
The Single Self

Chapter Eight

Question: The blessed statement of Huzoor (P.B.U.H.) is: "He who knows his own soul, knows his Lord." The question arises: what is this soul, by understanding which one can attain the knowledge of Allah the Almighty?

Answer: Allah the Almighty, in His discourse on creation, affirms His role as the Creator, stating: "He it is Who created you from a single self." In Sufi terminology, this is termed "Nisbat-e-Wahdat" (the relationship of unity), which may be likened to a point encapsulating the entire cosmos.

Upon initial contemplation, one may question the true nature of this "single self." Commonly, it is interpreted as referring to Adam, the progenitor of humanity. However, such an interpretation lacks precision. When the Quran mentions Adam, Allah the Almighty specifies that Adam’s form was created from clay, particularly from the soil of the earth. The "single self" in question, as stated by Allah, is not Adam in a literal sense, but rather the foundational point from which all of creation emanates. This point contains the essence and the record of every atom within the universe; nothing exists beyond it. The fundamental task for the seeker is to become acquainted with this point within their own being and to direct their gaze inwardly toward it.

In relation to this point, Huzoor (P.B.U.H.) declares: "He who knows his own soul, knows his Lord." Reflecting upon the divine revelation and the prophetic teaching reveals their profound interconnectedness. Allah the Almighty declares: "We created you from a single self..." and Huzoor (P.B.U.H.) clarifies that understanding the self is intrinsically linked to understanding the Lord.

The challenge arises when the topic of self-knowledge is broached, and many individuals dismiss the Quranic verses on this matter as ambiguous or obscure. However, the Qur'an leaves no room for doubt. Allah the Almighty confirms that the Book provides guidance to the pious, those who believe in the unseen. These individuals perceive the reality that every event, from beginning to end, whether manifest or hidden, is governed by the will of Allah the Almighty.

Thus, every action and movement in existence is subject to the divine will of Allah.

It is essential to recognize that all phenomena in the universe are constituted by waves, and these waves are grounded in Divine Light. Allah the Almighty affirms that the heavens and the earth are manifestations of His Divine Light. Creation, in one sense, is luminous, and in another, it is itself a form of Divine Light. Those who possess the requisite insight have established frameworks based on human consciousness to seek out these luminous properties, dividing the original point into six parts for clarity. These six parts are known as the "Latā'if Sitta" (six subtle centers) in Sufism. Among these, the final and most profound, known as "Al-Akhfā," corresponds to the single self within every individual. Upon entering this point, the seeker perceives the universe as being fully subject to their dominion. The individual then comprehends the meaning of Allah’s statement: "We have subjected everything in the heavens and on earth to you," indicating that all of creation is under human dominion and humans are the stewards of this creation.

Further elaboration on this statement reveals that Allah has subjected the sun, the moon, and the stars to human beings. However, "subjugation" in this context does not imply servitude; rather, it denotes the capacity to exert influence over these cosmic entities. In practice, humans remain under the sway of the sun and the moon, but do not possess direct control over them. If the sun or moon were to cease their functions, life on earth would not endure. Humans are dependent on sunlight for warmth and the moon's light for the growth of crops, yet the true dominion over these celestial bodies remains beyond human reach.



TUAJEEHAT (Elucidations)

Khwaja Shamsuddin Azeemi


"The heart is the abode of God. Within this sacred place, I have glimpsed the Azeemi Galaxy. I now entrust this divine document, containing the knowledge of God, to the radiant stars of the Magnificent Galaxies, so they may illuminate their hearts with this divine light."