Question: What is meant by
"raasikh al-'ilm" (one firmly grounded in knowledge)? How can a
person become firmly grounded in knowledge? kindly elaborate.
Answer: The resolute in
knowledge are those whose intellect is firmly grounded, free from doubts or
uncertainties, and untainted by satanic whispers or intellectual impurities.
Their minds are devoid of corruption and scholarly pollution, which refers to
knowledge misused to harm others—commonly known as destructive knowledge. Such
individuals occupy a spiritual station untouched by doubts or skepticism. They
declare with certainty and faith that everything, regardless of its
nature—small or great, ease or hardship—comes from Allah the Almighty. This
Qur'anic perspective highlights two groups: the resolute in knowledge and
others. The resolute possess a distinct pattern of thought (tarz-e-fikr) that
enables them to observe and affirm that everything in the cosmos—past, present,
and future—directly correlates to the Divine Essence. Manifestation aligns with
what Allah the Almighty has decreed. Setting aside philosophical complexities,
this can be understood through examples accessible to the general intellect.
Life's every action has its designated purpose,
and interpreting these meanings transforms one’s pattern of thought. Faith
affirms that all existence, present or future, is inscribed in the Loḥ
(Preserved Tablet). Nothing exists in the world without first being recorded
there. A person is born because their existence was inscribed beforehand.
Life's highs and lows, measured by days and years, also pre-exist in the Loḥ
For example, Allah the Almighty assigns a specific provision for an individual,
say one million rupees, pre-recorded in the Loḥ
Just as money deposited in a bank exists beforehand, so do the resources
allocated for a person. Through effort and striving, they gradually access this
provision. However, if something is not preordained in the Loḥ
it will not manifest in this world. One perspective illustrates that a person,
despite the reproach of their conscience, may resort to earning through
unlawful means, while another strives to earn lawfully. Whether one consumes
lawful or unlawful provisions, the sustenance they receive is determined by
what has already been inscribed in the Loḥ
Even if someone disregards the admonition of their conscience, they can only
obtain what is preordained for them. Conversely, a conscientious person,
adhering to permissible means, also receives no more than what has been
allocated for them. This highlights the divine law: nothing manifests in the
world unless it is first recorded in the Loḥ
The resolute in knowledge (rāsikh al-‘ilm) observe the connection of all
phenomena, existence, actions, and movements with the Loḥ
They openly declare that everything is from Allah the Almighty and have
unshakable certainty that whatever is designated for them will undoubtedly
reach them. This understanding creates contentment (istighnā) within them,
which stems from certainty and spiritual witnessing. Without istighnā, one’s
reliance on Allah weakens, and attachment to materiality prevails. Sufism
teaches that true tranquility arises from istighnā, which requires firm
reliance on Allah (tawakkul). Reliance, in turn, is rooted in faith, which
depends on spiritual insight capable of perceiving the unseen (ghaib). Without
this vision, no one can attain true peace. In today’s world, people chase
wealth and material accumulation, yet lament the absence of peace. True
tranquility is not transient but an eternal state untouched by death. It cannot
be derived from temporary, perishable things that are visibly subject to decay.
Muraqaba (Meditation) provides a method to detach the mind from mortal,
material concerns and focus on eternal realities. This contemplation gradually
leads one into the realm of the unseen, fostering conviction. When this
conviction dawns, the inner sight becomes active, perceiving the unseen. Once a
person realizes that the entire cosmos is governed by one supreme Being, their
thoughts become entirely focused on that Reality. This realization causes the
tree of istighnā to take root and flourish within them, expanding branch by
Khwaja Shamsuddin Azeemi
"The heart is the abode of God. Within this sacred
place, I have glimpsed the Azeemi Galaxy. I now entrust this divine document,
containing the knowledge of God, to the radiant stars of the Magnificent
Galaxies, so they may illuminate their hearts with this divine light."