When we contemplate matter then
material laws (Physics) and material attributes come to the surface. However,
when our mind goes deeply into the matter then we become aware of the world
which is the basis of matter. We can call that the world of light. When
scientists research the ingredients of matter, the atom and its part icles
come into light. Among the atomic particles, electrons have dual attributes. On
one hand, it is a material particle, on the other it is merely a ray. The
system of rays inside the atom points to the world of illumination or light.
Hence whatever we see in our environment on one hand has a physical side and on
the other, it is a halo of light. Whatever motion takes place in that halo of
light reflects physical being. Based on it scientific principle, if a number of
electrons and protons are altered then that atom changes its form. In a nuclear
reaction, uranium after fusion converts to plutonium. Hence, those atomic
particles that belong to the world of rays, if any changes occur to them then
they change their shape. When a change takes place in the world of rays or
light (nonphysical world) then the same change is reflected in the physical
identity of that element.
Just as with every physical
being, a system of electrical flow works in the same way, since humans also
possess the electrical system. According of Sufism, Man is not just a statue of
flesh and bones; besides being a physical being, he is also a luminary being.
Moreover, that luminary, being is its essence. That being is the electrical
ray or current.
Generators (latifa)
Three generators work inside
the human body. These generators produce three different types of electrical
currents. The combination of these three currents is in fact a man.
The light of a candle is
composed of three parts.
One: Color of fire. Two: Light
of fire.
Three: Heat that is produced
because of that burning.
When we describe a candle it is
usually meant the combination of the above three states. No single attribute
can be separated from its existence. Just like the candle, human senses are
also subject to three electrical rays. All thoughts, imaginations, and
feelings, whether they are outward or inward, obvious or latent, are made of
various mixtures of electrical current.
All three generators are
controlled by a central power station referred to as Divine Will (amr), Spirit
(ruh), or the Divine Light (tadjalli).
The electric charge that is
produced by generator no.1 is exceptionally delicate and carries high speed.
Its strength or potential is extremely strong. Due to its high speed it keeps
the mind linked to all the dimensions of the Universe. Also because of its high
speed, its reflection that falls on the screen of the human mind is very dim.
That reflection is called the whim (wahma). All feelings and knowledge begin
with it. It is the most delicate form of thought that can only be felt in the
depth of perception. When it deepens, it becomes a thought.
The electric charge that is
created by generator no.1 is composed of two parts. One has more strength then
the other. The same electric flow first gains speed and then slow down. The
more powerful and highspeed charge is the consciousness of the Universe and
the weaker one is what we call a whim.
Generator no.2 also creates two
types of current, one of which is positive and the other negative. When the
negative wave enters whim, it is converted into a thought. Actually, thought is
the detailed picture of whim. However, it is hidden from the sight as well.
When the positive current envelops the thought it turns it into imagination.
When thought gains some form and figure it is referred as imagination.
Imagination is such a figure, which remains latent from the sight but the mind
figures out its picture and other details.
The purpose of the electric
current of generator no.3 is to give depth to feelings. This electric charge
acts in the form of waves. This means that one of its motions is ascending and
the other descending. In other words, these two movements give two types of
feelings to the mind. Ascending movement is the colorfulness of feelings. In
this movement, the imagination becomes so strong that you are involuntarily
drawn toward action. Descending movement is the action or its display.
The Divine Will (amr) or Divine
Light (tadjalli) carries the entire knowledge or science in the form of a
record. When this record is activated, it turns into a whim. This action is
called the current no 1.
The negative wave of current
no.2 gives whim the forms and figure of a thought. Through thought, all
creatures are connected in one chain. That is why all creatures share the basic
needs, for example, hunger, thirst, anger; need to reproduce and so on.
The positive flow of current
no.2 gives you the awareness of the imaginations of your own kind (species).
The descending flow of current
no.3 solidifies the perception while ascending flow brings colorfulness to it.
During ascending flow, all your feelings after disconnecting themselves from
the body emancipate from time and space. Descending flow manifest through eyes,
ears, nose and limbs. Ascending manifests through faculties of vision, hearing,
speaking and touch functions without any physical organs.
All three currents pass through
the mind and it moves in all three states. However, according to whichever
current has the strong reflection on the screen of mind, you find yourself
moving in the attributes of that current. If current no.3 is subdued by the
sensation of current no.2 or 1 then you move with the speed of imagination,
thought and whim and all hidden information are received in the form of a film.
By practicing Muraqaba the strength of current
2 and 3 gradually increases. By increasing the strength we mean that the
receiver of the brain is able to receive this information in a better way.
3 currents:
As we have mentioned earlier
there are three different types of electrical current that work inside the
human body. These three currents are the three forms of perception. Each
possesses complete identity. Each current creates a separate body of a man.
Hence man has three being in him. In other words he has three bodies: a
physical body, a luminous body and a body made of pure light (nur). These three
bodies function simultaneously though physical body (consciousness) is only
aware of the physical actions. For example, numerous body functions are performed
inside the physical body. Lungs perform the respiratory functions; the liver
does its own work and inside the brain a spectacular phenomenon occurs through
electrical current. Through cell division, old cells convert into new cells.
Most of these functions are neither provided by consciousness nor does our
conscious mind control it. Without conscious knowledge, these functions are
performed automatically. Luminous and pure light bodies also work inside us but
our consciousness is unable to feel them. Only during dream and Muraqaba
(meditation) do we get an awareness of the luminous body. During this
condition, our physical body remains inactive. In spite of that, we perform
all our functions of life.
During this condition the
luminous body is able to move. This body is also known as Aura or the jism
mithuli. When the power of thought is increased, the actions of the aura become
evident and we can use it at our will. The speed of the aura is sixty thousands
times greater then the physical body. During dreaming, the body of pure light
(nur) also becomes functional but its speed is so fast that we are unable to
remember its actions. The body of pure light travels a thousand times faster
than the aura. If the strength of thought is increased to its desired level
then you could become aware of the body of pure light as well.
Spiritual beings travel with
their luminous and pure light bodies by achieving perfection in Muraqaba.
Through Muraqaba, the conscious state of humans is dissolved into the luminous
body. You then become aware of all the information that is already loaded in
the luminous body. Here we would like to clarify that this light is not the
light we see with our naked eyes. Instead this light is unseen by our physical
eye. Moreover, when conscious state dissolves into the pure light realm, the
pure-light body becomes functional. At that moment, you, through these pure
light waves, will be able to cross the boundaries of time and space.
In the current information age, the very question of what Man
is, and to what extent his abilities
go, has gained prominence. Metaphysical knowledge tells us
that Man is not just a mass of muscles and bones but in fact is a living
universe or microcosm (a'lam asghar) itself. His life is primarily relying on
information. As a matter of fact his life is nothing but a collection of
thoughts and imagination. His every movement is influenced by information and
thoughts. Every human achievement is circled around the unseen world of
cognition, imagination and creative thoughts. By giving new meaning to this
idea, Man creates and invents new things out of nothing.