

When the relation between God and man is mentioned it is felt that these two are at far off distance from each other. This remoteness is felt due to the fact that the material life depends upon the confined and limited senses and when one, with limiting senses, tries to think, his thinking also becomes confined and limited. Analysis of confined limited approach of thinking reveals that the axis of man's life is materialism. Every movement of mind and every activity related to man's thinking faculty is encased in matter. Consumption of food, production of dress for protection from cold and hot weather, living a social life comprising of various family units etc. are all examples of man's life in the material world. In spite of all these factors of man's life one thing is quite obvious, that is, no matter how deeply man involves himself in the material life or the matter is set over one's life, one has to ultimately leave this material life. When death over takes, man's relation with matter and the material world comes to an end and physical body which enables him to function in the material world; the center of all man's activities, crumbles down to become dust

Let us suppose that a man consumes 2-3 kgs of food per day. But we observe that the weight of a man's body does not increase according to the weight of food taken. If the growth of man's physical body had been depending upon the material diets and food items then at the age of thirty five one should have been weighing in tones whereas we observe that it is not actually so. This proves that man, in fact, consumes lights. Yes, the lights operative in food items. Man actually is consuming the lights with which the wheat or corn is made up. Just as man's physical body is living upon the lights, the things like wheat and vice versa also exist because of the light operative in them.

One versed with the direct approach of thinking would say that light is consuming up the light. Lights are feeding the real man made of lights existing over this physical body of man. Man is acquiring energy from the lights. Just as after death a man decomposes into dust particles, the wheat grain also transforms into dust after decaying but the network of lights upon which the wheat grain is established remains existing. For this very reason despite consumption of tones of food, one's weight does not go into tones. Life of any man, animal, tree, bird or house depends upon specific quantities of light in these things.

The first lesson to explore these lights and to find out the qualities of these lights is the concentrative focused attention or simply the concentration which means that after taking away one's mind from everything it is focused on only one point, so much so that one reaches the state of absent-mindedness or a state of thoughtlessness. The act of becoming thoughtless not requires an elaborate explanation. Every one of us experiences this state of mind when the mind seems to be empty of everything. Mind becomes free of apprehensions and thoughts of any type even if it happens only for few minutes in a day but it does take place all the same. Sometimes it is considered that our mind has stopped working but this is only because that we are not familiar with the state of absent-mindedness due to concentrative focused attention and we do not hesitate in treating it as an ailment.

Every moment, every second of the day or night the human life is flowing in two directions. Existence of life is not possible if it is not flowing in two ways. It cannot keep itself if it is not moving dihedrals or bifacetedly. In its one dimension one is close to mental concentration and in the other one draws away from the mental concentration. When someone is away from the mental concentration the material aspect of life becomes predominating and when someone is in the state of mental concentration the lights become prevalent predominantly upon him. Both these aspects of life flow together side by side and also flow individually and separately. When it is said that they flow together, side by side, it means that man remaining in the material senses is enjoying his affinity with the senses of light or vice versa.

Separate flow is indicative of that situation when one is either dominated by the matter or the lights take over completely. The life in which one travels in material senses is the life of wakefulness and the life in which the grip of material clutches is relaxed is the life of dreaming or sleep.

Teachings of Prophets of God are aimed at inviting man to live in the senses of lights after releasing himself from the clutches of material senses. The first step of this journey is to perform Muraqbah which helps man in acquainting him with that path which is free from the pollution of the material senses.

Through Muraqbah one can intentionally, using his own will and power, live in that state in which matter is no longer dominant. When, for instance, man yields to sleep. The first stage is that one feels a mild pressure on the eyes. The heaviness of eyes turns into a state of inebriation resulting in cracking down of the senses. At this stage the eyeballs become static and inert. The inertness of the eyeball is indicative of man's transformation from the diurnal senses into the nocturnal senses. 



When any branch of knowledge is taken into consideration, two things, because of their significance, immediately become important. The first one is theoretical knowledge, which we possess about that particular branch of knowledge and in its final stage practical demonstration and implementation of that branch of knowledge is observed. In other words, knowledge is the name given to the combination of theory and practice. Like any other branch of knowledge, the spiritual sciences, too, are no exception to this rule, that is, after learning and Rules, Laws, Principle and Formulae Theoretically; they are tested, analyzed and examined practically. There are two possible ways of learning and acquiring knowledge. One method is to learn the theory first and then to use the learnt formulae, principles and laws practically. The other method is to start learning through practical experiments directly.