Question: What is the
difference between imaginary dreams and true dreams? Moreover, when a person
constantly thinks about something, it appears in the form of a dream. If the
inclination is towards good things, the dream is considered good, but when bad
thoughts manifest as dreams, they are considered bad, even though they are also
just thoughts. Why is this the case? Please explain.
Answer: In the universe, no
thought, illusion, or imagination is meaningless. Every thought carries two
possible interpretations. It may be aligned with Rahmāni (Divine) values, or it
may be rooted in Shayṭani (satanic)
tendencies. There are two types of knowledge: Shayṭani
knowledge and Rahmāni knowledge.
All the prophets who came to this world, including
the Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H.), conveyed the same message: Learn the knowledge
of the Almighty and act upon it so that you may draw closer to the Divine. Do
not seek the knowledge of Shayṭān, nor act upon it,
for if you do, you will draw closer to Shayṭān.
It is evident that one who becomes close to Shayṭān
will drift away from the Divine, and one who draws closer to the Divine will
distance themselves from Shayṭān. As for the nature
of dreams, it is related to the thoughts that occupy the mind. If a person is
consumed with thoughts of wealth, for instance, they will likely see such
dreams, filled with the imagery of money. On the other hand, if a person’s
thoughts are consumed by love for Allah the Almighty, the teachings of the
prophets, and the love of the saints, they will always long for the proximity
and love of Allah and His Messenger (P.B.U.H.). Such a person’s dreams will be
pure and blessed. The prophets rejected the path of Shayṭān
and guided humanity to stay away from those thoughts and influences. They
encouraged mankind to seek closeness to Allah the Almighty and to learn the
Divine knowledge. There are two types of dreams: one type reflects the
distorted form of thoughts that constantly circle the mind, and the other
represents the pure thoughts circulating in the higher realms. The former is
considered a distorted dream, while the latter, those that arise from pure,
divine thoughts, are known as true dreams
Khwaja Shamsuddin Azeemi
"The heart is the abode of God. Within this sacred
place, I have glimpsed the Azeemi Galaxy. I now entrust this divine document,
containing the knowledge of God, to the radiant stars of the Magnificent
Galaxies, so they may illuminate their hearts with this divine light."