
OCT-2023-QSM Consciousness of the Earth

             In every world, whether it is inhabited or uninhabited, the consciousness of the earth is 'one'. Currently, in this world, there are more than 7 billionl perceptions of how this consciousness is understood. When one classifies these perceptions, it brings forth two consciousnesses —individual and collective. Those who operate through the individual consciousness are distant from reality2. However, all those creatures whose individuality is intact outwardly, yet, their thinking aligns with the consciousness of the earth, are part of the collective consciousness.

What is the consciousness of the earth? Earth is a mother, and inside her, there are innumerable moulds, and each of these is a creature. Earth is a collective programme of creation. When water pours down, the creatures become visible. Water enters into these moulds and displays them as colorful creations. Every creation is a form of water, and every form is a disguise, which is intact due to the mould.

The Most High and Sublime Almighty states,

"And in the Earth are neighbouring tracts, vineyards and ploughed lands, and date-palms, like and unlike, which are watered with one water. And we have made some of them to excel others in fruit. Lo! herein verily are portents for people who have sense." (Quran, 13:4)


Water satiates every creation as their collective consciousness is one. The earth upon which they are manifested is also one. However, due to the creative formulae in water, and the distinctive moulds inside the earth, every creation appears to be unique. This is to state that the earth has the consciousness of the celestial world as it accepts things that descend from the skies. That is, the inner consciousness of both heaven and earth, is one.


There are uncountable seeds (moulds) inside the earth, each with dif ……………………………………………………………………………………


1It is said that the population of mankind in this world is over 7 billion, and this does not include other creatures.

2Reality implies a station from where an individual arrives into this world and returns.

ferent requirements. The earth nurtures these seeds with its blood (water), transfers energy into them, tends to them as per their requirements, provides a foundation for their settlement, and ensures that as long as the individual who manifests out of the seed is present on earth, their relationship with the earth is sustained.

Every child that is birthed is a reflection of their mother. Similarly, the body of every child (individual) that grows and acquires nourishment from the earth is clay, and hence, the blood of the earth circulates in the veins of clay. The earth is like a mother —a particle of clay becomes a mountain in its womb, and springs gush from it and become rivers. Just as a mother is selfless for her children, Mother Earth is also an image of selflessness. She subdues herself, adapts to every mould, and maintains this form for its stipulated time. The earth wants to shrink to be in union with its source, however, in order to provide a foundation for the existence of creatures that are inside and outside of her, she goes through separation at every moment.


Be it the water or earth or everything else that is created, other than having their individual distinction, they are an image of the collective having their individual distinction, they are an image of the collective consciousness too. Collective consciousness means that the creatures are aware that their Creator, Sovereign, and Provider is God (the Lord of all realms) and that He has mandated upon every individual to be in service of other individuals. 'Individuals' refer to clouds, water, space, the sun, moon, stars, ants, elephants, particles, mountains, viruses, bacteria, mankind, humans, jinn, angels, and all other creations. Every creature is bound by visible and invisible strings of light, and this illuminated relationship is established by God.

Obedience is the foundation of the collective consciousness. Obedience implies that an individual reminisces God in every state and spoken word they comply with every ordinance of God and stay away from what He has forbidden. When one's mind is focused on The Being and Attributes of God — the Creator of the universe — their life is spent in the collective consciousness. Waves of frequency run inside them; those frequencies upon which God has established a connection with His creatures. Contrary to this, when the attention of an individual shifts from God, they enter into individual consciousness, which is absolute disobedience. Before sending Prophet Adam (PBUH) to paradise, God Almighty imparted him with teachings on obedience and commanded him to stay
away from disobedience. God stated to him that while he could eat happily from wherever he wished, he must not approach one tree, failing which would be an unjust act against himself.


Paradise is a station where the collective consciousness dominates, and hence distances are subdued. Travel happens through time, and individuals reach wherever they want to instantaneously, and likewise, whatever they desire shows up before them. In paradise, the mind is under a single consciousness, and hence there is no gap between thought and manifestation. On the other hand, in the very same environment is a tree, which when approached, all comforts of paradise are disabled. When the individual consciousness is chosen over the collective consciousness, then doubt, incertitude, and rebellion dominate the individual.

Father Adam (PBUH) committed a mistake. He approached the tree and was guilty of being disobedient to the collective consciousness. As a consequence, the garment that adorned the qualities of paradise was stripped off, and those abilities that had the characteristics of suppressing space hid behind a veil. Because of the disobedience, Prophet Adam (PBUH) was afflicted by doubt. The atmosphere of paradise rejects doubt, and hence he arrived on Earth. Both these patterns of obedience and disobedience, are transferred from Prophet Adam (PBUH) to his children.

Earth is a station where the collective consciousness is behind a veil and the individual consciousness is dominant. The water and light that the earth receives are one. When they enter the earth, the earth hides them and manifests the individual characteristics inside them to such an extent that the earth itself is hidden. When one observes the mountains, fields and meadows, buildings, rivers, and oceans, they do not see the earth, however, the earth transfers the knowledge that it exists to every individual who manifests over it, else, the system or connection that is between individuals and the earth would be questionable.

Individual consciousness undergoes constant change which creates doubt. On the other hand, the collective consciousness is unified and hence, its essence does not change. The pattern of certitude is established through the collective consciousness.


دو رنگی خوب نئیں یک رنگ ہوجا
سراپا موم ہو یا سنگ ہوجا
Two hues don’t combine in grace,
In unity, find your rightful place. 
As candle’s wax or stone, be true, 
In singular form, let your excellence imbue 
God be with you. 




Articles of 'MESSAGE OF THE DAY' from Qalandar Shaoor Monthly