Hazrat Abdullah bin Umar bin Ala'as says that
Allah has created Jina'at many a thousand year ago. Hazrat Abdullah ibne Abbas
relates that:
Jinna'at used to live on earth and angels in
the sky. Both the earth and sky were inhabited by them and there are separate
angels for every sky and they have got distinct tasbeeh for each sky and the
angels of the higher sky do more tasbeeh o zikr than those of the lower skies.
"The way today man connects his lineage to
Hazrat Abu Albashar Adam Alaih Assalam, similarly the same feeling exists in
the race A-Jinna'. Their lineage is linked to Abu Aljin Tara Noos and the way
man and woman are born among human beings similarly they are born in the race A-Jinna'at."
Hazrat Ibne Abbas relates:
Allah has sent prophets to jinna'at. The
prophets have ordered them to worship Allah and advised them to refrain
themselves from shirk and forbade them to fight among themselves. But when
Jinna'at disobeyed Allah and committed shirk and started fighting, Allah killed
them as a severe punishment.
When Allah discussed the birth of Adam with the
angels they thought of Adam none better than jinna'at and said that he would
also fight and shed blood.
Hazrat Abdullah ibne Zubair saw a man of two
feet and asked him who he was.
He answered that he was Izb. He asked him who Izb.
He answered that he was ajinn. He hit the jinn with a stick at head and he ran
Some people have narrated the incidents of
seeing the jinna'at in different form. What ever is the type of changing form
but it is a fact that angels and jinna'at can change their forms.
Hazrat Bilal ibne Haris says that:
We were traveling with Hazrat Muhammad. We
camped at a place....Hazrat Muhammad went a little away from there. I heard a
loud noise of the people quarreling with one another. I asked Hazrat Muhammad
what that noise was about.
Hazrat Muhammad said that Muslims and Mushrik
were fighting about houses. I asked the Muslim jinna'at
to live in the towns and on the peaks of the mountains and asked the Mushrik jinna'at
to live in valleys and islands.
When Sahaba asked Hazrat Muhammad about the
food of the jinna'at, he answered that jinna'at were fond of eating bone rather
than meat. To them bone is equivalent to the meat and the excretion of the
animals is the food of the animal jinna'at. For them the excretion becomes lush
green grass.
Once a messenger of the jinna'at came to Hazrat
Muhammad and recited the Quran. Then he asked for the meal Hazrat, Muhammad
said the halal bone would be filled with meat for you.
Jinna'at heard the Quran· from Hazrat Muhammad
and embraced Islam and made tauba from kufr o shirk. Jinna'at are the mukalaf
the ahkama'ate shariya. There are many ayaat about their being mukalaf·
In Quran Allah says:
Behold, We turned towards thee a company of
Jinns (quietly) listening to the Qur'an: when they stood in the presence
thereof, they said, "Listen in silence!" When the (reading) was
finished, they returned to their people, to warn (them of their sins). They
said, "O our people! We have heard a Book revealed after Moses, confirming
what came before it: it guides (men) to the Truth and to a Straight Path.
"O our people, hearken to the one who invites (you) to God, and believe in
him: He will forgive you your faults, and deliver you from a Penalty Grievous.
"If any does not hearken to the one who invites (us) to God, he cannot
frustrate (God's Plan) on earth and no protectors can he have besides God: such
men (wander) in manifest error."
(Surah Ahqaf Verse 29-32)
When this incident took place, Allah ordered
Hazrat Muhammad to recite it to the people. Hazrat 1uhammad recited this surah
so that the people may learn that Hazrat Muhammad has been sent as a prophet to
both Jinna'at and mankind. It is there the duty of all Jinna'at and mankind to
believe in Allah and obey Allah and His prophet and never commit blasphemy
When Hazrat Muhammad was returning from Ta'aif
to Makkah he camped near a plum orchard. He was reciting the Quran in Tahajud
prayer so that jinna'at heard it and embraced Islam on him.
