
Taj-ud-deen Baba RA


Animals [dwelling the land] do not work for a living, neither do birds set up shops, yet nature provides them with all the resources they require to live.


Whether it is four-legged animals or whether it is the birds, analysis of their social and economic life tells us that they are also made of the interplay of feelings and emotions. They also possess the urges of anger, sex, maternal love, and paternal caring. Birds are also concerned with the future of their offspring. When the children complete the round of education necessary to live their lives, the parents hand over their house (nest) to their children and fly away. The parents then build another home for themselves, collecting each twig and twine a new.


Whether it is animals that graze on land, or fierce beasts, or birds, they all possess intelligence and awareness. Insects know that if they do not prepare ahead for their necessities, their progeny will be destroyed. There are animals dwelling on the earth that possess a much keener sense of the future than ordinary man. Cats and dogs can detect calamities and misfortunes before their onset.


The question arises as to what the difference is between man and beast? There is no difference between man and beast. Man is an animal walking on his two legs, like the other animals.


Within the many different species of animals, man also one such species. But when a person develops a relations!' with Allah the Exalted he leaves the category of animals al becomes a human being. And the thought and intellect t! distinguishes a human being is that he cannot help but 4 out that, 'Our life and our death is all from Allah,' and what proves this beyond any doubt is that when God gave us II He did not ask us our desire or permission regarding it. TN isn't a single individual in the world who was born of his o% desire or who will live forever according to his desire. We only able to make use of the resources which have already been created for us. Hadhrat Baba Taj-ud-deen Nagpur I' stated this point thus in his couplet:


Four-legged animals do not work for wages, nor do

birds conduct commerce,

So said Daas Maloka, 'it is God who provides a

living for all'


Journey Towards Insight


Science has made immense progress, yet many believe that, even with all of the modern tools at our disposal, human beings function at no more than 10% of their mental capacity. This leads to the question of what exactly it is that comprises the remaining 90%. Yet another question that arises is this: If it has taken man four and a half billion years to be able to apply only 10% of his ability, how long will it take for him to make use of the remaining 90%?