

In the realm of commerce, ethical conduct serves as a fundamental guarantee for the advancement of business. As a merchant, you bear several obligations:

1.      You are required to provide the highest quality goods to your customers. Never offer products in which you lack personal confidence.

2.      Through your conduct, you must establish that customers can place their trust in you, consider you as their well-wisher, and be assured that they will never be deceived in your business dealings.

3.      When a customer seeks counsel, you must offer truthful and sound advice, even if it results in a personal loss to you.

4.      Strict adherence to punctuality is essential. Open your establishment at the prescribed time and demonstrate patience and perseverance. Early rising, coupled with fulfilling your obligations, and pursuing sustenance thereafter, leads to divine blessings and prosperity.

5.      Lead by example in diligence and ensure that your employees adopt a similar work ethic. It is your duty to meet their rights with generosity and selflessness. Employees are integral to the flourishing of your enterprise, and therefore, should be treated with compassion and gentleness.

6.      Exercise leniency with those who request loans. Should they encounter difficulty in repaying, refrain from exerting undue pressure. The Prophet (P.B.U.H) advised, "If someone desires that Allah saves him from the distress and hardships of the Day of Judgment, let him grant extension or forgive the debt of a financially struggling borrower."

7.      It is imperative to uphold the integrity of measurement, ensuring complete honesty in both taking and giving, whether in terms of weight or volume. Allah, the Exalted, cautions:

"Woe to those who give less in measurement, those who, when taking from others, demand full measure, but when giving, offer less. Do they not realize that they will be resurrected on a momentous day, when all of humanity will stand before Allah, the Lord of the Worlds?" (Al-Mutaffifin 1-6)

A companion came to the service of the beloved Prophet (P.U.H.B.) and asked him a question. The Prophet (P.U.H.B.) asked, "Do you have anything at home?"

The companion replied, "O Messenger of Allah (P.U.H.B.), I have only two items: one is a mat of coarse cloth which we use for both covering and sleeping, and the other is a drinking cup."
The Prophet (P.U.H.B.) said, "Bring these items to me."
The companion brought both items, and the Prophet (P.U.H.B.) auctioned them for two dirhams. He handed over the two dirhams and said, "Go, with one dirham, buy some food and drink for your family, and with the other, buy an axe."
Then, with his blessed hands, the Prophet (P.U.H.B.) attached a handle to the axe and said, "Go to the forest, cut wood, and sell it in the market. Come back in fifteen days and tell me what happened."
Fifteen days later, the companion returned, now with ten dirhams. The Prophet (P.U.H.B.) smiled and said, "This earnings from your hard work are far better than begging from people and appearing on the Day of Judgment with a mark of begging on your face."

Once, people asked the Prophet (P.U.H.B.),

"O Messenger of Allah (P.U.H.B.), which type of earning is the best?"
The Prophet (P.U.H.B.) replied,

"The best earning is that which comes from one's own hands, and every business that does not involve lying or deceit."

In accordance with this, we are obligated to conduct our business with honesty and integrity, remaining steadfast in our faith. We should avoid swearing false oaths to sell goods or deceive customers.
The Prophet (P.U.H.B.) has said,

"On the Day of Judgment, Allah will neither speak to nor look at the person who tries to promote their business by taking false oaths, and He will not purify them to enter Paradise."
The Prophet (P.U.H.B.) further stated,

"The truthful and trustworthy merchant will be with the prophets, the truthful ones, and the martyrs on the Day of Judgment."



Tajalliyat-The Divine Manifestation



Dedicated to those scientists, who are inching towards the cognizance of the facts, spotlighted by Allah Almighty, in the wake of their intelligent observation for the top vertex of scientific achievement, which is not other than the "Disastrous end of the Universe". And this is probably during 15th century of Lunar calendar.