Once Hazrat Muhammad said to the sahaba in
Makkah that whoever wants to meet with the jinna'at he should come to me at
night. No body came there except lbne Masau'd. Taking him along Hazrat Muhammad
reached a high peak of Makkah. Hazrat Muhammad made a circle and asked him to
not to come out of it. Standing at a place, Hazrat Muhammad started reciting
Quran. After a short while a group gathered around him and Hazrat Muhammad got
hidden between them. The group of the jinna'at said who would become the
witness of you being the prophet. Hazrat Muhammad said that that tree would be
my witness. Hazrat Muhammad asked that tree who he was. The tree said that you
were the prophet, you were the true man of Allah, and you were the last prophet
of Allah. Seeing this all the jinna'at embraced Islam. ·
There is a body on every physical existence.
Sufia' call it silhouette (heavla} The spiritual eye observes its width and
length, and all the features of the body i.e. hand, foot, eye, nose and brain.
It not only observes but also feels the solidness of the internal lights of it.
The law of creation tells us that at first body
of lights are created, then physical existence comes into being but both have
the solidity in them. Separate wave is the amalgamation of such movements that
are in progress from one direction to the other. From one side to the other
these separate waves are mixed with one another and there appear designs and
patterns on them they are then called jinn and the world of jinna'at. But if
compound waves are mixed with one another so that they remain mixed and there
also remains some distance as well and then there appear designs and patterns,
it is called the man and the world of man. It means that designs and patterns
on separate waves i.e. eyes, nose, ears, hand, foot etc are from the world of
jinna'at and designs and patterns i.e. hand, foot and other limbs form the
world of men.
As besides man there are an innumerable creation
in the world similarly in the world of jinna'at there also exist earth, sky,
moon, sun, stars and all other creations. The
only difference is that man is the product of compound waves where as jinna'at
are made of separate waves. As five senses work in the creation of compound
waves similarly five senses work in the creations of the separate waves.
Jinna'at speak and hear, and ploughing is done and scientific inventions are
made in the world of jinna'at. There are also schools, colleges and
universities in the world of jinna'at.
The world of jinna’at is in the circumference
of our globe and almost it is situated one million and fifty six thousand feet
high in the space. As an example it is so that on a large territory a hundred
storey building is roofed in a way that it is used for ploughing. A building is
constructed, plants and flowers are implanted and the place is inhibited with
men as well, but the creation (jinna'at) living on the roof is neither visible
to that on the ground and vice versa.
In the world of men, a child is born after nine
months from the mother womb; and in the world of jinna’at , a child is born
after nine years according to human calculations of time. From this we can guess
the average age of jinna’at.
Both men and jinna'at are the mukalaf creations.Both
can learn spiritual knowledge besides the worldly one. Allah has described
about two, mukalaf creation in Quran.
"O ye assembly of Jinns and men! If it be
ye can pass beyond the zones of the heavens and the earth, pass ye! Not without
authority shall ye be able to pass!"
(Surah Ar-Rehman: Verse 33)
The authority here means spiritual
capabilities. If a man or jinn awakens and mobilizes their spiritual capability
they can observe the hidden world by crossing the borders of earth and sky.
It is got through the teachings of all the
prophets that a man has to get to the nearness of Allah in physical existence
and in order to get to the nearness of Allah it is necessary to enter the
unseen world that is only possible through the will of the authority (soul).
It is possible so that the soul has listened to
the voice of Allah in the beginning, has seen Allah and has acknowledged Allah
as the Creator in its full consciousness.
There are billions of Muslim jinna'at in the
world of jinna'at. As the Muslims perform Namaz, keep Fast (Roza), perform
Pilgrimage (Hajj) and pay Zakat, similary the Muslim Jinna'at fulfill the above
Any one can object to why jinna'at are not
visible. So can we dare asking why man cannot see virus and bacteria? But if a
Sensitive Device is made it can make us aware of bacteria or virus. In the same
way if man seeks the knowledge of separate (mufrid) waves then he can see the
Jinna'at and their world.
Allah says in Quran:
"But those who swerve, - they are (but)
fuel for Hell-fire"
(Surah Al-Jinn: Verse 15)
"Amongst us are some that submit their
wills (to God), and some that swerve from justice. Now those who submit their
wills-they have sought out (the path) of right conduct."
(Surah Al-Jinn: Verse 14)
Hazrat Muhammad recited the Quran before the
sahaba. They kept quiet. Hazrat Muhammad said jinna'at had answered better than
thee to the recitation.
