

After years of searching and investigation, physical science has revealed that all the energies that operate in the universe, which were considered to be four in number before, are only of three types. Due to lack of knowledge, one type of energy was being identified as two. It was this discovery which won the Pakistani Scientist Doctor Abdus Salam a Nobel Prize in physics.

A view has also come forward that, with the advancement of knowledge and investigation, twenty-five, fifty, or one hundred years from now, science will prove the fact that, in realty, there is only one energy that operates the universe, which due to lack of knowledge was considered to be of four, three, or two types.

Additionally, scientists have invented tools and methods in photography such that pictures taken by their means show that each material object is surrounded by a coloured light, named "aura", the study of which can reveal certain mental mid physical states which are hidden from the naked eye.

Thirdly modern psychology has reached that level of discovery where it has revealed that, when human mind focuses on a thought with complete concentration, its subconscious is able to transform that thought into material phenomena.

Everyone knows that, along with all other affairs, the progress of knowledge and discovery is also governed by universal laws. Nations that strive to adhere to these laws achieve prosperity. When the European nations and the United States of America gave precedence to matter confined in [natural] resources, universal laws came into action and started to reveal the concealed abilities and powers of material resources, and thus today these nations have gained superiority based solely on their educational excellence.

Present day science, on the path of exploration and discovery, has come to the conclusion that the entire universe is a manifestation of a single power. This revelation is not new. Many among our ancestors have declared that a single energy controls the universe, and that energy is directly related to Allah the Exalted. The Holy Quran illustrates this reality in these words:

Allah is the light of the heavens and the earth.
[The Holy Quran, chapter 24: verse 35]

When we compare material sciences to the knowledge of our ancestors, we are left standing in awe at witnessing that, about eight centuries earlier, Hadhrat Shah Abdul Qadir Jillani (r.a) was one such great scientist who was familiar with the universal laws, and through whose blessed person, hitherto concealed universal laws were revealed. Today's science, even after having spent billions of dollars, has not been able to discover the ways taught by Hadhrat Shah Jillani (r.a) for the utilization of nature's laws, and the path determined by him to understand these laws.

A key factor in the success and progress of scientific fields of knowledge is the presence of electricity. And now it has become clear that electromagnetic waves are present in every object that exists. These waves operate in varying quantities and ratios in different objects, and a basic energy gives life to these waves. It is these waves which sustain life, and all aspects and movements related to life.

Sheikh Muhiuddin Abdul Qadir Jillani (r.a) " had stated that the earth and the heavens exist on a light which is fed by Allah's noor ('pure light'). If mankind can change the focus of its mind from matter towards that light, man will have the power to ascertain the enormous transcendental abilities stored within him, with the use of which he can not only make subservient all earthly objects, but can utilize the energy and waves within those objects in fulfillment of his needs. The entire universe will come before him in form of a point or a circle. At this stage, man no longer remains dependant on material Resources. Material stand in servitude to him.

When we look at the teachings of the Holy Quran and the life of the Holy Prophets (saw) and then observe the condition of the Muslims, we are left with nothing but disappointment. This is because a great distance lies between the actual teachings of the Holy Quran and the practices of the Muslims. The path determined by the Holy Quran and the path taken by the Muslims, follow two separate lines that never meet.

Allah has made man His vicegerent [or assistant]; He has instilled in him the knowledge of His attributes; He has created him in His own image. Being a vicegerent does not mean that, when the king of a country does not depend on pen and paper in execution of his authority, that this vicegerent should be dependant on pen and paper for execution of his authority.

As Allah rules without dependency on resources, His vicegerent too should be free of dependence on resources. Just as God said 'kun' ['be'] and gave existence to the universe, his vicegerent too, by the activity of his mind, can make use of God’s creation. This is because Allah's vicegerent is aware of the fact that all manifestations of the universe are related to same being.

The Muslims, [today], are destitute in direct proportion to the treasure of transcendental knowledge that they possess. The ancestors of the Muslims have left an inheritance of enormous treasures for them to be able to rule and conquer the universe, but they are an unfortunate nation, as they have mistaken these diamonds for stones, rejected them, and have thus lost the ability to benefit from these riches. All of this is because the Muslims have been pushed far away from the path of reflection for certain reasons, and they have reached that point where all their actions are for mere commerce.

How absurd it is that, while the Holy Quran is declaring our rule and sovereignty over the entire universe, and is opening the doors of rule and sovereignty for us, we only use the Holy Quran to adorn our shelves as a book of blessings. When a calamity falls, we recite a few verses from it and pray to be relieved of worldly trials, but our attention is diverted from the fact that,

If we make reflection of the Holy Quran our habit, and step into the field of action based on that reflection, then our rule over the entire universe is guaranteed.

It is a pity that we have disregarded these treasures and have become dependent on others. According to the Holy Quran we have been made rulers over the sun, the moon, the stars, the earth, and the heavens all, and have been told ways to achieve this sovereignty, yet in every facet of life we have settled for the crumbs left by others and have considered that the purpose of our life.

Our life has been limited to achieving this world only. Our worship too is reserved only for show and only for the sake of gathering worldly blessings. We give so much importance to the physical aspect of actions, but do not take even a drop from the ocean flowing within. The unmatched sun on the Horizon of knowledge and insight, the expert in the formulas of conquering the universe, Hadhrat Adul Qadir Jilani (r.a), may Allah’s mercy be on him, says:

O hypocrites! Listen to the Prophet's message.

'Those of you who sell the hereafter in exchange for this world!

Those of you who sell The Truth in exchange for mere creation!

Those of you who barter the Everlasting for the mortal!

All your commerce is a lost transaction; your wealth is pushing you towards the abyss of complete ruin—how pitiable you are. You are becoming the object of Allah's wrath!



Journey Towards Insight


Science has made immense progress, yet many believe that, even with all of the modern tools at our disposal, human beings function at no more than 10% of their mental capacity. This leads to the question of what exactly it is that comprises the remaining 90%. Yet another question that arises is this: If it has taken man four and a half billion years to be able to apply only 10% of his ability, how long will it take for him to make use of the remaining 90%?