The Noble Prophet of Allah, the Sovereign of both worlds, once sat by a
grave and remarked, "The grave cries out daily in a voice of profound
anguish, 'O children of Adam! Have you forgotten me? I am the abode of solitude,
a place of estrangement and terror, the dwelling of worms, and a site of
narrowness and affliction. Except for those fortunate individuals for whom
Allah grants me expansion and relief, I am a source of torment for all of
humankind.'" Furthermore, he declared, "The grave is either one of
the pits of Hell or one of the gardens of Paradise."
On one occasion, Hazrat Ali (R.A.) visited a graveyard, accompanied by
Hazrat Kumail (R.A.). As they arrived, he surveyed the graves and, addressing
the deceased, spoke thus: "O dwellers of the graves! O those who inhabit
ruins! O inhabitants of isolation and fear! What is your condition? As for us,
our wealth has been divided, our children orphaned, and our wives remarried.
Such is our state. Now, what can you tell us of your condition?" After a
moment of silence, he turned to Hazrat Kumail (R.A.) and said, " Kumail,
were the inhabitants of these graves granted speech, they would undoubtedly
declare, 'The most valuable provision is piety.'"
At these words, Hazrat Ali (R.A.) wept profusely, and after a
considerable time, he said, "Kamil, the grave is the repository of one's
deeds, and death is the moment when the true value of these deeds becomes
In contemporary times, it has become increasingly common for individuals
to smoke in graveyards, engage in frivolous conversations, and indulge in
worldly matters with utter disregard for the sanctity of the space. However,
the grave stands as the threshold to the Hereafter. One must approach this
threshold with reflection and awareness of the eternal life that follows, for
it is a reminder to contemplate the ultimate reality beyond the transient
Tajalliyat-The Divine Manifestation
Dedicated to those scientists, who are inching towards the cognizance of the facts, spotlighted by Allah Almighty, in the wake of their intelligent observation for the top vertex of scientific achievement, which is not other than the "Disastrous end of the Universe". And this is probably during 15th century of Lunar calendar.