
FEB-2024-QSM- Equation of Time And Distance



Every single thing is an existence, and existence is established on the foundation of time and space (distance). While distance is covered through time, time displays itself in distance, that is, five minutes exhibit themselves when there is a distance of five minutes. Read an account of a journey below to understand the equation of time and distance.

These characters portray life.

Two wayfarers, one of tall stature and the other short, were walking on a path. Though the pace at which they both walked was the same, the shorter-statured person took shorter strides, while the taller person’s stride covered greater distance. Though they raised their feet to move forward, the path behind them was being covered, as if someone was rolling it up. After covering a great distance, another wayfarer of larger stature joined them. As they all walked together, they left the path behind them and at the same time, the path before their eyes, was expanding. They took two steps forward, and upon taking the third step, they left the path behind them. As the path slid under their feet, the hands of the clock moved too.

The first wayfarer looked at his watch and said, “It has been twenty minutes since we started walking; the earth is pushing us as we walk. When our feet covered the path sliding under our feet in yards and furlong, 20 minutes of time elapsed.”

The short statured wayfarer added, “We are moving forward, and the path is moving backwards. If the path is pushing us forward, then it has been 20 minutes since we started walking. What is 20 minutes of time in this case?”

The third wayfarer joined the conversation. He said, “What I have understood is that when we lift one step, the second step is on the path, and when we lift the second step, the third step is on the path. Whatever is in between the two steps is ‘Space’, and even if a fraction of a second passes between the steps, it is ‘Time’.” 





After covering a considerable distance, the wayfarers sat down under a densely shaded tree located alongside the pathway.

After a brief silence, one of the wayfarers paid attention to their sitting position and said, “The positions in which we are sitting is naturally such that it can be called a triangle. Is this triangular formation a mere coincidence, or is there any wisdom behind this?”

The short-statured man replied in astonishment, “Look above you! The tree is round in shape. The triangle seems to be inside the circle or under the umbrella of the tree. However, it is rather peculiar that the umbrella is established upon earth and so are the three of us; we are all sitting on earth too. When we were walking, the path was sliding backwards; now that we are sitting, the earth is fixed in its place, while it is not actually fixed*. Is the circular (umbrella) shape of the tree and our triangular sitting position synonymous?”

The third Aadam (man), that was actually an Insaan (an enlightened being) said, “Friends! The circular shape of the tree is fixed to a trunk, which is fixed upon the earth. What is the message in the circular umbrella formed by the earth, trunk, leaves and branches?”

The wayfarers were so engrossed in solving this issue, that they did not realise the time passing. When they looked at their watches, they saw that an hour had gone by.

One of the wayfarers spoke, “When we left the path behind us as we walked, 20 minutes of time had passed. At this moment, we are sitting and talking, we are not walking, and yet, an hour of time has passed by? Is time linked to walking or does time pass even when we do not walk?”

The third wayfarer said, “What is worth our attention is the fact that the time passed when we were walking, and time is passing as we are sitting too.”

The profoundness of the analysis left the other two wayfarers astonished.

Whether one is walking or sitting, the process of space and time is in constant movement.

One of them said, “The birth of creations also takes place in space. The womb of a mother is also nothing but space. Time begins, when the process of birth initiates in the space. It has never happened that an infant has become an adolescent and an adolescent has become old without space. The expansion and contraction of space is time. When Adam and Eve (PBUT) committed disobedience in paradise, they felt that they were without clothes. This means that the body and the garment of Adam is space, and due to the disobedience, the space of their bodies and garment changed. They came from a superior space to an inferior space.”

Text Box: *Readers, walk and experiment. The first wayfarer commented, “There are clues to understand time and space, in the story of Adam and Eve (PBUT) from the Heavenly Scriptures. This is because Adam and Eve (PBUT) were introduced to us by these Heavenly Scriptures.”

The third wayfarer, lost in the vastness of the skies, said, “Day, light, and eon are all space.”

God Almighty has stated:

1. My one day constitutes 50,000 years.

2. My one day constitutes 1,000 years.

That is, the length of a day, or the day being long or short is linked to its expansion and contraction.

“God Almighty called upon Prophet Moses (PBUH) for 30 nights, and kept him on Koh-e-Toor (Mount Sinai), for 40 nights. Though Prophet Moses (PBUH) was on Mount Sinai for 40 days and nights, only the space of night is mentioned. This is because, he stayed those 40 days and nights in the space of night. Time expands in the space of night, and contracts in the space of day. This can be illustrated with the example of dreams.”

The second wayfarer added, “From all of this we understand that all things and sensations are space.”

For example: Clouds float in the atmosphere, and airplanes fly in between these clouds. All of these are different spaces in their own right. We use the space of eyes to see them, space of speech to refer to them by their names, and the space of ears to listen to their sounds. If the space between a person who is standing on the ground and the airplane flying in the atmosphere increases, the airplane blurs out and appears to be a dot, and after a while, the dot disappears from sight i.e., the airplane and its sound goes further away from the space that mankind is used to seeing and hearing them at.

The first wayfarer said, “This example applies to all routines of our life. By this we gather that every thing and sensation is an existence. There are dimensions in every existence, and every dimension is established on space. A name is also a space, because a space is identified by a name. If there is no space, body, or dimension, then it will not be named.”

 The third wayfarer said, “All three of us have names. The space that we identify with a name are all bodies in their places. In each of these bodies, there is a mind to think, eyes to see, ears to listen, heart to feel, blood flow to touch, nose to smell, and pores to feel hot and cold. We are bound to the earth for our settlement, and this earth which is a space, keeps increasing or decreasing.” 

Respected ladies and gentlemen, you have read this editorial; it mentions the laws of time and space. Read the topic and open the doors to knowledge in your minds, so that you may understand what the source of time and space is.

May God protect you.





Articles of 'MESSAGE OF THE DAY' from Qalandar Shaoor Monthly