"And the grazing livestock and the flying
creatures are communities like yourselves..." (Surah Al-An'am 38)
Birds, mammals, and insects are not afflicted with common ailments such
as the common cold, influenza, or malaria. They are not susceptible to diseases
like chronic coughs or tuberculosis. There is no record in scientific or
medical history of any bird or animal contracting cancer. Nor has it been
documented that wild mammals suffer from psychological disorders. There is also
no evidence to suggest that any animal species have heart valve dysfunctions.
The phenomena of aging are markedly less evident in the animal kingdom; their
mouths do not become parched, and their eyes do not require corrective lenses.
These creatures remain vigorous and sprightly throughout their natural
lifespan. Have we ever considered why this is the case?
The answer lies in the fact that Allah's creation operates in accordance
with a harmonious system far more refined than the human condition. The vast
diversity of species—each with an innumerable number of individuals—thrives on
a natural diet, free from contamination or artificial additives. Exercise, in
the form of physical activity, is intrinsic to their existence, and their way
of life adheres strictly to a set of laws that govern their behavior.
Furthermore, these animals exhibit an adaptability to changing environmental
conditions, constantly adjusting their way of life to align with the demands of
their surroundings.
"Do you not see that everything in the
heavens and on the earth is in submission to the Divine law, and that the
birds, too, are following their system? Each of them is aware of its prayer and
its prescribed conduct." (Surah An-Nur 41)
However, those animals that live in proximity to humans, particularly
within urban environments, are often subjected to the detrimental effects of
human pollution and waste. The filth and contamination created by human
activities expose these creatures to a range of diseases and illnesses.
Human beings, who assert themselves as the apex of creation, exhibit a
level of uncleanliness and disregard for hygiene that is both conspicuous and
deeply troubling. The constant spitting, accumulation of refuse, and general
disregard for cleanliness contribute to the deterioration of the environment.
In urban areas, the lack of sanitation within homes spills over into public
spaces, creating unpleasant odors and unsanitary conditions. When humans speak,
the foul smell of their breath fills the air, and physical contact is often
marked by the offensive odor of sweat. Dry skin, brittle hair, and the presence
of lice in the hair are undeniable signs of neglect for personal hygiene and a
disregard for purity, which stands in stark contrast to the natural cleanliness
of Allah's creatures.
mankind, observe the wild creatures and the inherent cleanliness within their
nests and habitats."
The cat, for instance, instinctively digs a hole to bury its waste. This small
yet significant act exemplifies nature's intrinsic adherence to purity,
offering a lesson in cleanliness for humanity. Allah, the Exalted, commands:
"O mankind, distance yourselves from filth and
(Al-Muddathir 4)
thriving society is defined by its commitment to cleanliness, refinement, and
purity as the central principles of its way of life. In contrast, those
societies where purity is neglected become spiritually and physically degraded,
losing their sense of sanctity. In such communities, the radiant feathers of
birds, the aesthetic elegance of animals, and the captivating allure of their
eyes dissipate, rendering them akin to the coarse rhinoceros, the repellent
vulture, and the disoriented owl. In this context, Allah directed His beloved
Messenger, Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H.):
"O you who cover yourself in garments, arise!
Warn the people of the consequences of impurity, declare the magnificence of
Allah, adorn yourself in pure clothing, and distance yourself from all forms of
contamination." (Surah Al-Muddathir 1-5)
the present condition of the Muslim Ummah reflects a superficial commitment to
only the five obligatory acts of worship, while neglecting the countless other
principles outlined in Islamic teachings. These additional commandments are
regarded as secondary or merely commendable, leading to a departure from the
comprehensive guidance that Islam offers for both spiritual and physical
Muslims, consider the state of the Ummah today, where the effects of
contamination—both literal and metaphorical—are evident in the widespread
ill-health of our people. The faces of innocent children, once vibrant and full
of life, now appear pallid and lackluster. The degradation of our homes and
minds has diminished our collective dignity. From a position of cultural,
civilizational, and societal vitality, we have regressed, becoming tools in the
hands of external powers, subject to subjugation and exploitation.
forsaking the Quranic imperative of cleanliness, we have been reduced to a
state of disgrace. The Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H.) was sent to guide us toward
spiritual and physical purity, liberating us from impurity and defilement. In
Surah Ibrahim, Allah commands:
"O Messenger, We have granted you this sacred
Scripture to lead humanity out of the darkness of impurity and corruption into
the enlightening radiance of purity, refinement, and spiritual
(Ibrahim 1)
Tajalliyat-The Divine Manifestation
Dedicated to those scientists, who are inching towards the cognizance of the facts, spotlighted by Allah Almighty, in the wake of their intelligent observation for the top vertex of scientific achievement, which is not other than the "Disastrous end of the Universe". And this is probably during 15th century of Lunar calendar.