
The Holy Quran

The Holy Quran

The Holy Qur'an introduces us to moral and spiritual values that transcend the limitations of time and space. It presents a framework for living that is universally applicable, regardless of geographical or temporal context. If the moral and spiritual principles articulated in the Qur'an are capable of thriving in the frozen environments of Switzerland, they similarly provide guidance for the arid deserts of Africa. Just as there are social etiquettes and laws governing material existence that remain unchanged across different eras and places, similarly, there are certain laws governing spiritual life that are impervious to change.

It is a well-established understanding within human knowledge that fire causes combustion. From the time of Adam until the Day of Judgment, the burning nature of fire remains an incontrovertible fact. In every era and across all regions, the defining characteristic of fire as a destructive force is constant. Just as the violation of health principles adversely affects physical well-being in this world, similarly, there are established principles governing the health of the soul, which maintain its spiritual well-being. These are the very principles that have been promulgated by all the prophets, culminating in the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H.). The principles for maintaining spiritual health can be categorized into two main components: the rights of Allah and the rights of His people. The rights of Allah upon His people are such that they attain an understanding of Allah’s essence and attributes, such that their hearts become permeated with love for Allah. Within them, there should arise a genuine inclination towards worship, accompanied by a deep curiosity for the knowledge of Allah’s nature. The relationship between the people and Allah should be cultivated in a manner where the sense of servitude becomes intrinsic to their being. The people must be fully cognizant, with complete awareness, that their bond with Allah is unbreakable, uninterruptible, and eternal, unaffected by any moment, time, or circumstance. Furthermore, it is encompassed within the rights of Allah that the people acknowledge and affirm in their hearts the covenant made in the realm of spirits — that their Lord, the One who created them, shaped their form, nurtured them, and provided for them, is Allah. The people must confirm that they have pledged to live their lives — irrespective of its temporal form — wholly in submission and servitude to Allah.

The rights of others entail the conviction that all of humanity forms a single family under the sovereignty of Allah, and that each individual is a member of this collective. Just as a person establishes principles for their own welfare and comfort, it is equally obligatory for every individual to consider and safeguard the well-being and comfort of others. A careful examination of the history of the Prophets and the pious reveals a consistent theme: all the Prophets and saints have dedicated themselves to the service of creation as their paramount purpose. A genuine, selfless commitment to serving Allah’s creation cultivates within individuals values such as love, fraternity, equality, and compassion.

Prophet Musa (P.B.U.H.) spent forty nights in worship on Mount Sinai, with the purpose of imparting profound spiritual blessings to the Children of Israel. Similarly, when Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H.) emerged from the Cave of Hira, humanity was bestowed with unparalleled material and spiritual blessings. Through his meditative reflection in the solitude of the cave, the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) received a divine revelation, which He then shared, quenching the thirst of human souls. The Qur'an, by addressing both spiritual and moral values, instructs humanity on the fulfillment of both the rights of Allah and the rights of His creation. When Allah Almighty refers to His rights, He identifies Himself as the Sovereign, the Sacred, the Giver of Peace, the Guardian, the All-Conquering, the Majestic—attributes that signify His unparalleled greatness. He is the Creator of the cosmos, the Originator of all that exists, and the Shaper of every form in creation.

When people fulfill the rights of Allah, Allah Almighty accepts their acts of devotion. In Surah Al-An'am, the divine command is as follows:

"Human eyes do not perceive Allah, yet Allah perceives the very essence of the eyes." This means that the powerless and visionless human, who cannot behold Allah with their eyes, finds that Allah, in His Majesty, manifests as the very source of perception, coming before them in ways beyond comprehension. (Al-An'am 103)

 In Surah Al-Baqarah, Allah Almighty declares:

"I am indeed near to you, though you may feel despair; I respond to the call of every supplicant."(Al-Baqarah  86)

Allah also says:

“Wherever you may go, I am always with you.”(Al-Hadid 4)

To convey a deeper sense of intimacy, Allah continues:

"We're closer to you than your jugular vein." (Qaf 16)

Despite His transcendence and incomprehensibility, Allah consistently affirms His companionship and proximity to humanity.



Tajalliyat-The Divine Manifestation



Dedicated to those scientists, who are inching towards the cognizance of the facts, spotlighted by Allah Almighty, in the wake of their intelligent observation for the top vertex of scientific achievement, which is not other than the "Disastrous end of the Universe". And this is probably during 15th century of Lunar calendar.