Whomsoever God bestows His grace upon, He bestows a deep understanding
and profound insight into His religion. Indeed, the true comprehension of
faith, with its concealed and manifest wisdom, serves as the wellspring of all
virtue, knowledge, and success. A person deprived of this blessing finds a lack
of equilibrium and consistency in their life. Such an individual falls prey to
a state of imbalance in every sphere and every action.
Until one has firmly established oneself upon the straight path, one
cannot exert influence over others. It is imperative to first fully immerse
oneself in the teachings of Islam. Before presenting any notion to the world,
one must first embody its most virtuous manifestation. Before imparting
guidance and offering counsel to others, one must translate this message into
practical manifestation. That which one seeks from others must first be
demonstrated through one’s own actions.
The perennial miracle of the true religion lies in the fact that it is
an authentic manifestation of its own invitation. Whatever it proclaims is
witnessed in its actions and character. The virtues it holds for humanity,
those very virtues it ardently pursues.
Establish an environment through your speech, your writings, your
personal life, familial relationships, marital conduct, social interactions,
and spiritual experiences that serves as a beacon of light for others. Let
those who have yet to find peace be drawn to the example of your life, entering
in throngs to embrace this path. A society formed upon integrity of character,
mental serenity, and spiritual values fosters a community superior in nature. A
system structured around balanced values, underpinned by justice and fairness,
births a civilization wherein its inhabitants, revered by angels, govern the
cosmic dominions as vicegerents upon the earth.
It must be remembered that those who neglect their own spiritual
refinement, while engaging in the discourse of guiding others, resemble the
person who, unaware of the burning of their own home, frantically seeks to
douse the flames of others’ ablaze houses.
Reflect on this: such individuals will fail in both the temporal and
eternal realms. It is grievous to God for those who call others to virtuous
conduct while failing to practice that conduct themselves. It is a matter
profoundly displeasing to the Almighty that those who preach be void of action,
and that those who invite others to a course of action neglect to embody it
The Prophet (P.U.H.B.) cautioned such ineffective preachers with the
gravest of consequences, warning them of an impending and severe retribution.
Tajalliyat-The Divine Manifestation
Dedicated to those scientists, who are inching towards the cognizance of the facts, spotlighted by Allah Almighty, in the wake of their intelligent observation for the top vertex of scientific achievement, which is not other than the "Disastrous end of the Universe". And this is probably during 15th century of Lunar calendar.