
Atom Bomb

The creator of the universe said: "I am about to appoint my vicegerent in the earth."

The angels humbly offered their opinion before Allah the Exalted saying, "This earthly servant will become a symbol of violence and bloodshed upon earth."

Listening to the angels, God did not negate their objection by proclaiming, 'Man will not cause disorder in the Earth.' Instead He replied, "I know what you know not!" He then taught Adam the knowledge of His attributes and, presenting him masterpiece of His to the Angels, He said, "Now show much knowledge you possess compared to him."

Trembling in the awe of God's grandeur and majesty, the angels exclaimed,

We only know what Thou hast taught us. Indeed Thou art All knowing, the Wise!" 'The Holy Quran, ch2: v33]

According to the angels, human beings cause chaos and disorder. But possessing the knowledge of God’s attributes, they become God’s vicegerents [or viceroys]. In other words, if man is not the viceroy of God, he is evil incarnate-creator of disorder. The natural consequence of causing evil and disorder is the distance that one creates between oneself and Allah, and this distance from Allah throws one in the clutches of fear and despair. A fearful person always tries to prove himself as more aware, more intelligent, and more powerful than others. Over the lengthy span of 2000 years, this perception of fear has grown into such a mountain, that its expanse has taken over the vastness of the entire Earth. To rid themselves of fear, nations have made such inventions as to destroy their own kind as make the Earth shudder. And, giving this horridness the name of "progress," they have engendered unrest and anxiety in the entire human population. To prove his superiority, man has invented weapons that can destroy the world in the blink of an eye. These intellectuals of mankind, who indeed are not Allah's viceroys, have brought disgrace upon themselves by inventing and reinventing deadly weapons. According to reports of the conscientious individuals of developed nations, we learn that 40,000 atom bombs exist in the world today. It is impossible to even estimate the number of traditional weapons. Why is such progress taking place? Against whom are these weapons being made? Who will be destroyed by the use of these weapons? Is this not tantamount to burning down one's own house?

The earth belongs to Allah; the earth is the centre of the welfare and prosperity of the people; the earth is our place of birth; the earth is the womb that holds all of our natural resources; and it is the earth whose fields and gardens have been made a bountiful spread for us by Allah's blessing. How unfortunate that, in the name of progress, we are bent upon destroying the very womb in which we have grown to maturity. What kind of a progress is this that will turn into ashes the colourful beauty that surrounds us—the flowers and the trees, the mountains and the valleys, the gardens and the deserts? This is not progress. This is decline, misfortune, and fear—the fear that, 'we will be destroyed by our own brethren,' and we thus resort to amassing such power so that no other group from our kind can destroy us. But there exists an unavaoidable law that, as a thing comes into being, its use becomes inevitable.' These 40,000 atom bombs and who knows how many other kinds of blank that have been created will inevitably explode one day, and when the world is released from this glittering illusion of Progress not even a pebble or a tree will remain; and neither will remain any evidence of progress of the fearful humanity.

Come out of this life of fear! Then there will be no need to amass these means of destruction and the earth will not be brought to ruin—the earth whose every particle gives us life.

Allah the Exalted states that,


"The friends of Allah shall have no fear; nor shall they grieve."

[Holy Quran, ch10: v62]

Presence of fear and grief is hell; to rid oneself of these is heaven

These pure souls from among the youth of the next generation who kept fasts to respect the holy month of Ramadhan and whit offered worship in the mosques with the depth of their hearts, received Allah's mercy and they became the recipients of spiritual blessings, because Allah the Exalted has stated,

"I am the reward of fasting."
[Bukhari and Muslim]

This humble servant congratulates with prayers of blessings all the recipients of spiritual rewards who have gained acceptance in the sight of the Lord.

I am also very thankful for the love and devotion expressed kith, and gentlemen through the beautiful Eid cards they have sent.

May Allah the Exalted keep us all united, and protect us from Satanic "discord and division," so as to spread the mission of the Prophet of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be up on him. Amen!

Journey Towards Insight


Science has made immense progress, yet many believe that, even with all of the modern tools at our disposal, human beings function at no more than 10% of their mental capacity. This leads to the question of what exactly it is that comprises the remaining 90%. Yet another question that arises is this: If it has taken man four and a half billion years to be able to apply only 10% of his ability, how long will it take for him to make use of the remaining 90%?