The Prophet (P.U.H.B.) exemplified the highest
degree of selfless service to humanity, as he articulated:
"My example is like that of a person who lights a fire, and as its
light illuminates the surroundings, insects and moths begin to fall into it.
Despite his efforts to prevent them, they continue to fall into the fire. In
the same manner, I am holding you back from the fire, but you continue to fall
into it."
This analogy reflects the Prophet's profound
commitment to guiding humanity away from harm, despite the resistance he faced.
At the time, as the Prophet (P.U.H.B.) was confronted with persecution in
Mecca, some suggested expelling or even killing him. Simultaneously, a
devastating famine struck Mecca, leading the people of Quraysh to resort to
eating leaves and tree bark. Children cried from hunger, and the adults were
moved by the suffering they witnessed. Despite these challenges, the Prophet
(P.U.H.B.), deeply compassionate towards his people, sent a message of mercy to
his enemies—Abu Sufyan and Safwan—with five hundred dinars to alleviate the
suffering of the famine-stricken poor.
In following the example of the Prophet
(P.U.H.B.), one must serve others selflessly, with no expectation of reward
from people, but solely for the pleasure of Allah. This approach aligns with
the core principle of Islamic ethics, wherein all actions are intended to
fulfill the divine will.
Allah, the eternal and self-sustaining Creator,
is ever watchful over His creation, and no action, whether of virtue or vice,
is hidden from His gaze. Unlike His servants, He neither slumbers nor dozes.
The eternal reward for the devoted servant is preserved and never lost by
Upon deeper reflection, it is evident that
Allah's service to His creation spans the entirety of existence—from the moment
of birth, throughout life, and even beyond death. Allah, in His infinite mercy,
provides sustenance and care to all creation, regardless of their righteousness
or sin. He grants health to enable the utilization of His provisions, bestows
intellect to benefit from the resources He has spread throughout the earth,
offers protection, and, with boundless compassion, forgives the mistakes of His
creation. Through these actions, Allah’s unceasing service to creation
manifests as an embodiment of His divine attributes and eternal care for all
Tajalliyat-The Divine Manifestation
Dedicated to those scientists, who are inching towards the cognizance of the facts, spotlighted by Allah Almighty, in the wake of their intelligent observation for the top vertex of scientific achievement, which is not other than the "Disastrous end of the Universe". And this is probably during 15th century of Lunar calendar.