
What is righteousness?

Allah, the Almighty, is the Sustainer of all worlds, the Provider for all needs, and the Guardian of all creation. Therefore, when we approach others with goodness and offer assistance, we earn the divine favor of Allah. The Qur'an has made it imperative for us to uphold both the rights of Allah and the rights of others, emphasizing their inseparable nature.

The fulfillment of these rights begins with one's immediate family, with parents being foremost in deserving our respect and care. Serving and obeying one's parents is a primary religious duty. Similarly, earning lawful sustenance for one's family, providing proper education, and ensuring the moral and intellectual upbringing of children also fall under the realm of the rights of others. After parents, other relatives and neighbors follow in precedence. Ultimately, all of humanity falls under the purview of the rights of others.

Rights of others encompass both material and moral dimensions. The Qur'an, in several verses, elaborates upon these rights, framing them as an integral component of faith. As Allah, the Almighty, says:

"Righteousness is not that you turn your faces towards the East or the West, but righteousness is in believing in Allah, the Last Day, the angels, the Scriptures, and the Prophets, and in giving charity—out of love for Allah— to relatives, orphans, the needy, travelers, those who ask, and to free those in bondage." (Al-Baqarah 177)

When one is unable to assist financially, other avenues of service remain open. Allah has endowed humanity with diverse capabilities, which can be utilized for the benefit of others.

The core principle of religion is benevolence, so if one cannot contribute to the welfare of others, they must refrain from causing harm. Benevolence is not solely contingent on financial capacity. It encompasses engaging with others through good manners, initiating greetings, refraining from gossip, maintaining a favorable view of others, performing small acts of kindness, helping the elderly or the sick cross the street, visiting the ailing, or removing obstacles—such as stones or thorns—from the path. These, too, constitute the rights of others.



Tajalliyat-The Divine Manifestation



Dedicated to those scientists, who are inching towards the cognizance of the facts, spotlighted by Allah Almighty, in the wake of their intelligent observation for the top vertex of scientific achievement, which is not other than the "Disastrous end of the Universe". And this is probably during 15th century of Lunar calendar.