
Two Wives

It is incumbent upon women to acquire knowledge of religious commandments and cultural refinement, while embodying Islamic moral principles. They must make every effort to fulfill their roles as devoted wives and mothers with excellence, performing their duties with grace and dedication as submissive devotees of Allah.

As Allah the Almighty commands:

“O believers, protect yourselves and your families from the fire of Hell.” (At-Tahrim 6)

The distinguished companion Umar ibn al-Khattab (RA) was known for his devotion to Allah, especially during the night hours. When dawn approached, he would wake his wife, encouraging her to rise and engage in prayer, reciting the verse:
“...and enjoin upon your family the prayer, and be consistent in it.” (Ta-Ha

For women, it is of utmost importance to prioritize cleanliness, organization, and adornment. The household should be maintained in a manner that reflects order and dignity, with a focus on cleanliness and the proper arrangement of items. A home that is clean and orderly, with well-kept rooms, a pristine kitchen, and a wife who carries herself with grace and beauty, not only fosters an environment of love, compassion, and blessings, but also serves as a means of seeking divine pleasure.

On one occasion, Wife of ibn Maz'oon encountered Hazrat Aisha (RA) and observed that wife of Uthman was dressed in modest attire, devoid of any adornment or embellishment. Hazrat Aisha (RA), struck by this simplicity, inquired, “O lady, is Uthman away on a journey?”

This exchange between Hazrat Aisha (RA) reveals the cultural and spiritual significance of a wife adorning herself for her husband, a practice highly valued in Islam.

The virtues of patience, forbearance, and wisdom suggest that one should approach marital relations with compassion and tranquility, relying on trust in Allah while maintaining harmony with one’s spouse. It is conceivable that Allah, in His infinite wisdom, may bestow upon a man blessings and opportunities through his wife that he could not have attained otherwise. A devout woman, characterized by her faith, conduct, and ethical integrity, becomes a source of mercy for the entire family. Through her, a virtuous soul may emerge—one whose guidance could serve as a beacon for others, even for scholars.

An upright and noble wife plays a pivotal role in the moral and spiritual advancement of her husband, drawing him closer to the divine and, ultimately, to paradise. Allah, in His grace, may grant a man sustenance and well-being through the blessings of his wife, thereby ensuring prosperity in both his worldly and spiritual affairs.

Do not precipitously undermine a marital relationship based on the observation of a woman's external flaw. Rather, cultivate an approach characterized by wisdom, steadily transforming the domestic atmosphere into one of increasing tranquility and mutual affection.

The Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) asserted: "If a man has two wives and does not treat them with equity and justice, he will appear on the Day of Judgment with his body half-formed."

The authentic arena for testing one’s character and gentleness lies within domestic life. Constant interaction with one’s family reveals the true disposition, as the unguarded nature of home life exposes every facet of one’s temperament and behavior. Indeed, it is established that a believer whose faith is complete is the one who consistently demonstrates good manners, a welcoming demeanor, and compassion toward his household. He seeks to uplift their spirits, engaging them with love and affection.

During the Hajj pilgrimage, a particular incident occurred where the camel of Umm al-Mu’minīn, Safiya (RA), knelt down, causing her to fall behind the group. Upon noticing her distress, the Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) observed her weeping uncontrollably. Demonstrating deep compassion, he stopped his journey, took the edge of his cloak, and tenderly wiped away her tears with his blessed hand. Despite the Prophet's (P.B.U.H) gentle and considerate actions, Lady Safiya (RA) continued to weep, overwhelmed by her emotions.




Tajalliyat-The Divine Manifestation



Dedicated to those scientists, who are inching towards the cognizance of the facts, spotlighted by Allah Almighty, in the wake of their intelligent observation for the top vertex of scientific achievement, which is not other than the "Disastrous end of the Universe". And this is probably during 15th century of Lunar calendar.