When Allah (SWT) intended to create the
universe, the system through which the universe would operate also came into
focus, because the mechanism of the universe cannot function without a
well-structured system, rules, and regulations. The Qur'an states:
"His command is that when He decrees a
thing, He says to it ‘Be,’ and it is." (Surah Yasin 36:82)
This verse underscores the idea that the
creation and regulation of the universe proceed according to a systematic
divine command.
The Qur'an encourages humanity to reflect on
this, highlighting the need for agents to carry out the system’s operation.
We observe that the universe is a collection of
physical, electrical, magnetic, and scientific laws of nature. It is also
evident that these laws govern the phenomena of nature and the manifestations
of the universe. Everything in the cosmos is interconnected and interdependent
within a systematic framework. No unit of the universe can sever its
relationship with any other unit, as all elements are inextricably linked.
The Qur'an refers to all the components of the
universe—its elements and phenomena—as signs from Allah. It is made incumbent
upon humanity to study these signs and reflect upon them with depth and wisdom.
Allah wants His creatures to not live as mute and deaf individuals, but to
engage with the world using the intellectual faculties that have been granted
to them.
"Say, ‘Look at what is in the heavens and
the earth.’" ( Yunus 5)
"Do you not observe?
Do you not think?
Do you not reflect?"
In the sight of the Almighty, the worst of
creatures are those who live in a state of intellectual stagnation—those who do
not engage in reasoning or contemplation. (Qur’an)
"Indeed, in the heavens and the earth are
signs for the believers, and in your creation, and in the animals He spreads
about, are signs for those who are certain." ( Al-Jathiya 3)
"O you who see, do you see any flaw in the
creation of the Most Merciful? Look again, do you see any breaks? Then look
again and again, your sight will return to you humbled and exhausted."
It is Allah, who has made the sun radiant and
the moon luminous, determining its phases so that you may measure the passage
of years and calculate time. All of this has been created by Allah with wisdom.
He articulates His signs in clear detail for those who are willing to reflect.
( Yunus 5)
From the Qur'anic verses related to the
conquest of the universe, it is evidently clear that the Creator has commanded
humanity to engage with the laws of creation in such a focused and thoughtful
manner that the craftsmanship of every element becomes evident. A student who
diligently contemplates these creative formulas, when reaching the apex of
intellectual engagement, uncovers knowledge that begins in the realm of the
infinite. For such a student, knowledge is not confined to the pages of books,
nor does he simply count the bricks of a building made by past generations.
Instead, by analyzing and observing through the lens of deep reflection, he
comes to understand how the mixture of gases in the atmosphere sustains life on
Earth. Observing rainfall, winds, carbon, and oxygen becomes second nature to
him. He also realizes that the Earth's size is set in specific proportions. If
the size were greater, gravity would increase, causing gases like carbon
dioxide to cling to the Earth's surface, making it difficult for life to
breathe. Conversely, if the Earth's size were smaller, gravity would be weaker,
causing gases like oxygen to drift into space, leading to the extinction of all
living beings.
It also becomes evident that the distance
between the Earth, the Sun, and the Moon is precise. If the Earth were farther
from the Sun, the entire planet would freeze, with nothing existing on Earth
except layers of ice. If this distance were shorter, the Sun's heat would
scorch and burn everything on Earth, reducing it to ash. Similarly, if the
distance between the Moon and the Earth were altered, the tides would rise to
such extreme levels that the entire Earth would be submerged in turbulent ocean
The one who contemplates the universe and
engages in spiritual science, through observation and analysis, realizes that
the arrangement, harmony, order, utility, and purpose of the elements in the
universe are not products of human consciousness alone. There is a force, an
entity, whose command governs the cosmic system from eternity to eternity. All
elements, all phenomena, and all manifestations within this system exist in a
state of harmonious interrelation, sustained by a higher divine will.
Blessed and exalted is the Being who created
with precise measurements and provided guidance. (Surah Al-A'la 87:2)
When God wills to create the universe, a system
of the universe was also discussed, the reason is the mechanism of the universe
does not operate without any specific system, rules, and regulations. the Holy
Quran says:
Whenever He desires something, He simply
commands it to "Be" and it manifests accordingly. (Yasin:82)
The Holy Quran instils in people the belief
that a system requires human intervention.
