

God the Lord, is that being who is present in the heart of every person. Just as it is not possible to imagine life without heartbeat, in the same way, it is not possible to imagine a heartbeat without God. God is a friend to all, and is the kind of friend who remains with us in all [the stages] of our lives—in the cradle, in childhood, in adulthood, and in old age.

As the mother accepts creative fluid from the father, the two liquids dissolve into each other and a body comes into existence. This body forms and grows according to its mother's body, and when bands of muscle tightly tie deep layers of flesh upon the bony skeleton and plaster it with the adornment of skin, the body is complete. This finished body is given protection within a confined room to safeguard it from hot winds and cold breezes. In fact, to nourish this body, the blood from the mother's body is run through the veins and arteries of this [tiny] body through a tube. This preparation is so thorough that, before this body leaves the confined room, reservoirs of food are stored for its nourishment within its mother's breasts. This generational process is an ongoing, continuous, and common process not only within man, but also within cats, dogs, lions, goats, camels, cows, horses, elephants, and other mammals. No doubt, within the transfer of this liquid matter, lies the secret of creation.

After spending a life of joy and sorrow, death descends upon the body. Then the same body manifests within the body of a mother and a father, entering the back of the father womb of the mother, and in this way new faces and continue to come into being.

If we ponder upon the generational process of the species, the secret that is revealed is that, despite similar traits, each species has its individual identity. The ability to hear, feel, see, and the demands of hunger and thirst are common in all, but still each species and each individual of the species is different from all others.

God, our friend, has been supporting us with such continuously that our identity as a nation [or an ethnic group] remains intact. Despite the fact that the process of birth is the same for all, every being in the universe has its own identity. At the end of our life of joy and sorrow, when mother earth takes us in her embrace, and our material existence dissipates, our God, our friend, gives us life in another world against the generational process. This process of life and death has been established from the beginning of creation and it will continue to go until the end of time.

I, Khwaja Shamsuddin Azeemi, became the manifestation of 'kun' ['be'] in eternity. The [video] camera of loh-e-mahfooz ['divine tablet that records all human actions'] captured me in film and this film was displayed on the screen of barzakh ['realm between death and re-birth']. As the projector barzakh displayed this film of Khwaja Shamsuddin Azeemi, the machine of generational process showed the film on earth according to a set process. The earthly camera recorded on film each movement and every action of Khwaja Shamsuddin Azeemi. And when this film was complete, it was transferred onto the screen of aalam-e-airaaf ['place between heaven and hell']. From aalam-e-airaaf this film could be seen till hashr-o-nashr ['Day of resurrection/ Judgment Day'], and from is hashr-o-nashr to heaven and hell. Who is it that runs and protect such a consistent system? It is God, our friend.

We must consider, with sill seriousness and with patience and grace, what the factors are that are working behind life and death and the ongoing changes within the body. Why does this process continue? Why have we not become independent and established within ourselves? Can we stop the process of continuous changes within our body, and can we gain an eternal existence? And, is it possible to rid ourselves of the going changes in body, mind, and consciousness. We must reflect as to why, along with the change of night into day, and day into night, we change as well.

To find this out, we must recognize our friend, God. And when we become acquainted with our true, pure, and ever-loving friend, God, this unending process of interchange will come to a stop at a single point.

When a child is young, he loves his parents, then his siblings, and as he grows older he starts to love his extended family, society, sect, nation, and humankind. Despite this, he is not satisfied. The thirst to love remains within him. Today's child, even as he reaches tomorrow's old age, remains thirsty. And this thirst is not quenched until he finds out who the true, selfless, and glorious beloved is. All of love's thirst is quenched when we finally see our friend, God, with the eyes of love. Then what happens is that our love turns into light, or an air wave -a wave which reaches around the entire world and spreads the fragrance of love.

Qalander conscious guides us in this path, so just as our friend, God, loves us and loves all [the other] creatures present in the universe, so should we love His creatures. Just as our friend, God, helps out creatures, so should we serve His creatures.

Journey Towards Insight


Science has made immense progress, yet many believe that, even with all of the modern tools at our disposal, human beings function at no more than 10% of their mental capacity. This leads to the question of what exactly it is that comprises the remaining 90%. Yet another question that arises is this: If it has taken man four and a half billion years to be able to apply only 10% of his ability, how long will it take for him to make use of the remaining 90%?