

When the eye of consciousness witnesses the modern world. It is astonished. It is astounded by human ability and the expression of its innovations. When observing the earth of the skies, one sees an unending chain of inventions. The subsidiary expressions of craftsmanship and creativeness of the Creator of the Universe can be seen spanning the surface of the globe.

Motor cars race along the streets, trains enable even faster travel, and airplanes pierce the skies, carrying thousands of tons of weight, traversing distances in only hours and days which used to take months and years. Airplanes travel faster than the speed of sound. Communication systems transmit pictures and sound from one corner of the earth to the other almost Instantaneously. Computers solve complex mathematical problems within minutes which would otherwise have taken several days to work out. Atomic power is utilized, and cities glimmer with electric energy and gears spin in industrial institutions. Rockets and missiles threaten destruction repeated efforts are made to explore space. Magical laser beams are employed. Amazing developments in electronics occur constantly. And, on a daily basis, developments in the fields of medicine and surgery are made. These are the subsidiary creations which are just as active in the dark of night as they are in light of day. Man, who is the supreme creation of the Best of the Creators, has been successful in establishing a long continuum of innovations with his relentless and tireless work during both day and night. Yet, although he is the creator of these things, within this web of innovations and inventions, he has failed to realize his own place, and his own value, among his own creations. Man, who claims to have conquered the laws of nature, has made himself a pawn to his own creations and is caught in a web of his own making, fruitlessly trying to escape, like a helpless fly. Man has set his mental aspirations so low that he fails to comprehend that all that he has created is a manifestation of his own hidden abilities. But he has given these abilities only a limited shape and form and has become their slave. Creator of the airplanes that pierce the skies, helplessly looks up at his own creation from ground; if he tries to take a leap in the air, he pathetic falls down. Man, who has brought into existence a machine as magnificent as the computer, is himself perpetually entangle, I in the worthless game of numbers. The inventor of gadget that can carry sound thousands of miles away has such pool hearing himself that he is unable to hear sound 200 or even 100 yards away. The inventor of gadgets that can transport images from one city to the other and even from space to Earth, has vision so poor that he cannot even see what is right behind him, let alone view distant cities with the naked eye, Man, who claims to have conquered natural phenomena will, if he honestly and impartially looks within himself, arrive at the conclusion that the magnitude of his emotional problems, mental stress, anxiety and sense of insecurity are currently at record levels.

 The reality, however, is that man, caught in the shackles of long distances, has innate abilities that allow him to exercise control over the entire earth. The Creator of the universe has bestowed upon him wisdom that spans across planets, that spans across solar systems; that transcends the limitations of space and time. Man has been made as the essence of the universe by his Creator, in the shape of His most superior creation. But man did not appreciate this great reward of the Creator- he has been ungrateful. Man limited his abilities. Abandoning the traits that go beyond time and space, he settled for lower and yet lower, worthless and yet more worthless, materialism, and like a silkworm imprisoned himself in his silk cocoon. How ridiculous is the scenario that the creation is himself dependent on his creation.

It has been written in the heavenly scriptures that dominion over resources means that resources would come into existence with one's intention. What is intention? Intention is the expression of the soul's unending creative properties.

In order to activate and utilize the spiritual abilities within necessary that we possess the knowledge of the Book and that those formulas upon which the entire universe rests, and that are imparted by the Book, become manifest to us. As long as this knowledge is not gained, man will continue to be buried under heap of despair and misfortune. The earthly shell that surrounds us is that inheritance of ours due in which our revered and honourable ancestor, Adam, was regrettably thrown from the sublime heights of heaven to the lowly earth.

O people! O intellectuals! Use some sense and wisdom. What kind of progress do we really have when man is forever trying to destroy his own kind, and he calls this destruction, progress! What kind of wisdom is this that man has placed the worth of an atom over and above the value of hundreds of thousands of human beings and, with the dazzling illusion of progress has obscured peace of mind, contentment and sense of security!

Journey Towards Insight


Science has made immense progress, yet many believe that, even with all of the modern tools at our disposal, human beings function at no more than 10% of their mental capacity. This leads to the question of what exactly it is that comprises the remaining 90%. Yet another question that arises is this: If it has taken man four and a half billion years to be able to apply only 10% of his ability, how long will it take for him to make use of the remaining 90%?