
NOV-2022-QSM Distinction of senses

When a child arrives into this world, they hold the awareness of who they are and also of the One Who created them. Though this world is new to them, it is not the first world they have arrived into. Before their arrival into this world, they have traversed through numerous worlds where they were aware of the reality that they are creatures and God is the Creator.

This consciousness was instilled on the day when God introduced Himself to all of creation and asked them, “Am I not your Lord?” God’s voice awakened the senses within the creation and activated their ability to recognise. Through this ability, the creatures first became aware of their sense of hearing, and then sought the source of the voice and the identity of the One Who had called out to them, and this activated their sight. As soon as their observation entered their perception, they attained unwavering faith that ‘The Being’ Who called out to them was the Lord of all realms. The creatures submitted by declaring, “Indeed! You are our Lord,” and prostrated in reverence.

All the worlds that are present in this universe are in fact, gradations of colours and lights. These lights appear in the form of various colours and colours imply distance. When one observes light in a world where the gravitational force is subdued, one does not think of colours, however, contrary to this, in a world that is dominated by gravitational force, because the colours are dense, despite the existence of light, one does not think of light while observing it. This can be illustrated for easy understanding through the example of water. Water is a specie and has its own family. Water can be sweet, salty, or hard. It is also found in various colours such as blue, green, red, and black. Water can be hot or cold; muddy or crystal-clear too. While crystal-clear water acts as a mirror and takes one’s sight all the way to the bottom, the murky water, despite absorbing the reflection, does not show the image that is inside it, and its surface becomes a veil to the eyes. We could equate murky water to dense colours.


The mind of a new-born child is free from the traditions and norms of the new world, yet, they are not ignorant of the universal consciousness. For three months after their birth, the child’s thinking pattern is influenced by the worlds that they have arrived from. Infants gaze consistently into space, make gurgling sounds, smile, and also express their pain. Where do they look? What do they see? And why do they smile?

 The child is familiar with the subconscious world where patterns of colours exist, however, rather than paying attention to them, their mind is focused on the light. As a result, the senses that observe reality are activated in them, overpowering the senses in which there is illusion.

Until the age of three months, a child recognises their mother through her fragrance. These fragrances travel through waves, indicating that a child is unaware of the distinct senses of hearing, seeing, and speaking that is in them. Instead, they see through the inner eye which observes all senses unified at a single point, and this point of unity is represented by the waves. An infant identifies, sees, and hears through these waves. They are aware that they hear, speak, smell, and feel when an image forms within them. They also know that they see through their subconscious mind. However, the influence of the fictitious environment, makes them gradually forget this innate awareness.

Experience the following: When one utters, “Water,” the image of water appears inside them. Likewise, when a child feels the absence of its mother, it cries and expresses its annoyance. The feelings of remembrance generate an image of the mother on the screen of their mind. As soon as the mother comes and holds the child close to her bosom, it becomes happy.


One can easily comprehend how the senses can be distinct from one another and also exist unified at one point, through the example of smartphone. When one makes a video call to someone who is perhaps a few kilometres or thousands of miles away, how does the voice come from the speaker, and from where does the image appear on the screen? The waves that arrive through the mobile tower have both sound and images in them; once these waves enter the smartphone, they become audible and visible. What we see and hear are forms of waves. When these waves divide and appear as sound and images, it is called, the division of senses. This division makes one feel that the sound and images are different from each other, while they are not. The distinction occurs only when the waves enter the smart phone; one does not differentiate between the sound and images when they are in the form of waves. This is referred to as the senses being present at one point.


Every child enters this world with the inherent ability to observe all the senses as waves. They give prominence to the waves and hence do not distinguish hearing and vision as separate from each other, instead, they know that hearing and seeing are both waves. However, when they are introduced to a limited thinking pattern, they begin to see things as separate from one another. This thinking pattern gives rise to doubts and worries that begin to dominate them, so much so that a veil is drawn upon the consciousness with which they had first arrived into this world. Now, they see the waves divided into colours, and this division makes them see distance between everything.

If the environment of a child has the pattern of realism, that is, the parents follow the teachings of God, His Prophets (PBUT), and the last Prophet, Muhammad (PBUH), engage in invocation, enrich their minds through contemplation, remain in service of people, keep faith in God, remain far from doubts, and desire that their next generations love Prophet Muhammad (PBUH); their children attain an enlightened thinking pattern.

· Mankind cannot be aware of reality unless they are aware of the waves.

· Though there are distances of time and space in the waves, they seem to be non-existent due to speed.

· The sound of our speech collides with the hair inside our ears, and forms an image on the screen of our mind.

· A common person confines themselves to the observations of this image.

· An individual enlightened by Noor (a stage of Divine Light) searches for the system of waves in these images.

· During this search, every sign becomes the sign of the destination.

All readers, whether ladies, gentlemen, young or elderly, are requested to send in their comments on the Message of the Day.

May God protect you.





Articles of 'MESSAGE OF THE DAY' from Qalandar Shaoor Monthly