"Then which of the favours of your Lord
will ye deny?”'
(Surah Al-Rehman: Verse 16) They used to say:
"O our lord all praises be to Thee, and we
do not deny Thy any favour."
"In them will be (Maidens), chaste,
restraining their glances, whom no man or Jinn before them has touched."
(Surah Al-Rehman: Verse 56)
Ibne Abbas says that there are four groups of
creations. The entire one of them is destined to go to the paradise, the other
to hell where as the rest of the two are destined to go to both paradise and
hell. The first one of them is that of angels, the second of Satans where as
the other two are men and jinna'at.
Hazrat Ayesha says that jinna'at were weepingly
chanting the following verses few days before the martyrdom of Hazrat Umar.
"May Allah bless Ima'm Adil and repay him
for his good deeds. He had taken a few initiatives which were not completely
acted upon yet that misfortunes befell him. Whoso ever wants to witness it, he
will find his every promise kept up. I do not apprehend that an ugly-faced
culprit will kill him; the apprehension is that now the world will get
darkened. You have met with your lord in paradise and have got dressed up so
that it will never wear out.
In the army of Hazrat Suleman, there were
distinct troops of jinna'at, men, birds and animals. Every living thing be it
fauna or flora was under his control. The jinna'at used to wash up pearls from
the bottom of the seas. They were deputed to uct great buildings; they used
to make exemplary urns of lead. Hazrat Suleman could get whatever duty he
wanted from them.
Abdale Haq Qalandar Baba Auliya has written a
story about the / facts and
revelations from the world of jinna'at:
Just like human children, the young ones of the
jinna'at also used to study in the school of Shah Abdul Aziz Muhaddis Dehlvi.
However, they were less in number. The boys of jinna'at were strictly advised
not to perform any such deed that may frighten the boys of human beings.
Of those most of the jinn boys used to hail
from the black mountain of Delhi. Today where there is the ice factory, that
black mountain is situated at a short distance from it.
In those days a very few people used to go to
there and come from. It used to often happen that if a detracted traveler came
there he would never visit that place again as naughty jinn boys would tease
and he would warn others of going there.
Allah has described about jinna'at in Quran in
the following way:
"He created man from sounding clay like
unto pottery. And he created Jinns from fire free of smoke."
(Surah Al-Rehman: Verse 14-15)
There is many a place where jinna'at are
inhabited. They usually live in wilderness. The people passing through such
wild places have often seen and narrated their assemblies. There are many a
place surrounding Delhi where jinna'at lived. Of these this was one of the
inhabited places that we are writing about.
You would have seen that the sweet meat shops
remain open till late at nights. The sweets adoringly displayed throughout the
day are also purchased by the jinna'at late in the midnights. Apart from this
jinna'at also eat phosphoric acid that is usually found in coal and mostly
jinna'at get it from that source.
There are twelve sects of jinna’at and all
these live on earth. The jinna'at of every sect are distinctly known. It is not
necessary that jinna'at of one sect may live at the same place. There are many
places where different sects of jinna’at live. The form and features of every
sect are different.
However it was to be told that there used to
live jinns from different sects on the peak of the black mountain. Their habits
and form and features were quite distinct. That place still exists there as it
used to be in the age of Hazrat Shah Abdul Aziz Muhaddis Dehlvi.
Soften jinn parents used to come to Shah
Sahib-carrying gifts and making request to please get their children admitted
to the school. Shah Sahib would ask for the fulfillment of a few conditions and
usually would get their children admitted to the school if they fulfilled
those. In this way their children would join the classes. Apart from studies,
these boys would fill up water containers for ablution...and offer prayers in
One day Shah Sahib was taking rest in his
drawing room (hujra) at night. A few boys including those of jinns were busy in
serving the Shah Sahib. Some one was busy in massaging his head, and the other
one was rubbing down his hand, a few of them were massaging his feet; a lot of
time had been elapsed in doing so. It was late at night after the isha 'prayer.
Shah Sahib asked a boy to put off the lamp, its
oil was getting wasted. And all of you should go to take rest.
