Spiritual Healing

Blood Pressure, Nervous Breakdown, Mental disorders

Write down the following inscription on a small piece of paper. Roll and wrap cotton to make a wick.

For High Blood-Pressure write with Green Coloured ink. For Low Blood-pressure use Red Colour. For Nervous breakdown write it in yellow colour and for other mental disorders this is required to be written in blue ink. It would be appropriate if the ink is made from food colours. In case of non-availability of green, red or blue colour use yellow colour.

Burn this wick near the patient's bed in a lamp using butter-oil instead of oil. This treatment is to last till the cure but not more than forty days. More than forty days. More than one week’s can be made at one time but for burning only one is to be used every day.


Spiritual Healing


All the stages of man's life are lived in small fragments of time equaling to a tiny fraction of a second, Whole life of man, even if exceeds hundred years, keeps on dividing into these fractions of time called moments. It is worth considering that in order to live this life man keeps on joining these fractions of tune in his mind and the very same fragments are put to use. In our thinking which resembles a whirl-pool of fragments of time either we advance from one segment of time to another or revert back from the one to another one.