Human beings have long asserted that the wealth they accumulate is
solely the result of their personal abilities and the fruit of their labor.
Consequently, they regard themselves as the absolute owners and masters of
their wealth, spending it as they see fit, with no one holding the right to
challenge them. The Qur'an presents Qarun as a representative figure of this
capitalist and satanic worldview. As the leader of this group, Qarun
articulates his perspective in these terms:
"I have only been given it because of the
knowledge I possess." (Al-Qasas 78)
The underlying cause of this mentality, both at the individual and
societal level, is the human fixation on wealth. Throughout history, humans
have been insatiable in their pursuit of riches and comforts. The relentless
drive to accumulate wealth becomes a pervasive obsession. Descendants of Adam
have, in many cases, turned the pursuit of wealth into their life’s purpose,
using both lawful and unlawful means to secure it. From the moment of
consciousness to the brink of death, they engage in a frenzied race to amass
material wealth, akin to an unbridled horse.
"The desire to surpass one another in
worldly things has distracted you until you visit the graves." (At-Takathur 1)
At an individual level, the affliction of materialism clings to a
person's ego and sense of self, corroding their intrinsic human qualities and
tarnishing the faculties bestowed upon them by their Creator. A satanic force
begins to grow within, gradually expanding until it dominates the individual’s
entire being. As a result, their finest creative potential is devoted solely to
the preservation and enhancement of their wealth. When this materialistic
mindset becomes prevalent in society, individuals are transformed into
predators, akin to wolves in human form. They pounce upon opportunities to
exploit others, establishing laws and customs that drain the resources of the
lower classes.
The laws of nature, however, are opposed to such materialistic greed.
They propel nations infected by this ideology into the depths of slavery,
disgrace, and poverty. The Qur'an delivers a decisive blow to the initial claim
of materialists that their wealth and earnings are the result of their personal
expertise and labor. It asserts that the belief that sustenance and wealth are
acquired solely through one’s own strength is a misguided illusion. The forces
of nature and its abundant resources, of which humanity is but a small part,
continuously work to provide sustenance. Water evaporates from the oceans and
falls to the earth, reviving its dormant potential, enabling it to produce
resources. The earth itself yields crops, sustaining humanity and providing the
essential means of survival. Elements such as air, sunlight, and countless
others cooperate to ensure the fertility of the earth and the fruits it bears,
serving humanity selflessly. The human role in this process is merely the act
of reaching out to accept what is already offered.
Tajalliyat-The Divine Manifestation
Dedicated to those scientists, who are inching towards the cognizance of the facts, spotlighted by Allah Almighty, in the wake of their intelligent observation for the top vertex of scientific achievement, which is not other than the "Disastrous end of the Universe". And this is probably during 15th century of Lunar calendar.