Shah Sahib's Drawing room (hujra) was quite
spacious. He was lying in the bed almost six yards away' from the lamp that was
placed at one of the comers in the hujra. A jinn boy from there put off the
lamp by stretching his hand.
When the boys (human) saw this strange thing
happened they started crying in fear thinking it to be a non-human act.
Shah Sahib consoled them and scolded that jinn
That day the human boys came to know of the
fact that jinn boys also used to study with them.
There used to live a businessman in the rear of
Shah Sahib's house. The jinn boy who committed that mistake had started loving
the daughter of the businessman. But he had kept it secret till then. He had
been trying to keep Shah Sahib happy by serving him day in and day out. He
wanted to invite the family of the businessman to dine with them through Shah
Sahib so that they might develop a good understanding with them before
requesting for their daughter's hand. But he could not find out any way to
request to Shah Sahib about it.
At last he could think of an idea that his
parents would come and invite Shah Sahib and the businessman's family to dine
with them at the pretext of being his neighbours.
For this he had been thinking for weeks. During
this many years passed by but he could not tell his parents of it.
When the boys came to know of the fact that the
join boys also studied with them, Shah Sahib asked him after scolding why he
did so, the jinn boy summed up his courage to tell:
"I have done all this intentionally so
that the boys may come to know of us and today I request you to please come to
our place and dine with us. You are my teacher and I owe you a lot in this
connection. That's why, I have ventured doing so."
At first, Shah Sahib got enraged but then being
too kind-hearted he kept quiet but the boy was still insistent.
After a long time, the jinn boy asked his
parents, "I want to invite Shah Sahib at all costs; you please go with me
to do so." He flatteringly cried and said, "I love the daughter of
the businessman. I can't breathe any longer without her. You please request
Shah Sahib to bring along the businessman's family as well."
The parents got angry with him after hearing
all that. They warned him after giving him severe beating but the boy
persisted. He gave up taking any thing to eat or drink. He started turning
weaker and learner with the passage of time to the extent that he reached his
death bed. Even then his parents did not accept his request to invite the
businessman's family to dine with them. When the boy was about to breathe his
last, the mother fainted in impatience. The father also took pity and said to
his father:
"We shall think what we can do and how we
can request Shah Sahib about it. You please give up abstinence and start taking
food as per your usual routine so that we may feel capable of devising any
plan. You don't know how much we are worried, you are our sole son."
The boy hearing this felt relieved and answered
ecstatically; "You don't worry at all. In order to create the favorable
situation I will do whatever I may have to. You won't have to face any problem
in expressing your request there."
Then one day the jinn boy appeared before the
businessman's daughter in the garb that nobody else could see him. The girl
became frightened seeing him. She started crying to call her family members.
She told them who had come to their place.
The family members unanimously said, "We
can't see any thing, what do you see?"
The girl replied, "A handsome man is
standing before me and is calling me."
The father said, "It is your
hallucination, there is nothing here.
Where is he? Why after all we don't see
The girl answered after controlling herself,
"Look there he is standing..".
· "The
mother lovingly said to her it your daydream. Have you
ever daydreamed like this before?"
She weepishly pleaded her mother, "You
believe me mother! It is not a daydream. This boy is standing before me; don't
you in reality see him?"
The businessman said in a sad tone, "If we
could see, why would deny you..."
The girl said irritatingly, "You are
denying me because you want me to become the victim of hallucination. You want
me to think that it is my hallucination that wears the garb of a handsome boy.
It is totally wrong and baseless. I won't believe in your explanations.
Whatever I am saying and whatever I am seeing, it is undoubtedly true. Look!
That boy is still standing before me."
businessman first consulted a physician. He took his daughter to Hakeem Hamid
Khan. Hakeem Sahib felt her pulse, examined her eyeballs and they checked up
her hair for any irritation there. He examined her feet carefully. He wanted to
find any symptom to reach at the conclusion that the girl was feeling any sort
of mental imbalance, madness or hallucination. When he thoroughly checked her
up Hakeem Sahib started interrogating her. He asked her when it happened.
The girl told him about the day and time.
Hakeem Sahib asked her again where she was that
day. She said that she was at her home.
Hakeem Sahib asked whether or not the incident
again happened to her like the first time.
