The Prophet (P.U.H.B.) of Allah, the exalted friend of the Lord of the
worlds, the Mercy to all creation, exemplified tireless devotion, unwavering
effort, sincere focus, and a perfect union of faith and action. When he devoted
himself to worship, he concentrated all his attention upon it, fully immersing
himself in the sacred act. Likewise, when he undertook any task, he would not
rest until its completion, demonstrating unparalleled dedication. In his
interactions with others, he would direct his complete focus to the individual,
maintaining the conversation until the other person had fully expressed
For the Prophet (P.U.H.B.), prayer was a source of deep comfort and
serenity. It was the cooling balm for his eyes and the source of peace for his
heart. Unlike some ascetics who withdrew from worldly affairs, he fulfilled the
rights of others with great care and attention. Despite experiencing profound
spiritual states, he did not renounce the world’s duties; rather, he balanced
his religious obligations with the essential affairs of life. His devotion to
the worship of Allah was paired with his active engagement in the practical
affairs of the world.
In fulfilling his responsibilities, the Prophet (P.U.H.B.)
simultaneously cared for his family, supported the marginalized, and handled
the vital matters of the ummah. He actively participated in political and
governance-related tasks, sending emissaries to kings and inviting them to
embrace Islam. His exemplary actions across all areas of life form a singular
and unparalleled model in human history.
An incident occurred when three individuals came to the Prophet’s
household and inquired about his manner of worship. Upon learning about his
practices, one of them declared, "I will devote myself to continuous
nightly prayer." Another said, "I will fast perpetually without
breaking it." The third vowed, "I will never marry." The Prophet
(P.U.H.B.) then addressed them, saying, "Did you make such statements?
Know this: by Allah, I possess more reverence for Allah than you, yet I fast
and break my fast, I pray and sleep, and I marry. Whoever deviates from my way
is not part of my community."
This represents the balanced and moderate approach to life that the
Prophet (P.U.H.B.) has guided us to maintain. He was consistently mindful to
ensure that his followers would not deviate from the path of moderation. Just
as he excelled in executing worldly duties, displaying unmatched courage and
valor, he also exemplified unparalleled devotion in his worship and obedience
to Allah.
Divine instruction is as follows:
"O you who are enveloped in garments, stand in prayer during the
night, but not all of it—either half, or slightly less, or slightly more. And
recite the Qur’an in a distinct and clear manner. Indeed, We are about to
impose upon you a heavy word. Verily, the night’s rising is more effective for
the soul and more conducive to speech."
Abdullah bin Amr bin Al-As (R.A.) narrates that the Prophet (P.U.H.B.)
said, "The prayer of Dawood (P.B.U.H.) was the most beloved to Allah, and
his fasting was more esteemed than any other deed. He would sleep for half the
night, stand in worship during the latter third, and sleep during the final
third. He would fast one day and break his fast the following day."
The Prophet (P.U.H.B.) laid down the principles of balance and
moderation, which became firmly rooted in the hearts of the Companions. They
understood the mission at hand and adhered to these divine guidelines and
principles throughout their lives.
Once, Hazrat Salman al-Farsi (R.A.) visited the home of Abu Darda
(R.A.), with whom he had been bonded through the brotherhood established by the
Prophet (P.U.H.B.) in Medina. Upon arrival, Salman (R.A.) noticed that Abu
Darda’s wife was visibly distressed. After inquiring, he learned that Abu Darda
had completely detached himself from worldly affairs. Shortly thereafter, Abu
Darda arrived and set the table for Salman, saying, "Please eat, for I am
fasting." Salman (R.A.) responded, "I shall not eat without
you." Thus, Abu Darda joined him in the meal. Later, when night fell, Abu
Darda intended to rest, but Salman insisted, "Sleep now." After a
while, when Abu Darda attempted to rise again, Salman repeated, "Sleep
now." As the night drew to its final portion, Salman (R.A.) said,
"Your Lord has a right over you, your soul has a right over you, and your
family has a right over you. You must fulfill each right in its due
Subsequently, Salman (R.A.) presented the matter to the Prophet
(P.U.H.B.), who, upon hearing the account, affirmed, "Salmān has spoken
the truth."
Tajalliyat-The Divine Manifestation
Dedicated to those scientists, who are inching towards the cognizance of the facts, spotlighted by Allah Almighty, in the wake of their intelligent observation for the top vertex of scientific achievement, which is not other than the "Disastrous end of the Universe". And this is probably during 15th century of Lunar calendar.