
The Love

Establish friendships with those individuals who, from the perspective of humanity, are truly deserving of friendship. As it is crucial to select individuals of moral integrity for friendship, it is equally vital to continuously strive to nurture and uphold that friendship. A friend is characterized as an intimate companion, an affable associate, and a jovial partner. The essence of true friendship lies in the principle that one should not grow weary or indifferent towards a friend, and in turn, the friend should find comfort and solace in one's companionship.

Laughter and amusement shared with friends are also regarded as a high moral value within human ethics. However, a true friend not only engages in leisure but also upholds dignity, honor, and moderation. At times, it is essential to openly express one's affection for those whom one loves. The psychological effect of expressing love is such that it deepens the bond of friendship, leading to an exchange of emotions that cultivates extraordinary levels of sincerity and compassion. This exchange fosters a profound emotional attachment, which, in turn, positively influences practical life. As a result, friends come to embody the concept of a unified soul inhabiting two bodies.

To further strengthen and enhance the quality of friendship, it is essential to serve one's friends. When contemplating the divine attributes of Allah, it becomes apparent that His supreme characteristic is the service He provides to His creation. Thus, if an individual adopts the service of humanity as their mission, regarding humanity as friends, the gates of divine mercy open for them, and ultimately, the entire universe submits to their influence. Historically, our predecessors made it their practice to elevate those younger or less privileged, and they aspired for their friends to have the same blessings that they wished for themselves.

Among common people, the one most beloved to Allah is the one who brings the most benefit to others. Furthermore, the individual who benefits humanity, regardless of gender, is regarded as a friend to all of mankind.

Let us invoke Allah with the following supplication: "O Allah, purify our hearts from hatred, arrogance, and the stains of hostility. Heal the broken hearts caused by division and reconcile them with sincerity and love. Grant us the ability to establish an exemplary spiritual society rooted in unity and harmony."

Recite this supplication from the Quran: Our Lord, forgive us and our brothers who preceded us in faith, and do not place any malice in our hearts towards those who have believed. Our Lord, indeed You are full of kindness and mercy. (Al-Hashr 10)




Tajalliyat-The Divine Manifestation



Dedicated to those scientists, who are inching towards the cognizance of the facts, spotlighted by Allah Almighty, in the wake of their intelligent observation for the top vertex of scientific achievement, which is not other than the "Disastrous end of the Universe". And this is probably during 15th century of Lunar calendar.