The girl said that it happened many a time that
he appeared before me when I had been alone in my room.
Hakeem Sahib further interrogated whatever she
saw she should explain it in a detailed and reliable way.
"The way you are sitting before me is a
reality and as there is no room for hallucination in it, similarly I say with
the same cocksureness and confidence that I do see a vey handsome boy. He comes
before me in different costumes and he looks to be a lad of a duke the way he
The girl said, "Hakeem Sahib! Please go
with me, let's...they all take me for a lair, may be; you see him..."
Shah Abdul Aziz was the eldest son of Shah Wali
ullah. Shah Abdur Rahim was the grandfather of Shah Abdul Aziz who was Farooqi
It was asa'r time, Asa'r prayer was about to be
performed in Fateh Puri mosque of Delhi. As soon the Ima'm started the prayer a
loud roar of noise got up outside the mosque. The people were shrieking and
saying, "Kill that man." Many of the people offering prayers left the
prayer and went outside to see what it was happening and who they were."
Many people were waving sticks; some of them
were carryin6 swords and daggers. And some were armless but all of them were
raising slogans.
"Kill him....Murder him....Cut him to
Shah Wali ullah who was their target was
offering prayer very peacefully. After offering the complete prayer without any
fear he looked all around.
His followers were constantly asking him to get
off. They were your foes. God forbade they might do something horrible. Please
get off through the little door.
Shah Wali ullah said to his fellows,
"Do these people want to turn the house of
Allah into a shamble? If I am not destined to die right now then nobody can
harm me. If I am to die then every body surely has to one day. "Kullo
Nafsan Zaiqatul Maut"
The noise got up again!
"Catch him, don't let him go, don't let
him escape, he has amalgamated our religion, he has patched up our religion,
not only he but also his fellows deserve severe punishment....they are
non-believers...atheists...kill them....put them into hell." Some people
came forward amid that tumult and entered the court of the mosque. Their
intentions were not good. Shah Wali ullah asked them,
"Have you come here to kill us?" One
of the hooligans said,
"Yes! We have come here to kill you. You
do not deserve to be let off alive."
Shah Sahib asked, "What crime have we
committed?" One man answered with contempt and irony,
"You don't know your crime. Do you really
not know what crime you have committed? o Non-believer! Now I will call you
disgracefully. Have you not translated Quran into Persia n? Is this not
blasphemy to Allah's book? You have misled the people. You deserve capital
punishment. We will cut your head off."
Shah Sahib flared up at this answer.
He had a thin stick in his hand. He picked up
this stick in his hand and raised a slogan of" Allah Hoo".
What an effect carried that slogan! Shah Shahib
and his companions left the room one by one. The gathering was dispersed. Shah
Sahib had reached near the salty well when someone called,
"Let not this dissembler go".
But this call brought no fruit. People were
standing still like they were the idols of stone.
When Shah Sahib reached home, Shah Abdul Aziz
embraced Shah Wali Ullah due to his adolescence and started weeping because the
news of this agitation had reached in every corner of Delhi and the finally
members had known this.
Shah Wali Ullah said, "Son, don't you know
how much these people of world had tormented me and your Prophet (Peace be upon
him). Son, wipe your tears. I am about to go. Knowledge is my patrimony, you
save it".
Hazrat Shah Abdul Aziz Muhaddis Dahlivi, who
was at an age of adolescence, lowered his head and said,
"Allah's will, If He has chosen me for
this service, I will pass every moments of my life in these educational and
practical services".
Hazrat Shah Wali Allah passed away in 1177 A.
H. Hazrat Shah Abdul Aziz was eighteen years at that time.
This is to explain that the chain of
"Muhaddiseen" has reached either right from Shah Abdul Aziz or though
any other saint. Shah Abdul raheem, the father of Shah Wali Ullah, was also in
the writers of Fatawa-e-Alamgiri.
Shah Abdul Aziz was born in 1159 A. H. His
historical name was Ghulam Aleem. The numerals of his naine are 1159. His
genealogical tree reaches Hazrat Umar after three generations. His grandfather,
Shah Abdul Raheem, had blished Marassaa-e-Rahimia in Delhi. During the reign of
Alamgeer, Shah Abdul Raheem was honored as great scholar. He had been told of
the birth of Shah Wali lrllah by Khawaj Qutb-ud-din Bakhtyar Kaki.
