The noble Prophet (P.B.U.H.) articulated: "Three factors lead to
one's ruin:
1. A desire to
which one becomes subjugated.
2. A covetousness
that one elevates as a guiding principle.
3. Arrogance,
which is the most dangerous of these maladies."
Accountability constitutes an act that purges an individual from all
impurities, instilling vitality and the very essence of life within a
community. A true friend is one who delights in the process of mutual
accountability and actively seeks to rectify their own shortcomings. It is
equally important to engage in the practice of restraint; when one observes a
flaw in a friend, it should not be articulated in a manner that leaves a mark
upon their heart. The refined method of cleansing blemishes is the cornerstone
of genuine friendship. While striving to aid the self-improvement of others,
one must also grant their friends the opportunity to highlight any underlying
flaws within themselves. When this difficult task is undertaken, it should be
met with magnanimity, kindness, and profound gratitude. The Prophet (P.B.U.H.)
metaphorically compared such an exemplary bond to that of a mirror:
"Each of you is a mirror to your brother.
If you perceive a fault within him, aid him in removing it." (Sunan
Abu Dawood)
In accordance with spiritual principles, every individual is likened to
a mirror. The mirror’s unique quality is that when a person stands before it,
it absorbs all imperfections and brings them to the forefront. Once the
individual moves away from the mirror, it disregards the flaws it has
reflected. Just as a mirror possesses the capacity for vast tolerance, so too
must one approach the flaws of others with a similar breadth of heart,
revealing them only when a person willingly presents themselves for criticism
and creates an environment for constructive dialogue. One must consistently
deliver counsel with gentleness, politeness, and empathy. If it is apparent
that the individual is not yet receptive to criticism, it is advisable to defer
the conversation to a more suitable moment. In their absence, no statement
should be made that indirectly or directly points to their shortcomings, for
this would constitute backbiting—an act that fosters discord. One should
confine their focus solely to those faults that naturally arise within the
context of a friendship. Prying into concealed imperfections is both an
egregious and morally corrosive behavior. The Prophet (P.B.U.H.), while seated
upon the pulpit, issued a stern caution: "Do not pursue the hidden faults
of your fellow Muslims. Whoever seeks to uncover the concealed flaws of their
Muslim brother, Allah will expose their own hidden faults. And when Allah
resolves to expose the faults of a person, He will disgrace them, even if they
retreat into the sanctity of their own home."
Tajalliyat-The Divine Manifestation
Dedicated to those scientists, who are inching towards the cognizance of the facts, spotlighted by Allah Almighty, in the wake of their intelligent observation for the top vertex of scientific achievement, which is not other than the "Disastrous end of the Universe". And this is probably during 15th century of Lunar calendar.