
JULY 2013-Eid and Collectiveness


History of human race on earth reveals that once man had no attributes distinguishing him from other species. It was merely one of the species inhabiting this planet. Human consciousness developed with the passage of time and as man's understanding of things around him acquired depth, human race split into tribes and after some time, these tribes became nations.

Nations and tribes developed their own cultures and traditions. These traditions became their identity. Traditions differ with nations but their presence in human society, in fact, defines a society.

When these traditions began to lead man astray from right path as defined by Allah, He sent 124,000 messengers who told every nation that traditions they had developed must not degrade man's honour bestowed on him by Allah.

Nations develop their specific festivals and ways of celebrations. These celebrations mirror their national identity and conduct. In these celebrations, traditions and values they inherit from their forefathers are fully reflected. No doubt, festivals are used to gauge national identity, conduct and values.

What these festivals and celebrations share is pervasive presence of similar thought pattern as well as mutual love and affection. If we delve into man's nature, we come to know that man's practical inheritance is combination of three dimensions. First dimension underscores man's individual status. Second dimension is man's specific kind (specie). In this dimension, man's specie is related to other species. And the third dimension is man's transcendence into a human kind. This transcendence, in fact, reflects a collective mind in which all species of the universe are one.

The last Prophet of Allah (SAW) taught his followers to unshackle themselves from the bonds of individualism and acquire a collective mind. This thought pattern could enable human beings to rule the universe.

Collectiveness is at the core of all the programmes formulated by the Prophet (SAW) for his followers. It is manifested in daily prayers, Jummah prayers, fasting, Eid prayers and Hajj. Every nation survives on its past. If there is no past, there is no nation Muslims also have their past. In order to keep it alive and transfer sentiments of collectivism to their succeeding generations they celebrate two festivals-Eid ul Fitr that is celebrated on attaining purity and abstinence and Eid ul Adha.

The month of Ramadan is a constant practice of denying individualism. Millions of people begin and end their fast together. Unity (or collectivism) is strength. This strength leads to rule of this universe.

Allah says: And hold firmly to the rope of Allah all together and do not become divided. (Surah Aal e Imran, Ayat 103)

A Muslim is a practical manifestation of this verse of the Quran. When this unity will be striven to with complete sincerity and in accordance with the thought pattern of the Prophet (SAW).Muslim nation will regain its honour and rightful place in the community of mankind.

Monthly Qalandar Shaoor felicitates its readers on Eid ul Fitr and renews its resolve to fight bigotry. prejudice and discrimination with full determination.

Allah Hafiz




Articles of 'MESSAGE OF THE DAY' from Qalandar Shaoor Monthly