
Affectionate Heart

When Allah the Almighty conferred the role of vicegerency upon Adam (A.S.), the angels expressed their concern, stating, "He will sow corruption on the earth." To illustrate that Adam (A.S.) was endowed not only with the capacity for mischief but also with an immense potential for virtue and righteousness, Allah commanded Adam (A.S.) to articulate the Divine creative attributes. When Adam (A.S.) elucidated these attributes and unveiled the formulas (Asmā’) governing creation, the angels unequivocally acknowledged:

Exalted and Sacred is Your Being; we know nothing except what You have taught us. Indeed, You are the All-Knowing, the All-Wise." (Al-Baqarah 32)

Upon reflection, it becomes apparent that Allah has designed the cosmic program based on two patterns (good and evil), as the statement made by the angels was not refuted. The situation is such that until Adam receives the knowledge of Allah's attributes, he is entirely immersed in evil and disorder, but once the knowledge of creation is imparted to him, he becomes a complete embodiment of good.

Prior to the existence of Adam (P.B.U.H.), angels existed, embodying neither evil nor disorder. Consequently, a creation was brought into being that encompassed both the elements of evil and good in their entirety, so that this creation might consciously disregard evil, advocate for goodness, remain steadfast on the righteous path (the Straight Path), and call upon others to do the same. This is the invitation that was disseminated through the dispatching of 124,000 Prophets, and it constitutes the core of the divine mission of preaching.

Allah says:

O Prophet), call to the way of your Lord with wisdom and goodly exhortation, and reason with them in the best manner possible. Surely your Lord knows best who has strayed away from His path, and He also knows well those who are guided to the Right Way.(Al nahl 125)


From these Quranic verses, three essential principles emerge:

1.      The invitation to adopt virtue and refrain from evil should be extended with wisdom and insight.

2.      Counsel should be imparted in a manner that does not cause offense; the demeanor should remain pleasant, with eyes reflecting compassion and unity, while the heart remains genuinely sincere.

3.      When engaging in explanation or discourse, ensure that the tone remains measured and devoid of harshness. If critique becomes requisite, it must be constructive, characterized by compassion and an embodiment of ethical principles. The method of conveying the message should be so engaging that it prevents the incitement of opposition, animosity, prejudice, or emotional reactions rooted in ignorance. Should the other party exhibit obstinacy or defiance, it is advisable to immediately cease the conversation, for this would be the most prudent and beneficial approach in that moment.


Tajalliyat-The Divine Manifestation



Dedicated to those scientists, who are inching towards the cognizance of the facts, spotlighted by Allah Almighty, in the wake of their intelligent observation for the top vertex of scientific achievement, which is not other than the "Disastrous end of the Universe". And this is probably during 15th century of Lunar calendar.