Question: Spirituality is
described as the attainment or transfer of a specific tarz-e-fikr (pattern of
thought). How does this transfer occur, and under what law does it operate?
Kindly explain.
Answer: The concept of
spirituality as a specific tarz-e-fikr (pattern of thought) emerges under the
divine law that governs creation. Allah the Almighty has established that each
species reproduces according to its distinct design. For example, a
domesticated cat, no matter how accustomed to humans, will always produce
offspring of its own kind. Similarly, no one has observed a goat giving birth
to a cow or a cow producing a dove. This illustrates that within the womb, both
the archetypal characteristics of the species and the impressions of the
parents are transferred to the offspring. These transfers occur in proportions
preordained by Allah’s command, as He has stated in the Qur'an:
"Exalted is He who created, and proportioned,
and Who determined and guided." (Surah Al-A'la, 87:2-3)
It is through these divine proportioned
(miqdarein) that one species is distinguished from another, and within each
species, individuals are uniquely identified.
When we reflect on the mission of Huzoor (P.B.U.H.)
from this perspective, it becomes clear that He (P.B.U.H.) is from the lineage
of Hazrat Ibrahim (P.B.U.H.), meaning that the specific qualities and
attributes of all the prophets, from Hazrat Ibrahim (P.B.U.H.) to Hazrat Isa (P.B.U.H.),
were passed down to Huzoor (P.B.U.H.). The mind of all the prophets, in which
Allah resides, was inherited by Huzoor (P.B.U.H.). This can also be said that
the blessed mind of Huzoor (P.B.U.H.) had already completed the spiritual
stations of all the prophets before his mission, and when Allah, the Almighty,
bestowed His grace, Huzoor (P.B.U.H.) was granted a position that no one else
could attain.
It is also very noteworthy that the majority of
the prophets mentioned in the Holy Qur'an are descendants of Hazrat Ibrahim (P.B.U.H.).
In other words, the thought pattern of one generation was continuously passed
down. Since prophethood has come to an end and the law of Allah is ongoing, as
stated in the Holy Qur'an, Allah's Sunnah never faces interruption or
alteration, and this divine tradition continues. The program to keep this
Sunnah alive was passed on by Huzoor (P.B.U.H.) to his inheritors, the friends
of Allah, commonly known as the Auliya Allah. A Sheikh or Murshid inherits the
thought pattern of Huzoor (P.B.U.H.). When a disciple or seeker desires to
inherit the thought pattern of their Sheikh, the first essential step is to
establish a connection with the Sheikh. The first lesson in establishing this
connection is the "Tassawur of the Sheikh" (the contemplation of the
When a disciple or seeker closes their eyes,
removing their attention from all directions, and contemplates their Sheikh,
the thought pattern of the Sheikh is transferred to them. This thought pattern
is essentially a reservoir of lights that form the senses, create awareness,
and establish the path of life. When we consciously contemplate our Sheikh,
after a deepening of this contemplation, the lights working within the Sheikh,
which were transferred to him from Huzoor (P.B.U.H.), will also be transferred to
There are countless instances where a disciple,
absorbed in the contemplation of their Sheikh, begins to display such notable
similarities in their mannerisms, speech, and appearance that it becomes
difficult not to recognize them as a reflection of their Sheikh. Since the
contemplation of the Sheikh leads to the transfer of the thought pattern
working within the Sheikh, with the deepening of this contemplation, the
thought pattern of Huzoor (P.B.U.H.) continues to be transferred, for the
Sheikh is a reflection of the thought pattern of Huzoor (P.B.U.H.).
Khwaja Shamsuddin Azeemi
"The heart is the abode of God. Within this sacred
place, I have glimpsed the Azeemi Galaxy. I now entrust this divine document,
containing the knowledge of God, to the radiant stars of the Magnificent
Galaxies, so they may illuminate their hearts with this divine light."