If you adhere to the commandments that I impart to you
this day, your God will exalt you above the nations of the earth. All blessings
will manifest upon you, both in the city and in the fields. You will be blessed
in your entry and in your exit. Your enemies will be vanquished before you; if
they come at you by one route, they shall flee in seven. The Lord will ensure
an abundant harvest in your fields. He will unlock His treasuries before you,
and the heavens will bless your land with timely rain. You shall lend to
others, yet you shall not borrow. However, if you do not heed the voice of the
Lord, you will become accursed, both in the city and in the field. You will be
cursed in your entry and exit. The Lord will impose curses, confusion, and
rebuke upon your efforts, until you are utterly destroyed. Pestilence will
pursue you. The Lord will strike you with fever, heat, swelling, bloody flux,
boils, drought, and oppressive heat. Your heavens will become like brass, and
your earth like iron. Instead of rain, the Lord will send dust and ash upon
your land. You will attack your enemies from one direction, but they will
scatter before you in seven. The Lord will strike you with madness, blindness,
and dismay, so that you will grope about at noon, as the blind do in darkness.
Your children will be handed over to foreign nations, and you will watch in
vain as your strength fails you. The fruits of your labor will be consumed by a
foreign power. (Book of Moses, Deuteronomy 28:1-3)
Throughout history, there has been
no instance where a tyrant has escaped the repercussions of their oppression.
It is an indisputable truth that an immoral and corrupt individual cannot
attain inner peace or tranquility in life. This is the immutable law of
retribution, which dictates that no one can sever their ties with the fleeting
pleasures of this world without first paying the price for their actions. Can
anyone credibly assert that dishonesty and deceit have contributed to their
happiness or success? Is it possible for one to remain untouched by the ravages
of illness, distress, and anxiety after consuming corrupt or tainted
sustenance? Can a life led by vice ever result in genuine success—one that can
be called true and lasting?
The answer to these questions is
evident: negative actions inevitably lead to negative outcomes, while virtuous
deeds produce beneficial consequences. This principle is fundamental and must
be universally acknowledged—that the welfare of humankind resides in moral
uprightness, while immorality culminates in destruction. This law is equally
applicable to the collective life of societies. When a society becomes
entrenched in vice, it invites its own collective demise.
It is a widely recognized reality
that the Muslim Ummah, as a whole, is currently living in a state of decline.
Once, they were masters of vast empires and civilizations; today, they find
themselves reliant on the patronage and mercy of those who were once under
their care.
The heavenly scriptures, along with
all of Allah's sent prophets, have consistently imparted a singular and
profound message to humanity: righteousness, integrity, and a commitment to
truth form the pinnacle of human existence. When a society embraces this
virtue, it attains a state of inner peace. This inner tranquility is not merely
a psychological state but a profound condition that triggers the activation of
dormant cellular capacities within the human body. These latent potentials,
when awakened, enable the individual and the collective to manifest
extraordinary creative and intellectual capabilities.
What are these latent potentials?
They represent the divine attributes of Allah, which are ingrained within human
nature. These qualities carry a powerful message: humankind is endowed with
dominion over the earth, the heavens, and the entire cosmos. Allah’s law is
immutable and just, and the nations that embody His divine attributes—those
that harness their intrinsic human capacities—become rulers of the earth. On
the other hand, those who fail to tap into these divine qualities, whose
actions lead them into ignorance and stagnation, are doomed to subjugation and
We find ourselves in an age where
certain nations are entrenched in subjugation and enslavement, both externally
and internally. According to divine law, a nation that is "alive"—one
that remains vigilant and actively strives to utilize the resources Allah has
bestowed upon the earth—is a sovereign nation. In contrast, a nation plagued by
disunity, conflict, insecurity, and ingratitude toward the divine gifts it has
received falls into a state of deprivation and decay.
In light of these truths, it is
incumbent upon us to conduct a critical introspection of our own society and
nation. We must ask ourselves whether we belong to the nations of sovereignty,
flourishing under divine guidance, or whether we are ensnared in the grip of
deprivation, unaware of the blessings and responsibilities entrusted to us by
Tajalliyat-The Divine Manifestation
Dedicated to those scientists, who are inching towards the cognizance of the facts, spotlighted by Allah Almighty, in the wake of their intelligent observation for the top vertex of scientific achievement, which is not other than the "Disastrous end of the Universe". And this is probably during 15th century of Lunar calendar.