The challenges of resource scarcity, conflict, oppression,
brutality, societal turmoil, natural catastrophes, and the inevitable grasp of
death—coupled with the existential dread of permanent deprivation from worldly
affluence or the intensifying anxiety over escalating social, political,
individual, and collective crises—necessitate an approach that transcends
superficial strategies and futile endeavors. To address these predicaments
effectively, one must identify their fundamental causes and origins, utilizing
all spiritual faculties to pursue resolutions along principled and structured
This trajectory is delineated in the Holy Qur'an as Sirat
al-Mustaqeem (the Straight Path), which represents the definitive route to
enduring success:
(O Allah the Almighty!) Guide us to the Straight Path—the
path of those whom You have favored with Your blessings, not the path of those
who have incurred Your wrath, nor of those who have gone astray. (Al-Fatihah
The Divine response to the supplication of creation is
articulated in the Quran as follows:
"Whatever misfortune befalls you is a
consequence of what your hands have earned, yet He pardons much." (Ash-Shura
"And turn to Allah in repentance, all
of you, O believers, so that you may attain success." (An-Nur 31)
When a nation or an individual, ensnared in the perilous
mire of their own misdeeds and the intricate entrapments of their self-created
dilemmas, re-establishes a covenant of fidelity with their Creator, expresses
remorse for their transgressions, acknowledges their own shortcomings, and
beseeches their Lord with such sincerity that their tears metaphorically purify
their entire spiritual essence of all impurities, it elicits Divine pleasure. In
Qur'anic terminology, the act of turning towards Allah the Almighty is
designated as Tawajjuh (Divine orientation). This conscious orientation
towards Allah constitutes a profound return to the Divine presence. It serves
as the ultimate and unequivocal solution to all existential and spiritual
dilemmas, offering comprehensive protection from all forms of fear and sorrow.
Recognize the Divine Self of Allah the Almighty from the
deepest depths of the heart. Consolidate the faculties of the heart, mind,
emotions, thoughts, leadership, and all other abilities bestowed by Allah,
directing them with singular focus and profound attentiveness towards Him.
Transform your life into an enduring testament of love and loyalty, a tangible
and articulate embodiment of devotion for others to behold. Such individuals,
without a doubt, are elevated by Allah the Almighty into the ranks of His elect
devotees, a reality perceived by the eyes of the soul and witnessed by those
with spiritual insight. These distinguished devotees form a continuous lineage,
and upon joining this sacred chain, the heart, mind, and soul of the individual
attain profound serenity. In His infinite grace and mercy, Allah the Almighty
bestows upon such individuals His blessings, His bounties, and the divine
radiance of His light and manifestations.
A person is most intimately connected with Allah the
Almighty when he is in a state of prostration before his Lord, submitting his
forehead in reverence to his true Creator and Sovereign.
By bowing his head before other nations, an individual not
only debases himself but also compromises the honor and dignity of his own
Let us identify the underlying causes that led to the
enemies assuming dominion over you, reducing you to their subjects and
captives. The Prophet (P.B.U.H) elucidated two principal reasons for this:
The attachment to worldly
The fear of death
A resolute and courageous individual (a Muslim), whose heart
is imbued with the love of his Lord, remains steadfast in the face of
adversity. The allure of worldly desires does not ensnare him, and when
confronted with the inevitability of death, he meets it with a smile. History
is replete with countless individuals who embraced martyrdom with such joy and
composure, as though drinking from a cup of honey.
Remember! Address these collective vulnerabilities. Do not
succumb to cowardice or a sense of inferiority, resembling a defenseless bird
ensnared in the traps laid by the enemies. The fear of adversaries arises from
treachery. Famine is brought about by deceit and corruption in trade and
measurement. Where unjust rulings prevail, discord, turmoil, and bloodshed are
inevitable. A nation that violates its oaths and agreements will, in all
circumstances, fall under the dominion of its enemies. Let us collectively
engage in introspection, evaluating our current standing and condition.
Together, let us turn to our Lord, and, in the words of the Prophet (P.B.U.H),
offer this prayer:
Translation: "Glory and
perfection belong to Allah, the True Sovereign, free from all imperfections. O
Lord of the angels and of Jibril, Your majesty and authority reign over the
heavens and the earth. O Allah, O Allah! Safeguard our honor and dignity, and
grant us peace, protecting us from fear and distress! (Al-Hashr 23)
Tajalliyat-The Divine Manifestation
Dedicated to those scientists, who are inching towards the cognizance of the facts, spotlighted by Allah Almighty, in the wake of their intelligent observation for the top vertex of scientific achievement, which is not other than the "Disastrous end of the Universe". And this is probably during 15th century of Lunar calendar.