Question: Despite humanity's
significant advancements, individuals continue to grapple with illness and
distress, often failing to comprehend the underlying causes. Can you provide
insight into this phenomenon?
Answer: Contemplation of
Allah the Almighty’s creation, guided by the Quran, brings forth a profound
understanding: though the essence of matter is singular, the laws, principles,
and methods of creation are consistent, and the natural requisites of all
beings are uniform. Intelligence and consciousness are inherent across
creation, albeit in varying degrees—some beings possess higher cognitive
capacities, others less, and some minimal.
Amid these shared foundations, the distinctiveness
of each creation remains intact. This distinctiveness is twofold: one dimension
pertains to the collective identity of the species, while the other represents
the unique individuality of each member.
Within each species, every individual manifests a
unique form, appearance, and characteristics, thereby preserving a dynamic
equilibrium between universal commonalities and individual uniqueness. This
duality underscores the intricate balance within creation.
The individuals of a species, such as parrots or
pigeons, exhibit uniform forms, reflecting the collective identity of their
kind. This phenomenon extends to all creations, where the collective appearance
of a species is mirrored in its individuals. Such observations are evident and
consistently affirmed by human experience.
the diversity of species reveals that the distinctiveness of each species
arises from specific proportionate compositions embedded within their form by
Allah the Almighty. These predefined compositions activate to produce only the
intended species—goats give birth to goats, and pigeons to pigeons; no
interspecies anomaly occurs. These precise
compositions are not limited to earthly creatures but are fundamental to every
component of the universe. Their primary function is to interact, combine, and
transform, producing various colors and forms. These transformations define the
attributes of a species. The creative formula
thus emerges: while matter is singular, molds are diverse. These molds
encapsulate matter and transform it into distinct proportionate compositions.
As these compositions interact and combine, they give rise to a spectrum of
colors, which ultimately manifest as the multiplicity of creation.
Quran affirms this profound truth: "Exalted is He who created all things
in precise measure and guided them accordingly." This verse highlights
that Allah the Almighty not only creates with balance and proportion but also
endows each creation with a distinct awareness tailored to its purpose. The
equality referenced pertains to the singularity of matter, while proportionate
compositions signify the diverse patterns of forms and colors manifested in
creation. As previously discussed, the essential faculties for sustaining life—emotions,
instincts, and sentiments—are present universally across all terrestrial and
celestial entities. Each particle of the cosmos is intrinsically endowed with
consciousness and the requisite capabilities for existence. Every entity within
the universe possesses an innate awareness of its status as a creation and
recognizes the existence of a Creator. Moreover, each being discerns its unique
identity within its species. For instance, a goat is cognizant of its
membership in the goat species and is equally aware of the presence of
predators like wolves, recognizing them as threats to its survival.
Beyond this, beings perceive their distinctiveness
from other species; a goat recognizes humans as a separate type, just as humans
differentiate between various species such as goats, horses, buffaloes, and
trees. This embedded awareness within all elements of creation reflects a
profound, divinely instilled consciousness and interconnectedness, establishing
the unity of creation while maintaining its diversity under the creative will
of Allah the Almighty.
