The Messenger of Allah (P.U.H.B.) stated,
"Any endeavor that is not commenced with the recitation of Bismillah
remains incomplete and devoid of blessings." Just as with any other
action, it is imperative to begin writing to a dear friend, relative, or
business associate with the full phrase "Bismillah al-Rahman
al-Rahim." It is observed that some individuals replace the full
invocation with the abbreviation 786; this practice should be avoided, as each
word prescribed by Allah is laden with blessings and profound wisdom.
It is crucial to include your complete address
in correspondence, ensuring no negligence in its provision. The recipient may
not recall your address, or they may have lost it if it was recorded in a
diary. Moreover, it may become necessary for you to send a response, or you may
have included a query requiring a reply. Providing your address alleviates the
burden of awaiting a response. Always write your address legibly and clearly.
The date should be placed beneath or to the left of the address. Following the
date, address the recipient using appropriate honorifics and expressions of
respect, ensuring these terms reflect sincerity and intimacy. Avoid using
titles that may seem artificial or contrived. Beneath the honorifics, write
"Assalamu Alaikum."
The language employed in the letter should be
eloquent yet simple, direct, and polite. Throughout the correspondence, due
regard should be given to the recipient's status. Avoid engaging in frivolous
or trivial matters. Letters should never be written in a state of anger, as
this could result in undesirable consequences. Additionally, one must never
read another person’s letter without their explicit permission, as this
constitutes a severe breach of ethical conduct.
It is essential to ensure that every gathering
one attends includes discussions centered on Allah and the Hereafter. Should
you find that the attendees show no interest in religious dialogue, it is
advisable to steer the conversation, with wisdom, towards topics that emphasize
the exemplary conduct (Uswa Hasana) of the Prophet (P.U.H.B.).
Furthermore, one should avoid sitting with a
furrowed brow in a gathering, as this is a manifestation of arrogance. Instead,
adopt a cheerful demeanor, sitting with a pleasant and joyful expression that
exudes vitality and positivity.
Tajalliyat-The Divine Manifestation
Dedicated to those scientists, who are inching towards the cognizance of the facts, spotlighted by Allah Almighty, in the wake of their intelligent observation for the top vertex of scientific achievement, which is not other than the "Disastrous end of the Universe". And this is probably during 15th century of Lunar calendar.