Question: Is there any
creation inhabiting planets other than Earth? If so, how would that creation be
Answer: The planets visible
to us are indeed inhabited by countless beings—billions and trillions of humans
and jinn. However, each planet has unique distinctions in the movements, forms,
and appearances of its inhabitants. On some planets, humans appear as luminous
beings composed of divine light; on others, they appear transparent, meaning
that if a human from such a planet were to stand before us, we would be able to
see right through them. On yet other planets, humans may possess a golden hue,
resembling the radiance of gold. It is fascinating and awe-inspiring that the
type of beings on each planet is mirrored by subordinate creations—such as
animals and plants—that share similar characteristics. For example, on a planet
where humans are transparent, everything that grows there is also transparent.
The trunk of a tree might resemble a pillar of glass, yet within this
glass-like structure, one would still find veins, wood grain, and leaves—all
rendered transparent, like glass. Moreover, the measurement and categorization
of time also vary. For instance, within the species of jinn, the cycle of birth
continues, with a gestation period of nine months. However, if we measure this
by our own months and years, that same duration would equate to nine years, meaning
that one human month is equal to one year for the jinn. Accordingly, their
lifespans are also much longer. Many elders recount encounters with jinn who
had witnessed the time of the Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H.). Thus, if a human
lives for a hundred years, a jinn's life could span approximately twelve
hundred years. Even today, examples exist of people on Earth who live to be 150
years or more, suggesting that, proportionally, a jinn's lifespan could extend
to fifteen hundred years or beyond.
Every planet is inhabited by humans and jinn, and
from a religious perspective, various sects exist among them. The jinn carry
out all the same activities that humans do. In the cosmic order, each planet’s
system measures time differently. The difference between time on some planets
and time on Earth is so profound that it leads us to conclude that time, as we
perceive it, may not exist there at all.
Khwaja Shamsuddin Azeemi
"The heart is the abode of God. Within this sacred
place, I have glimpsed the Azeemi Galaxy. I now entrust this divine document,
containing the knowledge of God, to the radiant stars of the Magnificent
Galaxies, so they may illuminate their hearts with this divine light."