ShahAbdul Raheem said,
"One I went to the place of pilgrimage of
Khawaja Qutab-ud Din Bakhtyar Kaki for pilgrimage. I was standing on an
elevated place. Suddenly I raised my eyes and saw, the spirit of Hazrat Khwaja
Qutb-ud-Din came and said, "You will have a son, name him after me, means
Qutb-ud-Din. I was astonished to hear this saying ofKhwaja Qutb-ud-Din
Bakhtayar Kaki and thought, my wife has reached to that age when giving a birth
to a kid is out of question.
After some time, I had an inclination for
second marriage and when she gave birth to a baby boy, I named him Wali-Ullah.
The saying of Khawaja Qutb-ud-Din Bakhtyar Kakijust slipped out of my mind and
I forgot completely. But, after some years when I remembered this incident, I
renamed Wali-Ullah as Qutb-ud DinAhmad.
To cut it short, this was the background of the
birth of Shah Wali-Ullah. Shah Wali Ullah was a genius in childhood. God has
graced him with such a brilliant mind that he wrote books like Hija tullah ul
Baligh and other books by using this mind.
He had a special thinking and understanding
when he reached to youth. It grew gradually. If we study the life of Shah Wali
Ullah, we will find a complete political and spiritual system in it. It was a
short background to his life.
His eldest offspring came up with such wonders
which were left incomplete by Shah Wali-Ullah e.g. educating the children of
Jinns, such disclosures which he did relating service men. Anyway, here the
purpose is to relate his relation to Jinns.
Hakeem Sahib went to the house of trader
according to the saying of the girl; kept sting there for a long time and kept
questioning her.
The girl continued telling by signals that he
is standing in front of me; now he is approaching near; now he is stuck to the
wall and looking at me.
But Hakeem Sahib could see nothing. At last
Hakeem Sahib gave the decision that the girl had attacks in this room and not
in the other rooms. This disease started from this room. I will medicate her
every way possible. He gave her many cooling syrups and then laxatives. He
repeated this many times but the thing did not go out of the mind of he girl.
In tension, Hakeem Sahib wrote a costly prescription which was to strengthen
the. mind of the girl. The situation remained the same even after using it
completely. No change came in the state of attacks. At last Hakeem Sahib
refused saying that there is a possibility that some man may cure it with
amulets. I am tired of it. Now I have no medicine for her.
Some men of the locality advised the trader to
visit Shah Abdul
Aziz. See
what he says. Shah Abdul Aziz lived in
the neighborhood.
Shah Sahib did not consider it appropriate to
call the the madrassa. Rather he went at trader's house during spare
hours, saw the girl, talked to her and asked her name.
The interesting thing is that when Shah Sahib
was at her house and in her room, the girl remained alright and in her senses.
She did not tell anything about the boy. She said,
"This happens at some moments when the boy
did not appear". Shah Sahib told the father of the girl that she was alight
and what could he do for her she is failed to see anything in her room. Ask her
to call that boy so that he may appear. I want to see him.
The girl called the jinn. She called him with
his name but no
incident occurred.
Shah Sahib returned but kept on thinking what
plan he should adopt. If the jinn is attracted to the girl, how can it be discovered.
He thought deeply over this matter and constantly thought that why it happens.
Then the girl started disappearing. She
remained disappeared for days and then she appeared coming down from the stairs
sometimes people find her coming out of a room.
Now the people asked her what this
disappearance means and where does she go for so many days.
That girl told frankly that Jinnat took her and
served her a lot there. She had no complaint against them.
Often I see when I feel my heart sinking, they
leave me here. I found myself there in a garden. This is a very attractive and
beautiful garden. There are patches of rose and flowers of different colors in
the garden. There is pond in the centre of the garden and a palace made of
marble is situated at the bank of this pond. Many women are at my service
there. They only leave me when I come here. When I get from the sleep, a lady
comes with a basin of water and a sink and helps me in making ablution. After
having my ablution, I offer my prayers. A little later, the time of breakfast
approaches. After having breakfast, many girls of my age from neighbouring
houses gather around me. Though I keep quiet for most of the time, I feel
neither any tension nor any loneliness in their company. Sometimes I think that
these girls are Jinns and I am human being. Even then no otherness comes to my
mind. I only feel that we are from same race and nation and our conversations
are also the same.
