
Our Image

A painter once conceived the idea of creating an image that epitomizes virtue. Consequently, he traversed cities and villages for years in search of an appropriate subject. Eventually, he encountered a remarkably beautiful child, whose fair complexion, large, modest eyes, well-proportioned and supple body, broad and luminous forehead, as well as delicate and graceful hands and feet, immediately captivated him. Overcome with elation, he exclaimed, "I have found it, the image of virtue!" He then proceeded to hang the child's portrait in his studio, with the inscription "The Image of Virtue" beneath it.

After some time, the artist thought it would be equally valuable to create an image of vice. Thus, he embarked on another journey, traversing the world. He observed millions of faces over a span of twenty years, some exceedingly depraved, but none fulfilled his quest. Finally, one day, he encountered an extraordinary countenance. Upon seeing it, his heart was immediately filled with feelings of profound disgust and contempt. He exulted, "I have found it, the image of vice!" Consequently, this portrait was also added to the collection in his studio. Art enthusiasts regularly visited his gallery. One day, a man entered, stood before the two images, and, after a moment of astonishment, tears began to fall from his eyes. He then remarked to the artist, "These two images represent me."

The Qur'an affirms: "Every atom of virtue and vice is weighed."

Additionally, the Qur'an states: "Do you know what the 'Illiyyun' (the abode of the virtuous) is? And do you know what the 'Sijjin' (the abode of the vicious) is? It is a written book (a film)." Every action that a person performs, as well as every movement in life, is meticulously recorded. This implies that every individual’s actions are simultaneously being captured as a type of cinematic record. Allah Almighty states:

"We will not only recompense the virtuous in full for their deeds, but we will also bestow upon them more than they deserve. Their faces will be protected from disgrace and darkness, and they will be granted eternal residence in the gardens of Paradise. In contrast, we will punish the vicious according to their deeds, humiliating their faces, and no one will be able to rescue them from Our overwhelming grasp. Their faces will become so dark that it will appear as if a piece of the darkest night had been affixed to them. They will remain in Hell for eternity." (Yunus 26-27)

Reflecting upon these verses, it becomes evident that the virtuous and vicious deeds of a person leave discernible marks upon their face. In essence, a person’s actions create visible expressions upon their face, with virtuous deeds resulting in radiance, while vicious actions lead to darkness.

Psychologists recognize that every human being is composed of divine light, and these waves of light continuously emanate imperceptibly from a person’s being. There are certain faces that, upon seeing, evoke feelings of joy, drawing us towards the individual behind that face. Conversely, some faces emanate waves that induce a sense of discomfort, compelling us to distance ourselves from them as quickly as possible.

Those whose hearts are illuminated with Allah’s divine light, and whose minds are filled with sincerity, selflessness, love, purity, and a commitment to serving humanity, tend to have faces that are radiant, innocent, and pure. These faces possess an inherent magnetism, attracting others towards them. Conversely, individuals burdened by guilt and anxiety often display facial expressions characterized by harshness, dryness, dissonance, and unpleasantness, which prompt others to instinctively retreat.

Now, let us reflect on our own image.

After completing all tasks for the day and prior to retiring for the night, stand before the mirror. Close your eyes for a few moments and contemplate the entirety of your life's actions as a record within you, envisioning the unfolding of this internal "film" or record. Once you open your eyes, direct a thorough gaze upon the mirror. If your face is luminous, radiating divine light, innocence, and if the contours of your face convey an aura of serenity with the gentle traces of a smile, then you are, without a doubt, the embodiment of virtue. Conversely, if your face appears sorrowful, devoid of vitality, marked by expressions of contempt, arrogance, and if you find your own reflection unappealing, then you are the representation of vice. Remember:

The law of nature dictates that every individual’s actions continuously produce a film, and each person’s face serves as the screen for this cinematic record. The film created by the angelic recorders plays perpetually on the human face. Have you not observed a distressed individual, whose face clearly mirrors the turmoil and suffering within? Surely, you have witnessed individuals whose presence brings joy, peace, and contentment to those around them.

Allah Almighty declares in Surah Aal-e-Imran:

"A day will come when some faces will be radiant, while others will be darkened. Those whose faces are darkened will be told: 'Did you turn away from Allah after you had submitted? Now, taste the punishment.' As for those whose faces are radiant, they will remain in Allah’s mercy forever." (Aal-e-Imran 106-107)



Tajalliyat-The Divine Manifestation



Dedicated to those scientists, who are inching towards the cognizance of the facts, spotlighted by Allah Almighty, in the wake of their intelligent observation for the top vertex of scientific achievement, which is not other than the "Disastrous end of the Universe". And this is probably during 15th century of Lunar calendar.