

When attempts are made to solve a certain problem, when streams of thought are merged and the resulting images that appear on the surface of consciousness are analyzed, many unpleasant facts come to light.

The Holy Quran says that Allah has made everything in pairs. The religious circle, however, claims that God has created women in order to lessen the sorrow of men, and for the sake of their amusement.

When chastity is mentioned, women alone are discussed. Are men not also in need of the precious virtue of chastity? A woman's sanctity is trampled upon, and it is assumed that she is weak, and that she does not possess intelligence and comprehension. Even now, women are presented as disabled appendages in the fields of knowledge and skill. Religious leaders, preachers, and intellectuals all place a woman's status below that of a man.

This is the same woman whose very blood makes each and every limb of a man. This is the woman whom employing the creative formulas within her, gives birth to the 1200 billion cells of the brain. This is the woman who gives up her days and nights to nourish the baby that resides in her womb for nine months. This is the woman who, using the fibers of energy useful for life, prepares for the man's spirit, a dress.

Earth's gravity is unable to imprison him. He remains alive and victorious in every age. When he is present in this world he possesses nothing but the riches of wisdom and knowledge, and yet people are drawn to him; when he departs this world, masses flock to his shrine as moths hover around a flame Abdala-e-Huq Qalander Baba Aulia is the leader and cheif of such pure- spirited men.

The personalities of the prophets of Allah were suffused with a particular kind of thinking. This succession of prophet-hood ended as it reached the Seal of Prophets, Muhammad, Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him. However, since Allah’s sunnah ['ways/ works'] neither change nor are discontinued, in every age such servants of God were born who possessed the Holy Prophet(saw) way of thinking and inherited the knowledge bestowed by him so that light would counter darkness and so that mankind would be introduced to the way of thinking which would set it free from fear and grief.

Qalander Baba Auliya RA, who was an heir to that beacon of light and guidance, the Holy Prophet(saw), has left such light behind him, in guidance of which today's worried and emotionally disturbed generation can brighten its future. The reason why mankind today is a victim to mental chaos and emotional breakdown is because it is moving farther and farther away from the way of thinking practiced by the prophets of Allah, and instead, its reliance on the false perceptions of its own making has deprived it of an awareness of truth and reality.

Qalander Baba Auliya(RA) states:

"When Allah's prophets would think about something, they would not establish any direct relationship between them and that object. Their way of thinking always was that, 'It is Allah the Exalted who is our master and the master of everything in the universe. We do not have a direct relationship with anything; instead, our relationship with everything is through Allah.' When [the prophets of Allah] attended to some matter, their thoughts first turned towards Allah before they actually focused on that matter. Before paying attention to a thing, it was a force of habit for them to acknowledge that, 'This thing does not have a direct relationship with us. Our relationship with this thing is merely because of Allah the Exalted.' As this was their way of thinking, the perception and awareness of Allah Almighty preceded every movement of their mind. As it was the presence of Allah that was felt and perceived, it was Allah who became the focus of their intent and address, and it was the attributes of Allah that they perceived and experienced. And [thus] their mind would become a representation of the attributes of Allah the Exalted."

Expanding on this synopsis Qalander Baba Auliya RA said:

“If we desire nearness to someone, we must also do what our beloved does. If we desire the friendship of Allah the Exalted and His nearness then we must do what Allah Almighty does.”

It was asked of Qalander Baba Auliya(RA), "Your holiness, does Allah also work? And if so, how is it possible for man to do same work that Allah the Exalted does?" He stated:

Allah the Exalted is busy taking care of His creatures at each and every moment. He protects the creatures and provides resources for their life but does not demand any reward or compensation for it. Although man [a humble Servant of God,] is unable to offer service to the creatures at the level of the creator, but according to his ability and capacity he can serve God's creatures without demanding any reward or compensation. Being a creature, he cannot escape his need for resources, but he can tie all his needs to the greatest being, Allah the Exalted. This action gives him membership in the kingship of Allah."

He further stated:

"Every endeavor should be conducted with the utmost effort but its results should be left to Allah the Exalted."

Baba sahib''' reminded mankind that,

"Dominance over the universe and life in heaven is his inheritance but in order to achieve this inheritance it is necessary for man to acquaint himself with the ability which he possessed in heaven. It is not possible to obtain this ability unless one achieves awareness of his own spirit first. Thus, the person who acquaints himself with his inner self finds eternal peace and contentment."

Journey Towards Insight


Science has made immense progress, yet many believe that, even with all of the modern tools at our disposal, human beings function at no more than 10% of their mental capacity. This leads to the question of what exactly it is that comprises the remaining 90%. Yet another question that arises is this: If it has taken man four and a half billion years to be able to apply only 10% of his ability, how long will it take for him to make use of the remaining 90%?