They failed to
avert the repercussions of their transgressions, and all their endeavors were
rendered ineffective. A further grievous punishment awaits them.
O those of understanding, reflect wisely. (Al-tahrim 10)
A nation that
disregards the commands of Allah and succumbs to the worship of wealth, rather than
dedicating itself to the worship of Allah, is inevitably subjected to disgrace
and degradation by Allah. This is not a mere narrative, but a verifiable
reality, as substantiated by the remnants visible across the earth. Once
powerful empires and their inhabitants, residing in opulent palaces, have
disappeared, leaving behind only the ruins of their once-grand structures.
you many codes (of divine law) have passed (for the preceding nations). So
travel in the earth and observe what was the end of those who belied!”
(Al-momin 21)
transgressions are pardoned by Allah, and as long as they do not disrupt the
established divine order, the law of nature tends to overlook such lapses.
However, when the actions of individuals disturb the sanctity of Allah's
dominion and result in unrest among the righteous, the divine corrective system
is activated, and the nation becomes subject to grievous punishment. In such
instances, Allah's law seizes power from these individuals or communities,
reducing them to subjugation, as they had voluntarily chosen to enslave
themselves to transient wealth, forsaking the eternal for the perishable.
Undoubtedly, our era is one dominated by idolatry. Who can claim that the veneration of wealth and idolatry
are two distinct practices? Worship of stones and worship of gold are, at their
core, indistinguishable practices. Idols are crafted from stones and
clay—materials which are part of Allah’s creation—while gold and silver
represent transformed forms of these same earthly elements. The nation’s
fixation on gold, silver, and precious gems has so profoundly obscured its
vision that wealth has become the measure of dignity and lineage. The
insatiable desire for wealth has reached such extremes that it has
systematically eroded all foundational human values. Virtues such as family
honor, ancestral nobility, and national traditions have been reduced to mere
relics. The
principles of family ethics, ancestral dignity, and national traditions have
now crumbled into a heap of debris. The conviction in the afterlife has been
forsaken. The entire nation has degenerated into the embodiment of the proverb. The whole nation reflects
“بابر بہ عیش کوش کہ عالم
دوباره نیست ”
Babur himself is working to create the universe again”.
"Live for pleasure, for the
world beyond is non-existent." Spiritual values are being sacrificed,
giving birth to moral degradation. This represents a clear transgression of
Allah's directive:
"Hold fast to the rope of
Allah and do not be divided." (Al-Imran: 103)
When the devout followers of
Allah raise their voices in opposition to His will, the nation retreats into a
state of indifference, shutting their ears and muting their speech. The
righteous among them mourn, while Satan, in his triumph, exults with derision.
“So We seized (every one of )
them for his sin. And there was (a faction) of those against whom We sent a
storm of pelting stones. And of them was (also a group) whom a roaring blast
seized.”(Al Ankaboot 40)
In contemporary society, material
wealth has become the defining objective of life, with the construction of
extravagant mansions and palatial structures serving as a symbol of prestige.
However, we fail to reflect upon the fact that previous civilizations too once
regarded such opulent dwellings as the pinnacle of achievement. There have been
figures whose policies, marked by tyranny, worldly dominance, and arrogance,
caused upheaval across the globe. Yet, when the divine grasp of retribution
grew firm and the shield of mercy was withdrawn, these empires crumbled to
dust. Ironically, we now walk upon the remnants of what once stood as symbols
of power and pride.
many a garden and spring they left behind. And green crops and
magnificent buildings. And blessings (and comforts) in which they used to
luxuriate!” (Ad-Dukhan 25-27)
The repercussions of straying
from Allah's divine law are innumerable and manifest in the world around us:
surge of novel and debilitating diseases is overwhelming, and despite
possessing material wealth, individuals remain ensnared in the grip of
impoverishment. The incompetence of children is a prevailing concern, with
parents similarly criticized for their perceived inadequacy. The nation, once
blessed with clear vision and profound insight, now faces a growing detachment
from both. Mental health conditions are more widespread than ever before, with
death transforming into a mere spectacle—a transient moment where a heartbeat
signifies life, only to be followed by its sudden cessation. The prevailing
climate of insecurity is so intense that even the smallest disturbance sends
one's heart racing, as though it might escape the chest. Domestic strife between
spouses has led the younger generation to view the institution of marriage as a
burden, and despite the apparent abundance of resources, the scarcity of
sustenance has become more pronounced.
whoever turns away from My direction and guidance (i.e., remembrance and
advice), his worldly sustenance will be narrowed, and We shall raise him blind
on the Day of Resurrection (as well).” (Al
Taha 124)
Tajalliyat-The Divine Manifestation
Dedicated to those scientists, who are inching towards the cognizance of the facts, spotlighted by Allah Almighty, in the wake of their intelligent observation for the top vertex of scientific achievement, which is not other than the "Disastrous end of the Universe". And this is probably during 15th century of Lunar calendar.