This is strange that I haven't seen that boy
present there till now. The jinnat who take me there are not the same as who
bring me from there. I recognize some jinnat among them.
But all of them are civilized. They send me
back with a great respect. This has never happened that I had wised for a thing
and they had not fulfilled it.
When Shah Sahib did not see that jinn boy in
the madrissa during the same days and the incident of turning off the light came
to his mind; and the saying of the boy that he had done so intentionally; and
leaving the madrissa by him; all these things irritated his mind. Nothing
seemed attach ci to the other and he could not reach a certain decision.
Shah Sahib was continuously given the news of
the disappearance of the girl. Shah Sahib kept on thinking to stop it. During
this thinking, a jinn came to his mind that kept lying as a dog but this dog
was scabby. Based on his research, he knew many things about this dog. But
nothing in these information was likely to make him acquainted with that dog.
He thought for a long while, called the trader and asked if he had some trust
worthy men.
The trader answered that I have a very old
friend and a friend of my age. Both are reasonable for me. If I tell them a
secret, they will not disclose it.
Shah Sahib said that I want the same. Now bring
one of them to me.
Moreover he asked to bring two loaves of
grinded pulse which should be baked at one side and unbaked on the other and
Ghee (oil) must be pasted on the unbaked side.
Shah Sahib wrote on a paper and made many folds
of it and inserted as long a thread as could be garlanded in the neck of dog.
When the trader came with the loaves and his
faithful servant,
Shah Sahib saw the loaves, gave them the paper
and said,
A scabby dog is lying near the wall of the:
garden. Go right to him and no need to fear. Seeing you, the dog will bark at
you and will run to bite you. At the very moment, throw one loaf in front of
him and when he will be busy in eating this loaf, garland him with this thread.
Give him the other loaf when he had finished eating the first. When the dog
starts walking from the wall of the garden, chase him. Stop where he stops.
Then wait until he starts form there and keep walking with him. It will growl
at you in the way but don't bother. At last it will sit on a place in the plane
behind the black hill. You two also stop there and wait at answer you find for
this page.
The page will disappear from the neck of the
dog as soon as he sits there. Now it is your courage and this courage is needed
as a must. If there comes any type of earthquake or any storm, or windstorms,
you stick to your place. There is no need to fear.
The trader and his servant gave the loaves to
the scabby dog and garlanded hi with the thread according to the advice of Shah
That dog started from there and walked through
uneven roads and both of them kept on chasing him with courage and skill. At
last it sat in the plane behind the black hill and the page written by Shah
Sahib vanished from his neck in no time.
The trader and his servant kept on sitting in
peace for some time and the dog also kept sitting motionless. Some moments had
passed in this condition when they felt the earth and sky shaking like an
earthquake and horrible voices started. Both of them looked around in tension
but could see nothing. They were still unable to understand the direction of
the horrible sounds when there raised a cyclone which engulfed and blackened
the surroundings.
They tried to see with fully opened eyes. But
the darkness was so deep that they could see nothing. Still they tried to find
out the dog but in vain.
After some time this earthquake and storm ended
and the environment was clear in the surroundings. Oh, what they see!
There is neither a hill nor that plane. Now
there is a beautiful city which had a big population.
There were big houses, wide roads, and like big
cities have colonies, this city was also divided into colonies.
There were courts where the hearings were in
process and the courts were giving the decisions. Aman came to them searching
them and said,
"Your case has a hearing. Let come to the
court for decision".
At first they got feared but then remembered
the hearing of Shah Sahib. Whatever the result is, they had to go in the
Then they say the page written in the hands of
that man which satisfied them. Both of them escorted him.
The court gave the decree after reading the
page that the jinn should be presented in the court against whom Shah Sahib had
written the page.
The inspector went through the page and said,
"Sir, we need to find out him. We may
kindly be granted some time".
