The propagation of Islamic values should ideally begin within the
household. If both husband and wife are well-versed in religious and spiritual
teachings, they are in the best position to provide a nurturing environment for
their children. The initial education of a child begins in the mother’s arms
and the father’s care. When both parents embody Islamic ethics, the home
transforms into the primary institution for a child’s intellectual and moral
It is incumbent upon the husband to meet the material and emotional
needs of his wife and children. In turn, the wife is tasked with maintaining
harmony within the marital relationship. Both partners should make a concerted
effort, through their words, actions, and attitudes, to cultivate mutual
happiness. This dynamic represents the cornerstone of a flourishing marital
life and is the means by which one earns the pleasure of Allah.
The responsibility of parents extends beyond fulfilling the immediate
needs of their children; they must also safeguard the spiritual well-being of
their offspring. Wasting the blessing of children is an unforgivable injustice.
Whether before or after birth, neglecting a child or failing to provide the
necessary care constitutes a grave moral failure with consequences both in this
life and the hereafter. During childbirth, it is recommended to recite Ayat
al-Kursi and verses 54-55 of Surah Al-A'raf near the mother, followed by the
recitation of Surah Al-Falaq and Surah An-Nas as protection. After the birth,
it is customary to recite the adhan (call to prayer) in the right ear and the
iqama (second call) in the left ear of the newborn, reinforcing the child’s
connection to the divine.
Furthermore, after the adhan and iqama, it is suggested that a virtuous
individual place a chewed date on the child’s palate, symbolizing the
nourishment of both body and soul. This act should be accompanied by prayers
for the child’s prosperity and blessings. Additionally, the practice of
performing the aqiqah (sacrificial offering) on the seventh day further
enhances the spiritual well-being of the child.
Importantly, parents should avoid fostering fear in their children, as
early-life fears often persist into adulthood, limiting the individual’s
potential. A child raised in an atmosphere of fear may struggle to overcome
challenges or achieve significant accomplishments. Regularly reprimanding or
belittling a child impedes proper development and encourages a desensitization
to criticism. Instead of focusing on shortcomings, parents should adopt a
compassionate and measured approach, recognizing that children are prone to
errors, just as they themselves once were. It is essential for parents to
create an environment of understanding and empathy, reinforcing their role as
trusted guides. By gently encouraging obedience and fostering a sense of
security, parents can cultivate positive traits in their children, helping them
develop into responsible and morally upright individuals.
Tajalliyat-The Divine Manifestation
Dedicated to those scientists, who are inching towards the cognizance of the facts, spotlighted by Allah Almighty, in the wake of their intelligent observation for the top vertex of scientific achievement, which is not other than the "Disastrous end of the Universe". And this is probably during 15th century of Lunar calendar.