In the realm of spirituality, the notion of
awareness is extended to all entities, positing that species possess an
intrinsic cognition akin to human self-awareness. It is understood that, just
as humans trace their lineage and awareness to Adam as the first human, every
species, including trees, is imbued with an inherent recognition of its
archetypal origin. The transfer of awareness and essence from the primordial
representative of a species to its contemporary members mirrors the
evolutionary journey of human consciousness from Adam. A critique may arise
regarding the apparent disparity in intellectual progression between humans and
other species. Humanity's evolution is marked by significant advancements, from
primitive living in caves to the mastery of tools, fire, metallurgy, and modern
technological innovations. In contrast, species like trees appear to have
remained static, retaining their primordial state from Adam's era to the
present. This critique, while seemingly valid, overlooks a critical dimension
of analysis. Human progress, characterized by scientific and technological
breakthroughs, has been accompanied by the proliferation of complexities,
including environmental degradation, psychological stress, and societal
challenges. Earlier epochs were comparatively devoid of such burdens. The
advancements that facilitated human dominance also necessitated remedies for
self-imposed crises, leading to the development of medical sciences,
environmental strategies, and psychological frameworks to mitigate the
afflictions born of progress. Trees and other species, on the other hand,
remain unburdened by such complexities, maintaining an equilibrium within their
ecological niche. Their perceived stasis is, in essence, a testament to their
alignment with the creative order, free from the dual-edged sword of progress
that defines human existence. This contrast underscores the profound balance
within the natural world, where species fulfill their ordained roles without
deviating into existential dilemmas. From a spiritual perspective, this
distinction illustrates the creative wisdom of the Absolute Being, who designed
the cosmos with proportionate compositions and functional roles, ensuring
harmony across all forms of existence. Human intellectual evolution, though
remarkable, is inseparable from its accompanying trials, reflecting the broader
cosmic principle that advancement often entails an increase in responsibility
and challenge. Human advancements, particularly in the realms of science and
technology, have inadvertently resulted in environmental degradation, including
the contamination of the atmosphere with toxins. This pollution has led to
various diseases in humans, necessitating the creation of numerous remedies and
innovations for survival. However, trees, which lack the label of ashraf ul
makhluqat (the most honored of creations), also experience the consequences of
the same polluted environment. Just as humans suffer from contaminated air and
water, trees and other forms of life are not immune to these adverse effects.
Humans rely on oxygen for survival, and polluted oxygen becomes a carrier of
toxins in the bloodstream, resulting in diseases, some of which remain
incurable. Trees, sharing this reliance on oxygen as their vital fuel, are
exposed to the same environmental pollutants. This parallel raises an essential
question: if humans succumb to illnesses due to polluted air, why would trees
remain unaffected? The answer lies in the inherent wisdom and resilience
bestowed upon all species by the Absolute Being. Just as humans have developed
methods to combat diseases, trees are equipped with an intrinsic system of
self-preservation and adaptability. While their methods are not as visible or
active as human inventions, trees possess a subtle but profound mechanism to
protect their species from the destructive effects of human-induced
environmental harm. This inherent adaptability suggests that the Creator has
endowed all forms of life, including trees, with the necessary awareness and
tools to sustain themselves despite environmental challenges. Trees, in their
quiet endurance, reflect a different form of intelligence and a deeper harmony
with nature's laws, enabling them to mitigate the damage caused by human
progress. This harmony underscores the interconnectedness of all living beings,
with each adapting in its unique way to the shared challenges of existence.
If trees lacked the inherent knowledge or the
capacity to employ reason for their preservation, they would have perished due
to environmental pollution, leaving the earth barren of vegetation. This
undeniable evidence affirms the divine proclamation that creation is fashioned
in proportionate compositions. These compositions include trees, which are
explicitly mentioned to challenge the misconception that they lack awareness or
sensory capacity. Contrary to the assumption that trees are devoid of intelligence
or sensation, they demonstrate an innate ability to protect their kind. This
stands in contrast to animals like cows, goats, and buffaloes, which are
generally perceived as more conscious and intelligent than trees. Yet, even
what appears to be devoid of awareness, reasoning, or autonomy to the human
eye, is imbued with divine, proportionate compositions. These compositions
grant trees the capacity to sustain their existence and preserve their species.
This understanding underscores the comprehensive wisdom in creation, where even
seemingly insentient beings are endowed with the means to fulfill their purpose
and thrive within their ordained roles. The divine system operates flawlessly,
ensuring balance and harmony across all forms of life, regardless of human
perceptions of intelligence or awareness.
Khwaja Shamsuddin Azeemi
"The heart is the abode of God. Within this sacred
place, I have glimpsed the Azeemi Galaxy. I now entrust this divine document,
containing the knowledge of God, to the radiant stars of the Magnificent
Galaxies, so they may illuminate their hearts with this divine light."