed that once he was going for Hajj along with a caravan, they ran out of water. Water was not available anywhere. Everyone was quite thirsty. A few steps ahead he met a fakir holding a bowl in one hand and a spear in the other. The fakir hit the earth with his spear and at that place water gushed out. He drank from the water and later returned to the caravan and brought other people to water.

Hazrat Ibrahim Ghawwas recorded that during a travel he ran out of water and became very thirsty and fell unconscious. Someone sprinkled water on my face. I opened my eyes and saw a handsome man riding a beautiful horse. He had him drink water and asked him to ride the horse along with him. After a while they reached Madinah. The horseman asked Ghawwas to get down and asked him to pay his Salam at the Rowda and submit that “O Prophet (PBUH), your brother Khizr has sent Salam”.

Hazrat Shah Wali says that whenever he submitted his Salam at the Rowda, it was accepted. Once Shah Sahib couldn't find anything to eat in Madinah. When a friend found this out, he brought milk for him. He drank milk and went to bed. He saw the Prophet (PBUH) in his dream who told him that he was the one who sent milk for Shah Sahib.

Maulana Syed Badr Alam Meerathi visited Madinah and during his stay informed his companions that the Prophet (PBUH) took care of his guests. According to him, he himself had seen the Prophet (PBUH) making arrangements for his guests and heard him issue orders for these arrangements.


Famous Sufi Saint Syed Ahmed Rafai visited Madinah and recited following two verses.




His wish was granted and the Prophet's hands appeared at the grave and Rafai kissed them. At that time, there were 90,000 pilgrims at the Rowdah. They all witnessed the holy hands of the Prophet (PBUH).

Hazrat Maulana Khalil Ahmed Saharanpuri was at the Prophet's mosque. He recited following verse there.

I do not deserve the honour of fragrance of flowers

I am grateful to you 0 morning breeze for this favour.


Allah Hafiz






Articles of 'MESSAGE OF THE DAY' from Qalandar Shaoor Monthly