
Chapter No. 29 Sleep and Awakening

After a brief definition of the spiritual knowledge and the acquired secular knowledge it can be deduced that there is no real and authentic means of understanding or recognizing the soul except the presented knowledge. We can not recognize the soul with the help of acquired knowledge. If a man tries to understand the soul with the help acquired knowledge only, he is led astray and is entangled in to the scholastics quibbles and logical arguments. Every one keeps own speculations about the reality of the soul according to his own thinking. For instance some one says that man was originated from the monkey, others says that man is son of sun. Someone relates the creation of man to the creation of fish and the so called sages. When they do not know the reality of soul, make this worldly (material) life the arisen deter of their life. It means who tries to understand the reality of soul with help of acquired knowledge, could never reach the ultimate and accurate conclusion. Whereas a person who tried to understand the soul in the light of presented knowledge, all the doubts and whispers with him were illuminated, it becomes his· faith that this body of flesh and blood is only a postulation and fiction, and the body holding this postulation and fiction is the soul. That's why our moments come to an end as soon as this relation is broken up.

Who am I? Who are you? Now we are facing the curiosity that what is man? How do we know and recognize him and what is his reality in our perception. Man is structure of bones. We are

composed of number of bones covered with some muscles, veins and skin. But this body has power of movement of its own without soul. There is something else to keep it moving. For example we make a lion out of mud and place/keep it on dusty place. The lion is covered with a layer of dust. When a person sees a lion, he does not mention the dust. He says it is a lion. As the dust lying on lion becomes the part of lion. In the same way the soul, with the combination of light veins, muscles, flesh and blood, has adopted the particular shape that is called body.

Tores of Soul

It is our observation that when a man dies there is no immunity left in his body. Death means, soul has put off the bodily dress in such a way that now there is left no attraction in the body for the soul. This matter of dress is not limited to Alam- e- Nasoot or Alam- e- Takhleeq.

Soul in every zone at every place and every decline makes a new dress and expresses its m9vements and actions through this dress. It not only expresses its movements and actions through this dress but also guards this dress. It nurtures this dress.

At one place, this dress is prepared by decay and at some other place; the same dress is formed from the warp and woof of light. When the soul embodies itself through matter, some limitations of time and space are imposed on it because of matter's own qualities. The reality of dress (by dress we mean the dress of flesh and blood) is unfolded to us when we die. After the death the body of flesh and blood takes the shape of dress.

Search /Quest of Soul

It is necessary to find such twist in life that is like a kind to death. In the reactive of life when we quest for such a situation that looks like death, there we are prepared to pause and such condition is like sleep.

Elderly people say, "The slept and the dead are alike." The difference is that the relation of body and soul remains intact in the sleep and the soul remains alert to guard its dress i.e. the body and soul breaks up its relations with this dress that is called the body. Sleep is such z phenomenon in our life as discloses the qualities of soul. We live in two conditions: in one condition our eyes are wide open, our conscience is wide awake, we are walking. We are listening, feeling and moving. This condition is awakening.

Swoon/Dream and Life

In the second condition of life (known as sleep) we see hear, feel ourselves moving about, but the body remains still. This process proves that soul is not bound to move with the body which is composed of flesh and blood. The soul moves even without body. Movement without the body of flesh and blood is called dream. There are theories about dreams. Some say that dreams are mere imaginations of those ideas in which moon remains involved the day long. Such things appear in his dream. Some say that the dreams are reflection of our unfulfilled desires. When some desires remain unmet, that takes the shape of a dream to materialize it.

Many such stories are familiar about dreams and everyone has said something about dream according to his thinking and knowledge. But not a single man can deny the fact that as soul moves about with the body of flesh and blood, in the same way it can move without this body and the movements done in the dreams are just imaginary things. Its denial takes place in a way that when a man wakes up after having two or three dreams, the influence of his action done in the dreams is still on him. The glaring example is that one has to take bath in the consequence of his deeds performed during his dream. It is also seen that the dreadful events seen in dream results horror to man when he wakes up. In the same way the heart beat becomes faster by watching some horror scene at awakening. The man becomes happy by watching good dreams at his awakening.



Many a scholar has written a lot about spiritualism and pantheism. One school of thought is of the view that as saints often used to wear wooly dresses therefore people would call them sufis. Wool is called sauf in Arabic. They used to wear such a dress, for it had been the habit of many a prophet, saints and pious people. According to some people, as they have been associated with the Ashaab-e-suffa that is why they are called sufis; whereas according to yet another school of thought the word sufi is linked with suf a.... but all these explanations are not satisfactory.

In fact, the terminological meaning of Sufi'ism (tasawaf) is self­ cleansing. It is the name of a true spirit that is related to conscience and the light of conscience is always inherent. A sufi always thinks in the context of Allah. His talk moves around Allah. He lives with Allah and dies in the name of Allah. He recites His words and always praises Him and remains enmeshed in His love. He sacrifices everything in order to see and meet Allah.