We see that the universe is a combination of
physical, electrical, magnetic, and scientific laws of nature. We also know
that the laws of nature and phenomena dominate the universe anyway. Each object
in the universe interconnects and integrates into a single system. No unit in
the universe can be separated from any other unit.
All these sceneries which are
mechanism of the universe, the Holy Quran declares them to be the signs of
Allah and makes it obligatory for human beings to study all phenomena and
sceneries in the universe of Allah and to keenly meditate on these verses with
insight and wisdom. Allah does not want His creation to live like deaf and dumb
people. The Creator wishes that people utilize the contemplative abilities that
Allah has bestowed upon them. They should be used.
"You (Muhammad, P.B.U.H.) say,
Observe what is in heaven and earth."
Do you not ponder?
Do you not take notice?
Do you not think?
The deaf and dumb are the worst
creatures in the eyes of the Lord. They live like the deaf and dumb, and they
do not act wisely.
“In fact, there are signs for the believers in
the heavens and the earth. And in your (own) creation, and in the animals which
He scatters, there are signs for those who believe with certitude.”
(Al-Jathiyah 3-4)
O beholder, do you find any irregularities and
disproportions in the system of creation of the Most Kind (Lord)? So, with a
meditative and thoughtful gaze, have you observed any inconsistencies or
disharmony in this creation, such as degeneration or disintegration? Look
around time and again with an inquisitive vision (from different angles and
with scientific methods). Every time, your sight will return to you fatigued
and frustrated (in finding any shortcoming or imperfection). (Al-Mulk 3-4)
He is the One who created the sun, a source of
light, and, with it, made the moon luminous and appointed for its stages,
allowing you to calculate the number of years and the count of time. Allah has
not created all this but with a zero-defect strategy. Through these cosmic
realities, He expounds in detail the signs (of His creativity, unicity, and
might) for those who possess knowledge. (Yunus 5)
The Quranic discourse on the conquest of the
cosmos unequivocally establishes that the Creator has commanded humanity to
study the laws of creation with such dedication and contemplation that the
intricate craftsmanship of everything becomes evident. A student engrossed in
creative formulas, upon reaching the pinnacle of focus, uncovers boundless
sciences. Their knowledge is not confined to books, nor do they remain fixated
on counting the bricks of structures established by predecessors.
Through observation and analysis, they realize
that the mixture of gases in the vast expanse sustains life on Earth. The
regulation of rainfall, winds, carbon, and oxygen becomes ordinary phenomena
for them. They also understand that the Earth's mass is precisely calibrated.
If the Earth were larger, the increased gravitational pull would cause gases
like carbon dioxide to cling to the surface, making respiration difficult for
living beings. Conversely, if the Earth's mass were smaller, gravity would be
insufficient to retain oxygen, causing it to escape into space and leading to
the extinction of all life.
Empirical observation reveals that the
distances between the Earth, the Sun, and the Moon are meticulously calibrated.
If the Earth were positioned further from the Sun, the entire planet would
experience a state of perpetual freezing, with vast ice sheets dominating the
surface, rendering life untenable. Conversely, if the Earth were closer to the
Sun, the excessive heat would incinerate vegetation, reducing it to ashes.
Furthermore, if the precise distance between the Earth and the Moon were
altered, the tidal forces would become so extreme that the entire planet would
be submerged under tumultuous oceanic waves.
A contemplative individual or a scholar of
spiritual science, through careful observation and analysis, comes to
understand that the order, harmony, regulation, functionality, and purposeful
design within the universe are not the result of conscious awareness or human
agency. Rather, these phenomena point to the existence of a transcendent
power—an entity whose will sustains the life system and the cosmos from
eternity to eternity. Within this cosmic order, all elements, phenomena, and
manifestations are aligned in precise proportions, maintaining a dynamic
interconnectedness and harmony.
Glorify the name of your
Lord, the Most High, Who created all things and perfected their proportion. (Al Aala: 1-3)
Tajalliyat-The Divine Manifestation
Dedicated to those scientists, who are inching towards the cognizance of the facts, spotlighted by Allah Almighty, in the wake of their intelligent observation for the top vertex of scientific achievement, which is not other than the "Disastrous end of the Universe". And this is probably during 15th century of Lunar calendar.