

As far as goodness and evil are concerned, no action in this world is good or evil. In reality, it is the act of giving meaning to an action that constitutes goodness or evil. The act of giving meaning refers to the intention that is behind the action. It is the intention of the person, before carrying out the action, which is good or evil.

The job of fire is to burn. If a person uses fire to cook food for the welfare of people, this act constitutes goodness. If the same person uses that fire to burn down people's houses, that act constitutes evil.

If we carefully study the way of thinking of the nation’s we find impressive, or the nations that dominate us, one thing that becomes clear as daylight is that all the scientific progress focuses on the goal that one nation should become all-powerful, and that the rest of humankind should become its slaves, or that so many material benefits should be earned through inventions that a particular nation or a particular country should become wealthy while humanity should suffer at the hands of poverty and deprivation—it is so, because this progress does not contain the underlying intent of human welfare according to Allah's thinking. It is because of this reason that all this progress has become a hardship and affliction for humanity, as well as for those nations themselves that have produced inventions upon inventions after so much struggle and effort. This hardship and affliction will one day become the misfortune and downfall lot humanity], turning this earth into hell.

As long as the conviction remains in a person that the life and death of things is from Allah, the mind is able to focus, and when this certainty weakens and breaks apart, the person gets caught up in such beliefs and superstitions that result in mental chaos, worries, grief and fear, even though it can clearly be seen that every act of man, every action and every movement is under the control of a being who cannot he seen—the dwelling of the infant within the mother's belly, the provision of nourishment for nine months of growth and development, the balanced growth of the baby through the nourishment of milk, the growth of a small child into a man seven feet tall, the demands of adulthood, the creation of resources in fulfilment of these demands, and the presence of resources before they are provided. If Allah stopped the earth from producing crops, it would become impossible to acquire sustenance on earth. [Also among the signs of the invisible force behind human actions is] the presence of the desire in [men and women] that, after marriage, there should be someone to remember them, and the occurrence of his desire with such an intensity that it results in them becoming parents. Parents' love for their children

 is not peculiar to ho human heart; this emotion is common among all of Allah's creatures. And supported by this love, parents raise their children, look after them, and provide them resources.

Generally, the impression that is present is that acquisition of resources is not possible without struggle and hard WO whereas we see that the resources that we struggle and we to acquire are already present according to a preset law a principle. When a farmer toils and sows seeds in the ear the growth and development of that seed provides a variety of nourishment for human needs. All of his is possible when the resources are already present, for instance, the presence of seeds, die presence of land, the ability of the earth to grow and develop the seed, the presence of water for the growth and development of the seed, the presence of moonlight, the presence of air, and the presence of hot and cold environment according to season. If seeds are not present, or the earth lacks the ability to provide growth and development to the seed, or if water or air are not present, then every effort of man will be wasted.

It is an attribute of Allah that, when He creates a thing, billions upon billions of creatures come into being through that creation. In present times, we have before us the example of electricity. One of Allah's auxiliary creations is electricity. Through this electricity, thousands of inventions have come before our eyes, and will continue to arise. In light of this situation, the secret that is revealed to us is that Allah has created resources for the purpose that humankind should find the hidden powers within these resources and should benefit from them, and when a nation busies itself in finding those hidden abilities, Allah bestows upon [such a nation] so many revelations, and in the light of those revelations, when that [nation] reflects upon those revelations, new inventions come into existence. Qalander conscious guides us to see that everything in the universe is established in two different aspects. One aspect of creation is the apparent and visible aspect, while the other aspect is the inner and hidden aspect. Water is a liquid object. This is its apparent and visible aspect. But when the hidden abilities of water are searched, we witness before us an innumerable number of such abilities. Similarly, there is the example of iron. Apparently, iron is a metal. When a person is able to find the hidden properties within the particles of iron, new inventions continue to come into existence through his intentions, and under his command. When we look for the attributes of Allah within a thing, it is revealed to be that the entire universe is present. Everything that has boon made in the universe and everything that is present on earth has been created for man.

Istaghnaa ['lack of concern for resources/ contentment' I does not merely mean that a person becomes unconcerned with wealth and money, as no person can become completely independent of wealth and desires—

to fulfil the requirements of life and to provide for one's relations is a necessary act and it deals with huqooq-ul-ibaad ['the rights of people on a person] —istaghnaa means that everything a person does should have Allah's approval along with that action; that the way of thinking or action should not harm Allah's creation in any way; and that each person should himself remain happy and not become a hardship or cause for grief for humanity. It is essential that it must be instilled within a person's mind that it is Allah who is the complete and ultimate owner of everything in the universe. It is Allah who has granted the earth the ability that a seed may change into a tree and that the earth raise it within its embrace, that water should run like blood through the veins of the tree, that the air should become light and make up for the shortcomings of the colours that work within the tree, that sunshine should become attached to the tree according to a continuous relationship and principle to ripen the premature fruits, that moonlight should produce sweetness within the fruits, and that the earth should be assigned the duty that it nourish those trees that fulfil the needs of man. It is the responsibility of the trees to grow such leaves and fruits that will fulfil the needs of the creatures according to the season.

(Excerpt taken from the book "Qalander Sha'oor" ['Qalander Conscious'])

Journey Towards Insight


Science has made immense progress, yet many believe that, even with all of the modern tools at our disposal, human beings function at no more than 10% of their mental capacity. This leads to the question of what exactly it is that comprises the remaining 90%. Yet another question that arises is this: If it has taken man four and a half billion years to be able to apply only 10% of his ability, how long will it take for him to make use of the remaining 90%?