

In this couplet, Hazrat Sultan-ul-Arifeen has exemplified the seeker’s heart as the soil, the Divine Name "Allah" as the seed, the invocation of Nafi Asbat (the formula of denial and affirmation) as water, and a perfect spiritual guide as the gardener. When the seed of the Personal innate name of Allah is nurtured and cultivated by the Murshid Kamil (perfect spiritual guide), it flourishes, and its effects begin to radiate like the glow of electric lights across the seeker’s being, illuminating all their faculties. Hazrat expresses gratitude, saying, "May Allah keep my Murshid kaamil protected; all this grace is bestowed upon me by my Murshid kaamil."

When nature seeks to utilize an individual for a specific purpose, it arranges for all necessary resources in advance. It is a well-established notion that a human being can be likened to a toy in this context. A toy is either wound with a key or powered by a battery, and once the key is unwound or the battery’s energy is depleted, the toy ceases to function and produces no sound. Similarly, the state of a human being is analogous. As long as the energy (the soul) remains within, an individual is capable of movement, speech, perception, and thought. However, once this energy is exhausted, the individual becomes devoid of life, akin to a non-functional toy.

As long as energy (the soul) remains within, a human being, like a toy, dances, jumps, speaks, listens, sleeps, wakes, thinks, and understands. However, as soon as the energy (the key) within the human toy is depleted, the individual loses their inherent value. Whether it is energy or the act of winding a key in a toy, these concepts fundamentally relate to resources. Before each individual is born, nature provides the necessary resources for them. This is a law that is inscribed in the Loh Mehfooz (Book of Preservation) in the chapter of creation.

The cosmic system operates universally, exerting its influence on every individual. In accordance with this law, nature provisioned the requisite resources for my esteemed Murshid, Hazrat Khwaja Shamsuddin Azeemi (Huzoor Abaji) This is a remarkable story, illuminated by countless insights that provoke deep contemplation. In 1947, Hazrat Azeemi saheb migrated to Lahore, and upon his initial visit to the esteemed shrine of Hazrat Data Ali HIjweri (R.A.), a significant spiritual connection was established between souls, which catalyzed the activation of the key of contemplation within him. Navigating the vicissitudes of life, Allah bestowed upon him a distinguished position in trade. The allure of business success and the brilliance of wealth began to intertwine contemplation with materialism. Consequently, the profound spiritual connection with Hazrat Data Ganj Bakhsh Ali HIjweri (R.A.) became obscured.

Ganj Bakhsh, Faiz-e-Aalam, Mazhar Noor Khuda,
Naqisaan ka Pir Kamil, Kaamilaaan ka Raahnuma.

It is a widely observed Nature’s law that the Divine facilitates illumination by igniting one lamp with another, ensuring that the necessary resources for this ignition are provided in advance.

As material advancement increasingly overshadowed spiritual contemplation, the process of winding the key within the toy experienced a significant transformation. The key, which once propelled the toy forward, was now reversed, leading to the dissolution of all that existed. Allah Almighty has articulated that when all plans fail, individuals inevitably turn back to Him. This divine proclamation has thus established a fundamental law. In the pursuit of regaining blessings in business transactions, individuals sought the support of the friends of Allah. When nature bestows generosity, circumstances unfold in ways that surpass all expectations.

When Hazrat Khwaja Shamsuddin Azeemi embarked on his journey to acquire worldly knowledge, he became captivated by the allure of a self-sufficient personality, ultimately surrendering his entire existence to the essence of his Murshid. Hazrat Azeemi's esteemed Murshid, Huzoor Qalandar Baba Auliya (R.A.), served as the heartbeat of his existence and the Noor (Divine light) of his eyes for a duration of 14 years.

Khuda ke deen ka Musa se poochiye haal,
Aag lene ko jayein to peghamberi mil jaye.

Prophethood has been conclusively established with the Last Prophet, Hazrat Muhammad (P.B.U.H.). However, through the teachings of Qalandar Baba Auliya (R.A.), a prophetic mindset has been transferred to the soul. To disseminate this prophetic mode of thought, a series of columns and articles was initiated in newspapers and magazines in December 1969. Since nature intrinsically designates representatives for its specific undertakings, As a result, this initiative was positively received by Divine nature, which subsequently allocated the requisite resources to promote its wider dissemination. Influenced by these resources, the Rohani Digest was inaugurated in 1978, effectively mitigating the challenges associated with the constraints of article publication in newspapers.

I, the author of the book "Tojeehat," consider myself to be a humble particle; however, the Quran elucidates that even the smallest, indescribable particle in the universe is bound by the Noor of Allah. Upon this insignificant entity, a mere fraction of existence, the gaze of the treasure-bestowing Murshid has fallen, resulting in the unification of my soul with that of Hazrat Khwaja Azeemi. At this juncture, I find myself at a specific phase of the spiritual journey. (In the realm of spirituality, definitive destinations are non-existent.) I have not attained a final destination; instead, I am a traveler navigating the path of spiritual development. I do not perceive my own presence in any meaningful manner. The reality is that I remain unsure of my own identity. When I introspect and pose this question to myself, the singular response I receive is that the soul does not possess distinct designations; therefore, fundamentally, there is nothing. My existence is merely a reflection of my Murshid's soul, which sustains my being.

I find myself propelled by an unrelenting mission... The crux of this endeavor lies in the understanding that if I am nothing and my Murshid embodies everything, then my purpose is to disseminate the thought processes of my Murshid. Occasionally, I am consumed by an intense fervor to manifest the illuminations of my Murshid across various realms. This fervent passion perpetually engenders a state of restlessness within me. To convert the thought processes of my Murshid into a tangible energy and convey it to the "toys" of the world (human beings), I committed to compiling the writings produced between 1978 and April 1994 into a cohesive collection.

I maintain no concern regarding the outcome of my endeavors. I observe that the sun rises each day, untroubled by the locations where its light may be cast. Its rays illuminate waterfalls, streams, and mountains, demonstrating an inherent indifference to the fact that they also brighten muddy paths. Although my expressions may be succinct, their implications are profound. I represent the sun of my Murshid's spirit, dedicated to the task of disseminating light. I shall continue this mission until I am entirely assimilated into that light.

In conclusion, I wish to reference the following couplet by Mian Muhammad Baksh:

"Huko sukhan na hor tamamī jo ni'mat mein pāī,
Osee mard sachay da sadqa apni nahīn kamāī.
Khushkash jitna qadr na mēra us nū sabhay va
Main galiān da ro
ā koā mahal chahāyā sāyā."


Mian Mushtaq Ahmad Azeemi
Spiritual Son of
Hazrat Khwaja Shamsuddin Azeemi
Muraqbah Hall 158, Main Bazaar, Mozang, Lahore
Date: 7 July 1994

TUAJEEHAT (Elucidations)

Khwaja Shamsuddin Azeemi


"The heart is the abode of God. Within this sacred place, I have glimpsed the Azeemi Galaxy. I now entrust this divine document, containing the knowledge of God, to the radiant stars of the Magnificent Galaxies, so they may illuminate their hearts with this divine light."