
The Repentance

Repentance involves the open acknowledgment of one’s transgressions before the Divine. It requires one to implore with earnestness, presenting their vulnerabilities and acknowledging their wrongdoings before the Sovereign, the Concealer of faults and the Pardoner of sins. Such humility and contrition form a priceless resource, available solely for submission at the Divine threshold. If this precious offering is placed before other weak and powerless human beings, it results in spiritual bankruptcy, leading to degradation and dishonor, where the dignity once possessed is submerged in the filth of abasement.

Tawbah is not merely an act of worship; it is an existential act of negation wherein the individual surrenders their self-importance and confesses before the Creator those truths they cannot bring themselves to express before any other. Indeed, Allah is our ultimate Protector and Sustainer. His mercy, akin to a ceaseless downpour, envelops us continually. Allah, the Supreme, affirms this in His words

“And your Lord is Most Forgiving, Full of Mercy. If He had to take them to task for their wrongdoing, He would certainly send the torment upon them quickly. And in truth, the Hour of Promise is appointed for them. (When that time comes, they will not find any place of shelter except with Him.” (al-Kahf 58)

“And He is the One Who accepts His devotees’ repentance and forgives sins and knows what you do.” (Al-Shura 25)

The proper disposition of the believer is to recognize that no matter the gravity of their transgressions, their ultimate recourse lies in offering sincere repentance before Allah. Such an act entails not only verbal confession but also an offering of remorse and humility, for no avenue exists where the devotee can seek solace beyond Allah. His essence is unique and self-sufficient, and He alone possesses the capacity to fulfill every need of His devotee, regardless of the magnitude of their desires. Allah, in His boundless generosity, is perpetually engaged in the service of His creation, sustaining them according to His divine will. Our health, sustenance, and all the fluctuating circumstances of our lives are merely reflections of His omnipotent mercy.

The Divine declaration is as follows:

“O believers! Turn towards Allah’s presence in perfect and most sincere repentance. Your Lord will certainly remove your sins from you and admit you to the Gardens with streams flowing under them. On the Day when Allah will not slight (His) Prophet (blessings and peace be upon him) and those believers who are in his companionship. (At-Tahrim 8)

A nation ensnared in the formidable pit of sin, when it turns to Allah in sincere remorse, shedding tears of regret for its transgressions, and purifies itself from the filth of its errors—both major and minor—through acts of contrition, thereby reaffirming its covenant with Allah, is what the Quran characterizes as Tawbah. This repentance (Istighfar) serves as the ultimate remedy for delivering one from the clutches of trials, corruption, fear, and a sense of insecurity. Conversely, when an individual disregards their sins and failings, this satanic influence hollowing out the individual leads to disgrace both in this world and in the Hereafter. As this neglect becomes ingrained in one's life, it results in the sealing of the heart, the deafness to divine truth, and the veiling of perception, creating a condition that is an inescapable torment. This punishment manifests as despair, degradation, and a constant state of anxiety and fear that becomes an enduring affliction upon the individual.

Allah says in Surah Ash-Shura:

"And whatever misfortunes befall you as a result of that which your own hands have done, He forgives most of your (misdoings)." (Ash-Shura 30)

The reference for the verse you provided is from Surah An-Nur

"And turn to Allah in repentance, all of you, O believers, that you might succeed." (An-Nur 31)

This verse underscores the importance of sincere repentance and turning back to Allah for achieving true success and healing from the consequences of sin.



Tajalliyat-The Divine Manifestation



Dedicated to those scientists, who are inching towards the cognizance of the facts, spotlighted by Allah Almighty, in the wake of their intelligent observation for the top vertex of scientific achievement, which is not other than the "Disastrous end of the Universe". And this is probably during 15th century of Lunar calendar.