Praise is due to the Lord of the Universe, the One who nourishes us
through His exalted attribute of Lordship, providing sustenance, and who
assists us in all our social, economic, and worldly endeavors. He has granted
us the means of rest and comfort, offering us a place to dwell in peace and
Human existence is characterized by two distinct states: one of
wakefulness, and the other of sleep. In both states, the need for resources to
ensure comfort and ease is inherent. Sleep itself is the natural consequence of
the labor and exertion experienced during wakefulness. When an individual feels
fatigued and enfeebled, the restorative power of sleep revives their energy.
This process, rooted in nature, allows the soul to transcend wakefulness and
journey to a realm it inhabited prior to birth. During sleep, the individual
embarks on a spiritual journey in the unseen world, absorbing divine and
luminous energies. Upon awakening, the individual experiences a renewal of
vigor, enthusiasm, and life.
Our esteemed Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H.) advised:
"Before lying down to rest, recite a portion of the Qur'an, so that divine
light may begin to descend while you are still awake, prior to entering the
unseen realm."
The Prophet (P.B.U.H.) further stated:
"Whoever recites a Surah of the Qur'an before lying on their bed,
an angel is appointed to guard them from harm until they awaken."
It is recommended to sleep in a
place where fresh air and adequate oxygen flow. Avoid sleeping in a closed room
with insufficient ventilation, as this can negatively impact one's health. It
is also advisable to leave the face uncovered while sleeping to allow the free
circulation of air. Before sleep, the following prayer should be recited:
Allahumma bismika amootu wa ahyaa
"O Allah, with Your name, I enter the embrace of death, and with
Your name, I will rise again."
Tajalliyat-The Divine Manifestation
Dedicated to those scientists, who are inching towards the cognizance of the facts, spotlighted by Allah Almighty, in the wake of their intelligent observation for the top vertex of scientific achievement, which is not other than the "Disastrous end of the Universe". And this is probably during 15th century of Lunar calendar.