The court said,
"Shah Sahib wanted an urgent decision of
this case. And he also want that the culprit jinn should be presented to
"We have no such law that we may hand our
jinns to the humans. We will solve the problem of Jinns ourselves. First we
need a time to find out the jinn and we need at least one month for it. It is
obvious that the Jinn who has committed this crime, will not show himself,
rather he will hid himself. And it is not possible without the co-operation of
the CID of Jinns. SO the court is requested to ask the officer in charge of the
CID that how much time he needed to find out the Jinn. This one month is
supposed by me. We can not debate Shah Sahib directly as we have no right to.
The reason is that he is such a man who is respectable and honourable for us.
And in his regard, it is better to reply Shah Sahib with a fair answer through
the same scabby dog, who live under the wall of garden, that has performed the
duties of messenger of Shah Sahib.
This is to satisfy Shah Sahib that his case has
been presented in the court for hearing. The procedural activity, search of
jinn and arrest will take some time. This is to be done to save Shah Sahib from
getting depressed and angry. We consider shah Sahib such a party whom we do not
want to annoy. The page should contain such an extensive statement that Shah
Sahib might know the entire situation and our short-comings. It should also give
him a hope that the case will solved by hook or by crook; no matter early or
late. He will not have to wait a long.
Everything was written briefly in the letter,
it was folded'in the same way as Shah Sahib had did, and handed it to the Jinn
who had brought the letter.
Then, many photocopies of the letter of Shah
Sahib were prepared and given to the CID of Jinns and it was stressed that the
Jinn who had committed this fault should be found out at urgent grounds.
The trader and his servant were presented in
the court after some days. And the presenter of the court read the page of Shah
Sahib for the court. It had written in it,
"You can hear the detailed incident from
my neighbour trader and his servant.
It is necessary for this case. Firstly there is
no relation between the Jinns and humans and even then the daughter of the
trader is kidnapped. At first this girl used to return to the house of his father
and she did not complained of any pains. But this coming and going has an end
now. So, I am sending his father to you so that you may be able to know the
details. Secondly, another considerable thing is necessary to be kept in mind
that one of my jinn students is lost. He has not come to madrissa otherwise I
might have asked him. Apparently these two things has deep relations for sure
and I request you to search for the Jinn who was a student in the madrissa and
suddenly disappeared. There is a possibility that my thinking is right and
there is also a possibility that I am not completely right but right up to some
extant; that the jinn, who disappeared, might have not committed the crime
himself or he had done so with the help of some other Jinns''.
When the letter has been read, the court
addressed the trader and his servant and said,
"This was the statement of Shah Sahib. Now
you give your statements one by one".
At this the trader said, "My girl keeps
veil. She never confronts anybody without veil. She had no chance of going out
of the town. She is not in the habit of wandering in the streets. If there is a
need, she goes with her parents and goes up to the market maximum. On this
ground, we cannot blame any human to kidnap her. Second thing is that only
those relatives visit our house from whom no veil is observed and the girl has
grown young from a child in front of them. All of them love the girl and are
tense due to her disappearance. There is no such day when one or two of her
friends and some of our relatives do not visit our house to enquire her. When
we took this matter to Shah Sahib, he meditated for a long time with closed
eyes but did not show any suspicion that the girl has been kidnapped by human
beings. We accept Shah Sahib as our guide and elderly man. We are completely in
the belief that no one other than jinns has committed this". Saying this,
the trader got silent. And the court gave the date for next hearing.
Many a scholar has written a lot about
spiritualism and pantheism. One school of thought is of the view that as saints
often used to wear wooly dresses therefore people would call them sufis. Wool
is called sauf in Arabic. They used to wear such a dress, for it had been the
habit of many a prophet, saints and pious people. According to some people, as
they have been associated with the Ashaab-e-suffa that is why they are called sufis;
whereas according to yet another school of thought the word sufi is linked with
suf a.... but all these explanations are not satisfactory.
In fact, the terminological meaning of Sufi'ism
(tasawaf) is self cleansing. It is the name of a true spirit that is related
to conscience and the light of conscience is always inherent. A sufi always
thinks in the context of Allah. His talk moves around Allah. He lives with
Allah and dies in the name of Allah. He recites His words and always praises
Him and remains enmeshed in His love. He sacrifices everything in order to see
and meet Allah.