Answer: The unified program
of the cosmos is inscribed upon the Preserved Scripturum, advancing perpetually
in alignment with the divine knowledge and wisdom of God. The law governing its
descent dictates that this entire plan flows seamlessly and continuously from
the Preserved Scripturum to the Second Scripturum. In Sufi terminology, this
Second Scripturum is often referred to as the (Alam-e-Barzakh), "Realm of
Erebus." or (Alam e Joo) “Allegorical
Upon receiving this transmitted inspiration, the
human being exercises personal will, which ascends and integrates into the
Second Scripturum, merging with the program originally emanated from the
Preserved Scripturum. The blended transmission from the Second Scripturum
descends anew, embedding itself within human consciousness and instilling the
requisite insight and impetus for the individual to actualize the designated
task. An objection may be posited here: if the actualization of a program
originating from the Preserved Scripturum is contingent upon human volition,
then it could be argued that humanity is not subordinate to the Preserved
Scripturum; rather, the program inscribed within the Preserved Scripturum
appears subordinate to human agency. The reality is that the broadcasts from
the Preserved Scripturum inherently include the provision that humans possess
the freedom of intention and will. To elaborate, the Preserved Scripturum
contains a comprehensive record of the entire cosmos, encompassing angels,
jinn, planets, galactic systems, and every movement and facet of human life.
When this universal program is projected onto the screen of the Second
Scripturum, it manifests as a new representation or “film,” and as this
representation is transmitted, each creation within the cosmos takes on a
distinct identity. Thus, galaxies appear in one form, the species of jinn in
another, angels in yet another, while humans, plants, and animals each emerge
with unique characteristics and forms. Remarkably, every entity within the
cosmos is interconnected by a hidden bond; just as the entirety of the cosmos
exists within the human being, so too does it exist within an angel, a goat, or
a pigeon. Without this interconnected presence, individuals would be unable to recognize
one another. Our recognition of stars, for instance, arises from an intrinsic
and hidden connection we share with them. Likewise, our belief in unseen
beings—such as angels and jinn—is compelled by the fact that their essence and
archetypes exist within us. If one were to object that a particular school of
thought does not accept the existence of jinn, it is ultimately
inconsequential, for denial itself implies an acknowledgment of something. If
something did not exist at all, then both denial and affirmation would be
irrelevant to the discussion.
It is essential to elucidate that, although the
entire cosmos is contained within the human being, the individual remains
unaware of their own position as both a constituent of the cosmos and an
integral element within its broader composition. This lack of awareness impedes
their ability to fully observe or apprehend the interconnectedness of all
The Sheikh, or spiritual guide, possesses the
understanding that the disciple is an essential constituent of the cosmos, with
an intrinsic connection to every element within it. In light of the disciple’s
cognitive capacity, the guide structures a methodical program that
progressively leads the disciple to the realization that they are a member of
God's creative order. This realization extends to an awareness that their
actions—whether in movement, perception, seeing, hearing, or understanding—are
shared with the entirety of creation. In essence, the disciple is an integral
part of the cosmic composition. It follows that the removal of any individual
component from this structure would render the whole creation incomplete.
The underlying concept is that every entity within
the cosmos is interrelated and possesses the potential for mutual recognition.
Such knowledge and recognition are feasible only when the inherent capability
to perceive and discern exists within each being. This capability itself is
contingent upon the transmission of perceptive faculties from a source
inherently endowed with these attributes. In this ontological framework, God
embodies the ultimate source of such capacities, and it is through divine attributes
that the faculties of hearing, seeing, understanding, and recognizing are made
manifest within creation.
God has established a vast assembly of creations,
comprising trillions of galactic systems, each containing innumerable species
and an unquantifiable number of beings beyond the scope of human enumeration.
To these beings, God has endowed essential faculties for thought,
understanding, and the innate impulse for life. Fundamentally, the capacity for
recognition originates from the Divine Essence itself, as all creations are
individually distinct, yet are unified by their singular Creator, who is
absolutely unique and transcendent.
Khwaja Shamsuddin Azeemi
"The heart is the abode of God. Within this sacred
place, I have glimpsed the Azeemi Galaxy. I now entrust this divine document,
containing the knowledge of God, to the radiant stars of the Magnificent
Galaxies, so they may illuminate their hearts with this divine light."