If one seeks to make another an ally, it is imperative to approach them
with closeness and understanding. Engaging in dialogue requires a recognition
of their inclinations and intellectual capacities. If assistance is desired in
personal matters, offering cooperation fosters goodwill. Acts of service and
genuine affection often convert even reluctant individuals into companions.
Propagation of one’s faith must be undertaken with wisdom. Avoid direct
criticism or commentary on the doctrine or beliefs they uphold. The initial
effort should be directed towards earning their trust and regard as a
benefactor and well-wisher. This necessitates assistance through financial
means, resources, actions, and counsel. Once their confidence is secured,
counsel them with utmost gentleness and sweetness in tone. Should they engage
in debate for clarification, respond comprehensively to their inquiries within
one’s ability. While addressing them, their intellectual capacity must never be
disregarded. The invaluable mission of propagation must not be jeopardized by
haste, ignorance, or irritation. Communication must be tailored to the
intellectual scope, capacity, disposition, and social standing of each group,
class, or individual. Establish mutual understanding and agreement as the
foundation of the message, emphasizing shared truths that foster bonds of
affection. Any critique should be constructive, reflecting sincerity and
compassion. Steer clear of obstinacy, arrogance, hostility, and prejudice. If
such tendencies emerge in the discourse, silence should be observed, and
withdrawal from the gathering is advisable.
The Quran states:
“Call to the way of your Lord with wisdom and
good admonition, and argue with them in a manner that is best.” (An-Nahl, 125)
Hazrat Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) narrates that the Prophet
(P.U.H.B.) instructed:
“Beloved son, when you enter your home, extend greetings of peace to
your family. This will bring blessings and prosperity to your household.” (Sunan
Tirmidhi, 2698)
Hazrat Asma Ansariyah (may Allah be pleased with her) reports that while
she was seated with her companions, the Prophet (P.U.H.B.) passed by and
extended greetings of peace to them. (Sunan Abu Dawood, 5204)
Hazrat Umm Hani (may Allah be pleased with her) recounts that she
visited the Prophet (P.U.H.B.) and extended greetings of peace. He inquired,
“Who is this?” She replied, “It is Umm Hani.” He responded, “Welcome!” (Sunan
Abu Dawood, 5205)
The Beloved of Allah, our Master (P.U.H.B.), said:
“I shall inform you of a practice that, if adopted, will increase mutual
friendship and affection: frequently exchange greetings of peace among
yourselves.” (Sahih Muslim, 54) He (P.U.H.B.) further instructed,
“Spread greetings of peace abundantly, and Allah shall grant you safety and
well-being.” (Musnad Ahmad, 2:391)
Every Muslim holds the right over their fellow Muslim to be greeted with
peace whenever they meet. The Messenger of Allah (P.U.H.B.) exemplified this
practice so extensively that if his companions were temporarily concealed
behind a tree and reappeared, he (P.U.H.B.) would greet them again. It is
“The one closest to Allah is the one who initiates the greeting of peace.” (Abu
Dawood, 5197)
He (P.U.H.B.) further stated:
“It is not permissible for a Muslim to sever ties with their fellow
Muslim for more than three days, such that when they encounter one another, one
turns away and the other avoids. The superior individual is the one who
initiates the greeting of peace.” (Sahih Bukhari, 6077; Sahih Muslim, 2560)
The greeting As-Salaam Alaikum must always be articulated
audibly, ensuring that the recipient can hear it. However, if circumstances
necessitate supplementing the verbal greeting with a gesture, such as a
movement of the hand or head, it is permissible. For instance, if the individual
being greeted is at a distance where your voice may not reach, or if they are
unable to hear due to hearing impairment, it is appropriate to combine the
verbal greeting with a corresponding gesture. (Abu Dawood, 5204)
Tajalliyat-The Divine Manifestation
Dedicated to those scientists, who are inching towards the cognizance of the facts, spotlighted by Allah Almighty, in the wake of their intelligent observation for the top vertex of scientific achievement, which is not other than the "Disastrous end of the Universe". And this is probably during 15th century of Lunar calendar.