
Chapter No. 17 Prayer and Mysticism

All the Prophets including the Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) adopted Prayer --- a sublime way to attain mental peace. The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) attached great importance to spiritual contemplation. In prayer, a link is established between Allah and His masses. When a person presents himself with a thought that Allah is watching him, the mind starts revolving around Allah's attributes. Of all the spiritual states, the state of contemplation is the most important one. In the cave Hira, the Holy Prophet (PBUH) meditated about Allah and His manifestations for a very long time. Meditation means to ponder over the signs of Allah seriously while leaving aside every other thing. After accomplishing this pillar of Islam, a person's link is established with Almighty Allah.


Importance of Prayer

Sala'at is the name of that prayer in which we admit the greatness, honour, providence and governance of Allah. That is why to offer Sala'at is an obligation on every Prophet and his umm'ah. A person can come close to Allah by observing prayer. The prayer stops us from vulgarities and the prohibited things. In fact, Sala'at is a certain source of establishing a link with Allah. The devotee with constant practice gets centralization through prayer. That is why meditating observers when offer their prayers, they establish their link with Allah quite easily. Hazrat Ibrahim settled his son on the barren land of Mecca and mentioned the following reason for this.

Hazrat Ibrahim prayed to Allah for his generation in the following way:

"O my lord! So that they establish prayers."

(Surah Ibrahim: Verse 37)

"My Lord! Make me to establish proper worship and also (raise such) among my posterity; my lord! And accept my prayers."

(Surah Ibrahim: Verse 40)


"He used enjoin on his people to prayer and Zaka'at"

(Surah Meryum: Verse 55)

The Holy Quran says about Hazrat Loot, Hazrat Ishaq, Hazrat Yaqoob and the Prophets of their generation in the following ways:

"We inspired in them the performance of good deed and keeping up prayer."

(Surah Anmbia: Verse 73)


Hazrat Luqman advised his son as:

"O my dear son establish regular prayer.:

(Surah Luqman: Verse 17)


Allah said to Moses:

"So serve  me    only  and   establish regular prayer        for     my remembrance."

(Surah Taha: Verse 14)


Allah ordered Hazrat Moses, Hazrat Haroon along with Bani Israiel in the fallowing way:

"Allah ordered to establish prayers."

(Surah Younus: Verse 87)


The Jews and Christians observed Sala'at in Arabia:

"There are followers of Holy book who establish prayers at

night and recite verses and prostrate to Allah."

"For, (we shall requite) all those who hold fast the divine writ and are constant in prayer verily shall requite those who enjoin the doing what is right."

(Surah Araf: Verse 170)


Mysterious World

When a person creates his link with Allah, there opens a door in his mind and by passing that gate the person enters the world of entry. Sala'at restores mental concentration. A person with mental harmony and peace leaves his conscious state and enters the unconscious state. The meaning of being attentive to Allah we must leave our both the conscious and unconscious world and be aware with the mysterious world.


Thoughts in Prayer

Following is the way to escape thoughts from the prayer, 'before offering prayer, sit properly and comfortably facing Qibla ', Recite Darud Sharif three times, Kaltna Shahdat three times, while closing your eyes imagine, I am under the throne of Allah, Allah is in front of me, and I am going to bow down before Allah.

Quran Hakeem is the speech of Allah and mentions those facts and known things which Allah has revealed upon the Holy heart of the Prophet (PBUH) through Hazrat Gibriel AS. Every word of the Holy Quran is a source of light and beatific vision. Apparently the topics of mystery are encoded in Arabic but behind these worlds of heavenly meanings do exist. The teachers of mysticism try that their disciples must comprehend the hidden heavenly lights packed in these words so that the Holy Quran should        be understandable with its complete comprehension and meaningfulness.


Allah's lrfan

The spiritual mentors tell that whenever the Holy Quran is recited whether in prayers or in Nawafil of Night prayers, one who offers prayer must imagine that Allah is addressing to him and He is listening to him. During recitation one should keep in mind that illustration of light or being revealed upon him. When a person recites the Holy Quran whole heartedly, gets satisfaction and concentration. A connection is created with Mullai Ala by reciting the Holy Quran time and again. So one's heart gets chaste and purified and in this respect the heavenly world of its comprehension and meanings start revealing· upon him. There are two things very important to establish closeness with Allah. They are to observe sala'at and pay zaka'at. To attain Allah's closeness the Holy Quran states the following: "Establish Prayers and Zaka'at."

(Surah Baqara: Verse 44)

Both the parts of sala'at of the Holy Quran are about the body and the soul's worship. Soul's worship means a type of activity necessary to maintain life. The holy Prophet said, "When get engaged in your prayer you must feel either Allah is watching you or you are watching Allah."


Daily Worship of Soul

Daily worship of soul in prayers does not only mean to physical organ in prayer but to meet with Allah. The worship of soul is in fact the meeting and consulting of soul to Allah. To move organs of body called body's worship. One gets habitual by observing prayer in every walk of life.

Allah's Sight

The more a follower of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) follows him the more he gets close to Allah. We must abstain ourselves from the things which distance us from cleanliness, chastity and enlightenment in order to create. a light in our heart. We must reject the unfair means of our mind and soul and follow the right means and ways of our mind which lead us to heaven and consequently by practicing such things stated above our souls receive a lot of beatific vision. Prayer is such a repetition of organs of body and spiritual deeds as it includes all physical movement and spiritual states. One who offers prayers reclines to Allah, gets purified after performing ablution, selects a clean place, raises his both hands to ears while facing Qibla ', joins both hands, recites the Holy Quran i.e. talks with Allah, prays to Allah and eulogizes Allah, then kneels and recites Tasbeeh: My Allah is chaste and great stands up again and says: All prayer is but for you and prostrates humbly and proclaims: O Allah! You are Great, You are Great. One offers prayers recites the Darood for Holy Prophet (PBUH) to solute him. To wash hands, gurgle, put water into nose, wash up face, and draw hands over head in prayer is called physical repetition or worship of body. The purpose of all such deeds as stated above I         is to create a link with Allah. Sala'at is such a deed that one becomes habitual of being observed by Allah. Prayer is a way to Allah. In prayers we distance ourselves from the earthly gods and come near to Allah. When this practice is established between man and Allah, one gets obliged by Allah. It is through prayers that one gets fully obliged by Allah.



Many a scholar has written a lot about spiritualism and pantheism. One school of thought is of the view that as saints often used to wear wooly dresses therefore people would call them sufis. Wool is called sauf in Arabic. They used to wear such a dress, for it had been the habit of many a prophet, saints and pious people. According to some people, as they have been associated with the Ashaab-e-suffa that is why they are called sufis; whereas according to yet another school of thought the word sufi is linked with suf a.... but all these explanations are not satisfactory.

In fact, the terminological meaning of Sufi'ism (tasawaf) is self­ cleansing. It is the name of a true spirit that is related to conscience and the light of conscience is always inherent. A sufi always thinks in the context of Allah. His talk moves around Allah. He lives with Allah and dies in the name of Allah. He recites His words and always praises Him and remains enmeshed in His love. He sacrifices everything in order to see and meet Allah.